What ammo issue? Half my guns have over 1k ammo, the other half has (shotgun for example) has 500. Hell I have over 1500 fusion cells for my laser stuff
Well I crash every time I fast travel now.
60 hours in, finally having bugged out issues.
man those 35 court defenses really didnt want me to get that X-01 armor huh
3/4/1/3/4/7/7What SPECIAL spec did you guys start at? I went all 4s to get a taste of everything.. but now I have an idea of what I like and don't like.
Just curious what you ran through as first time.
How? I really struggle with ammo.
How? I really struggle with ammo.
At the Third Rail? Haha I remember that.I just fucked.Magnolia
What a time to be alive
It seems that we're (finally) getting a patch soon..
How? I really struggle with ammo.
Just finished the Cabot family quest.What do you get if you stick with Jack, because I sided with Lorenzo and having unlimited serum seems pretty great. Cool quest though, and I managed to persuade Edward to turn on Jack. He then called me crazy for siding with Lorenzo afterwards lol
I just fucked.Magnolia
What a time to be alive
It seems that we're (finally) getting a patch soon..
Get the Hazmat suit from a quest in Goodneighbour. You can explore that area to your heart's content.Man, the [area spoilers]Glowing Sea. The whole time I was there I was constantly checking behind myself and looking everywhere for sometime to totally fuck me over. I just wanted to get the fuck out of there as fast as I could. Something really claustrophobic about that area.
Get the Hazmat suit from a quest in Goodneighbour. You can explore that area to your heart's content.
You get a shit unique rad gun with a unique type of ammo
Rad as in radiation, not rad as in dope![]()
You get a shit unique rad gun with a unique type of ammo
Rad as in radiation, not rad as in dope
I tried and she shot me down
Cant wait for lone wanderer to be fixed to not allow dogmeat and ill have wasted 3 points ;_;
Get the Hazmat suit from a quest in Goodneighbour. You can explore that area to your heart's content.
Can't wait for things to break!
Cant wait for lone wanderer to be fixed to not allow dogmeat and ill have wasted 3 points ;_;
Or just use power armor
Get the Hazmat suit from a quest in Goodneighbour. You can explore that area to your heart's content.
So what names has everyone giving to their weapons?
My characters name is Marceline (after adventure time I love that show and name), and my go to gun is a combat shotgun with 76 damage, drum magazine and a host of other mods. Slowly working it's way up. It's called Adventure Time as I can't go on am adventure without it.
I can't, because I spec'd Lone Wanderer.
The 25% damage boost it does at max level is preeeeeeeeeeetty sweet. +100 carry weight and 33% damage reduction are also included in that package, I did not miss my companions one bit.
Great thing is that you can take dogmeat with you and still get that benefit.
So what names has everyone giving to their weapons?
My characters name is Marceline (after adventure time I love that show and name), and my go to gun is a combat shotgun with 76 damage, drum magazine and a host of other mods. Slowly working it's way up. It's called Adventure Time as I can't go on am adventure without it.
I remember the first time I went there I just used Rad-X and RadAway to survive somehow.Damn I didn't even know about that. This was the first time I really used my power suit.
I'm not in a rush to go back but I bet there's some neat stuff I missed
I've... seen things.But then you have no defense for the horrors that lurk.
The more I play the better it gets! Been playing solid since release. There's always something new happening around the next corner. My personal GOTY.
Well, you're not alone.
It's definitely a bug, right? I think I've read it on one of the loading screen descripsions that dogmeat is a companion, so lone wanderer shouldn't be active if we're bringing dogmeat with us.
God damnit Preston.
It's like Fallout 1 all over again.
25+ hours not even to diamond city yet. Finally found one legendary enemy which was a raider. Drops a freaking melee weapon which is useless for me.
Playing on very hard too.
Settlers bugged a second set of power armor out of existence. Storing my stuff in uninhabited settlements from now on. This is infuriating.
Anyone else get genuinely scared by ghoul infested buildings? I don't know whether it's the enhanced audio, or that they seem to come out of nowhere but this one gets scarier than the precious titles for me.
Especiallycomic book store
check out the SCAVENGER perk - 3rd down from LUCKHow? I really struggle with ammo.
I'm convinced the game is fighting against me happiness wise. Left Sanctuary for 2 minutes and happiness dropped from 98 to 91.
Yea, must be bugged. They keep bitching about beds when it isn't even red.
I think I'm going to kill them.