Rolling Girl
I like both of them, so I'm okay with that. THREESOME END PLZ!
One? All of them do. As (was it the reporter girl?) detailed early on, they just have to groom him up and wait for him to turn sixteen. :lolcosmicblizzard said:Hell, one of them even wants it.
Dresden said:One? All of them do. As (was it the reporter girl?) detailed early on, they just have to groom him up and wait for him to turn sixteen. :lol
InfiniteNine said:Nodoka is such a dirty girl...
*cough* Well excuse me now...
I totally missed that. :lolInfinite Justice said:He's talking the actual threesome, IIRC it was scribbled by her journal reading her thoughts
Excuse me number 3.Branduil said:This thread always finds new lows.
This thread aims to deliver.Branduil said:This thread always finds new lows.
That it does.Jexhius said:This thread aims to deliver.
Good for you.Branduil said:Anyway, I think this is the part where I call Akamatsu a hack whose enriched himself by making anime worse in almost every way.
How was the dub, anyways?Salazar said:Rewatching Gurren Lagann.
Watched it dubbed first time around for some reason. Watching it Japanese now.
Dresden said:How was the dub, anyways?
mAcOdIn said:Hmm of your shows?
Squid Girl
Ore no Imouto
The World Only God Knows
Star Driver
Panty and Stocking
Samurai Girls
Milky Holmes - Unknown as I haven't seen it.
I agree it's nothing special itself.
I know, how dare someone not share the same taste as me.A Black Falcon said:I see what you mean then, that is a completely different order from mine for sure... apart from how you can't really rank one you haven't watched (I would say the same for ones I haven't seen), I don't know if we agree on anything, order-wise.![]()
Woah, woah, woah, I merely rearranged your list in the order I would rank those particular shows, that's not my list, my list wouldn't have Star Driver, Panty and Stocking, Samurai Girls, The World God Only Knows or MM! on it. That said, Squid Girl might still be on the top, I don't mean to imply that it's a great show merely that everything this season is pretty poor. If I were to make a ranking now I'd do it as so:A Black Falcon said:... Huh, what? If it's your favorite show of the season, then what do you mean by this?
Bravery or stupidity, I can't tell which one.Regulus Tera said:Okay which of you fuckers is the one watching Ore no Imouto in Personal Finance class?
Definitely the latter. I mean if it was something AWESOME there'd be room for a bro-five, followed by an inverted-secret-handshake and swapping of pass-codes.Dresden said:Bravery or stupidity, I can't tell which one.
Oh, right, shamelessness.
What a bro, I'd take him out to grab some drinks to discuss the glory of Ayase.Regulus Tera said:Okay which of you fuckers is the one watching Ore no Imouto in Personal Finance class?
I should watch Lain for Holloween. I also plan to watch Kakurenbo.Lain said:This image alone is enough to make me want to buy the Lain BD release, but it is so damn expensive. I can only hope there'll be a BD release in Europe or America.
Halycon said:I'll be honest Lain's animation felt shoddy to me. Except toward the end with that thing with the tentacles.
Regulus Tera said:Okay which of you fuckers is the one watching Ore no Imouto in Personal Finance class?
:lol :lol :lolcosmicblizzard said:Better than watching Bible Black in Epistemology class. Best part is the dude was sitting in front of a mirror so we all saw it but no one said anything.
cosmicblizzard said:Better than watching Bible Black in Epistemology class. Best part is the dude was sitting in front of a mirror so we all saw it but no one said anything.
Halycon said:What was Bible Black Only?
Never heard of it. Gaiden was the prequel and Shin was the sequel right?Regulus Tera said:The one about the one-shots.
Halycon said:Never heard of it.
:lol :lol :lolcosmicblizzard said:Better than watching Bible Black in Epistemology class. Best part is the dude was sitting in front of a mirror so we all saw it but no one said anything.
Regulus Tera said:It's a bunch of "what ifs" that they take as an excuse to rape the girls once again.
It's better because it doesn't have any plot.
Ignis Fatuus said:TWGOK 4
Filler though it may be, it had a surprisingly good execution.
I'm less pleased that Chapter 7 is again taking up a whole episode by itself. I've given up trying to predict what chapters will go where this season. I just hope that that last bit of art there at the end with Haqua in it isn't just some cruel tease.
I thought it was pretty funny as well. Especially how they mocked generic romance shows/games with the little montages+ending.firehawk12 said:Just caught the episode. Maybe it's because it was about a broken game, but I actually found it to be hilarious.
Dresden said:How was the dub, anyways?
Blader5489 said:I thought it was pretty good.
Who are you and what have you done with mandoric.Mandoric said:So about that -good- SHAFT show that's getting a couple eps this season.
InfiniteNine said:The Dub is less manly.