Flux is probably gonna call me out again on chat if he sees me but meh, its just an opinion. He shouldn't be on team EC, heck I was against Noel Brown last time he was put on time NY but he's proven himself to be a very smart player and should be in Flux's spot.
GreenAce is extremely solid and proficient with his combos. Yipes is Yipes, he's the hype man. Rayray is Yipe's student, done and said. Flocker is the EVO champ, can't argue with that. Then you have Flux... I have nothing to hype to say. I used to really like him when he first started out and was getting a name for himself at Ascension 2 years ago (or was it Summer something... I forgot) when he almost beat F. Champ but choked and Champ came back 3 matches on him. Ever since then, he has disappointed me, makes it top 8, omg itz de bezt, Flux is there, but that's all it is. The only thing I can give him is his meme, ANY AMOUNT!