You cherry pick akuma as an example, do the rest of the old characters not count as "other versions"?
I read this as
[Do] They ban old characters in other games like ST?
If I misinterpreted that, and you meant "do they ban other characters in games other than ST", then apologies. But as I read it, you were asking specifically about whether or not they ban old characters in ST (and
all characters in ST are old, ya know).
I thought he still could trade DP into ultra? It's like Daigo's signature move.
They took that out in Super.
It wasn't taken out completely, but Sagat, Ken, and Ryu's ability to trade off DP was hampered
Super trap was so good back in the day. I would never burn meter because I wanted to troll people with it. I remember once this Abel was FADC'ing my fireballs from full screen thinking he was safe. I waited for him to absorb 3 before I let it rip. Basically 500 damage right there and we stayed about as far apart as possible from each other.
I never understood why meter strategy changed so much in people's minds once this trap was removed. If you play Ryu, your super is still super effective, as it's more versatile in terms of how you can connect with it vs. U1 (e.g. you can combo into it more easily, air tatsu into it).
Gootecks/Mike Ross commentary on ESGN needs a lot of work. They're just giggling at each other half the time.
I'm ok with this. I think it's an order of magnitude better than Gootecks and Tasteless.
EVO registration is live
Booked my room. Didn't register yet
For all of you here that go, I better see all of you there.
House of Crack isn't an open venue. Next Level is. Huge difference.
Contacting someone randomly to ask to go to their place makes a bunch of people very uncomfortable for a number of reasons I that I can understand completely.
Unless you're a very straightforward/direct person who is ok with approaching people like this (and not many are, frankly), it's difficult to do something like that.
Not familiar with riot, but doesn't look like the same Riot that published Telenet games back in the day.
League of Legends.