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everybody wants a bloodborne remaster/remake but i dont think it would turn out as good as the original

I think the Flamelurker re-design was the only thing that was lacking in the new remake but bluepoint fixed it after the criticisms started coming after the trailer dropped. I think in light of this they would def keep a 1:1 design on all the bloodborne assetts. In BluePoint I trust!


Bluepoint on the matter:

Remakes are inherently difficult due to the subject matter being sacred in many ways. On this project especially, we examined and interpreted the subject matter carefully making sure that the core of the game remained intact while still putting our own personality into it. It’s a balance that I hope people appreciate and enjoy.

EDIT: found this image

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Demon's Souls remake is mostly fine from a graphical perspective, they flubbed the art design on a few things but it's not a huge deal compared to the tremendous increase in overall graphical fidelity. Where it falls flat is with the voice acting and especially with the music. I would hope Bluepoint has learned their lesson and won't insist on rearranging and rerecording Bloodborne's audio.
Everybody? I’d rather the resources were put elsewhere if I’m honest. I really enjoyed Bloodborne and it’s a good game but it isn’t the second coming of Christ like a lot of people make it out to be.

Sony should just release a 60fps patch for it. No need for a remaster/remake.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
There's a pretty solid indicator that they have the personnel to do it. When Bluepoint was acquired by Sony back in 2021, they stated that their next project would be an original title and not a remake.
I will happily stand corrected and look forward to seeing what they can do. Honestly, I would have preferred they be given the Knights of the Old Republic remake.


I know a lot of souls fans and graphics hoes would like chromatic aberration removed..

Sony, you can have this idea for free :messenger_winking: :

It would've been funny as hell if they apparently removed chromatic aberration, but then it gradually creeps back into the experience
as you gain insight..!

Mainline soulsborne games could only be more sought after, with Elden Ring blasting onto the scene..!


I came to the conclusion that people who don't want these remakes are very very vocal niche minority, most of these are wanted by people considering the sales and general reception they have.


Gold Member
Bloodborne doesn't need a remake.
A remaster would bee more than enough: Make it 60fps and as high as the res will go, maybe improve some of the textures and some small quality of life improvements.

I agree Bluepoint would probably just make the art direction worse as they did with Demon Souls


Gold Member
Just put it on PC with uncapped framerate and decent options. And port it to PS5 with 60 FPS @4K.

That's all they have to do to make people happy.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Personally, I think a sequel will be much better to invest the time and energy in.
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Gold Member
The Demon's Souls remake fell short in several ways (art, music, ambience) but Bloodborne honestly does not need a remake. A simple remaster pushing it up to 60/120 fps, higher resolution, removal of chromatic aberration, and a couple of QoL improvements (e.g. being able to rest at lanterns) would be just perfect.


Gold Member
Remasters should include the original graphics upscaled with 60+ fps along with whatever they do on top. You should be able to switch the graphics on the fly. Then you appease the people who don't want it to change and the ones who do.


Gold Member
I’d like a remake just to master all over and get another Platinum.

Performance wise I never had an issue with the original though.


The nicest person on this forum
I really don't think it was that bad, they only made his skin whiter and didn't have him smile. All the other elements of his design are there. 🤔
Are you kidding me!? They made him gross with some kind of skin disease…..why? what attracted me FROM’s games in the first place their aesthetics, I don’t want Bulepoint’s crappy art style.

I absolutely DO NOT want Bluepoint touching Bloodborn.
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Codes 208

A port with a stable framepacing, 60fps, no chromatic abbreviation and higher resolution would already be more than enough gor me to double dip
Sony/Bluepoint did the equivalent of painting over someone else's work and adding unnecessary changes to sell to the common denominator.

Bluepoint: "Duhh, people like BlOodBoRnE?! Demon's Souls ReMaKe = BLodbOrnE"

What do you expect from a company who didn't have faith in the original to begin with. ATLUS is the one everyone should be thanking for the Souls genre's success, not Soyny in my pants.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Jacking resolution and frame-rate cleans up the image perceptually and that cleanliness is inevitably going to stand against the atmosphere of filth and grime that is integral to the feel of the thing.

I think a lot of people underestimate the value of lo-fi aesthetics to mood. Its a major reason why modern horror movies often feel flat and lacking in grit to me; when everything's so clean and sharp (and usually put through layers of grading and inferno tweaks) it actually feels less "real" to me.

Then again I've never got people's problems with CA and other deliberately implemented visual imperfections; sure, I'm down with making such things toggleable on and off for those who do, but I've never seen the value given the illusion being projected is always striving towards reality as experienced on a screen, not reality as that seen directly to the naked eye.


Jacking resolution and frame-rate cleans up the image perceptually and that cleanliness is inevitably going to stand against the atmosphere of filth and grime that is integral to the feel of the thing.

I think a lot of people underestimate the value of lo-fi aesthetics to mood. Its a major reason why modern horror movies often feel flat and lacking in grit to me; when everything's so clean and sharp (and usually put through layers of grading and inferno tweaks) it actually feels less "real" to me.

Then again I've never got people's problems with CA and other deliberately implemented visual imperfections; sure, I'm down with making such things toggleable on and off for those who do, but I've never seen the value given the illusion being projected is always striving towards reality as experienced on a screen, not reality as that seen directly to the naked eye.
True I kind of liked the violent chromatic aberration in Bloodborne. On the other hand, giving it a decent frame rate and high resolution will absolutely not ruin the atmosphere.


Are you kidding me!? They made him gross with some kind of skin disease…..why? what attracted me FROM’s games in the first place their aesthetics, I don’t want Bulepoint’s crappy art style.

I absolutely DO NOT want Bluepoint touching Bloodborn.
Bro they slightly altered the design of one enemy, that's not enough ruin an entire gorgeous ground-up remake of an amazing game.


The nicest person on this forum
Bro they slightly altered the design of one enemy, that's not enough ruin an entire gorgeous ground-up remake of an amazing game.
I’m sorry just didn’t liked most design changes to the remake, I really didn’t.

I’m not alone…


Yeah i dont want a remake, game doesnt need a remake, it just need a small upgrade, so a remaster is the best bet, it also easier effort wise, so i dont get it, pretty sure even if they charge full price for a remaster everyone will happily pay, so just do it.
Minimum effort, maximum satisfaction.


Just look at demon's soul , the remake has amazing graphics , draw distance but it seems that it lost all its dark fantasy feeling , now it looks like a generic fantasy game

Bloodborne has some if not the best lovecraftian atmosphere , i seriously doubt that they could keep that if they made a remake , maybe a remaster with resolution and framerate upgrade
I have to disagree. The remake was better than the original Demon souls. The only difference is the new experience playing a FROM Souls game for the first time.
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Demons Souls remake is fantastic, as is the original Demons Souls.
A Bloodborne remake given the same care would be pure bliss. As several others have noted here: a remake does not erase the original.

That being said, a high-res PC version in 120 fps would also be quite nice.
Both? Yes please.

All ps4 Sony exclusives should have PS5 patches! That goes for Driveclub, Gravity Rush 2, The Order, and Last Guardian.

Same with Microsoft. They shouldve already patched Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Ryse son of rome, forza horizon 3, and quantum Break! Sony has updated more exclusives than Microsoft has. That's crazy since Series X was supposed to be the BC machine.
Just look at demon's soul , the remake has amazing graphics , draw distance but it seems that it lost all its dark fantasy feeling , now it looks like a generic fantasy game

Bloodborne has some if not the best lovecraftian atmosphere , i seriously doubt that they could keep that if they made a remake , maybe a remaster with resolution and framerate upgrade
No it didn't. Very few souls lover had this idea. It's nostalgia speaking.


Remasters should include the original graphics upscaled with 60+ fps along with whatever they do on top. You should be able to switch the graphics on the fly. Then you appease the people who don't want it to change and the ones who do.
Wonder Boy 3: The Dragon's Trap did this wonderfully. You could play with the enhanced graphics and sound or turn them on/off independently.


Are you kidding me!? They made him gross with some kind of skin disease…..why? what attracted me FROM’s games in the first place their aesthetics, I don’t want Bulepoint’s crappy art style.

I absolutely DO NOT want Bluepoint touching Bloodborn.

But look at the original design, the enemy is still very fat, has stained pants, has rolls of fat as a neck, the biggest difference is that it has smooth black skin and it's smiling. I really don't think it is much of a departure, all the key elements are there. I honestly felt the atmosphere was still there and the quality of life improvements made the game better to play.

And look, that was a PS3 game, the original assets are not very detailed, so there was room for interpretation when remaking the game. Bloodborne's assets are way more detailed and would be much easier to retouch and update, and Bluepoint are fantastic at keeping the original gameplay.


Just look at demon's soul , the remake has amazing graphics , draw distance but it seems that it lost all its dark fantasy feeling , now it looks like a generic fantasy game

Bloodborne has some if not the best lovecraftian atmosphere , i seriously doubt that they could keep that if they made a remake , maybe a remaster with resolution and framerate upgrade
Dont agree, the atmosphere in the remake is sublime. Shrine of Storms is a perfect example, the lighting, props, rain, mood, colour palette, whatever really make the area amazing to play through, same can be said for Latria and the Valley of Defilement which is just perfect.
Now the remake isnt perfect, and some of the visuals do downplay the dark fantasy aspect but the atmosphere still shines through.
Now consider Bluepoints Shadow of the Colossus and how they handled that games art direction perfectly, Im confident they could nail Bloodbornes art direction and no doubt they would deliver a 60fps remake. If we’re getting a remake or sequel Im confident Sony knows just how important nailing the look and feel will be.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Nah. 60fps visual upgrade BB would be heat.

A sequel not done by fromsoft though is a recipe for failure though no matter how talented the studio. From only understands their formula through and through. The imitators always seem to fail to grasp even the most basic concepts.
I think most people just want 60fps…this coming from a non-souls fan boy. I play the games scattered on occasion, but this one is utterly unplayable to me because of the frame rate. Side note, I love the setting and would love to enjoy this one.
We don't need a fucking remake. We just need the original Remastered, higher res, better textures, bugs fixed, improved lighting and Frame Pacing fixed as well.
Don't change core designs. Fuckers destroyed the Fat Official.
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