And Lovren. And Lambert. And Balotelli. An Borini. And Mignolet. And Jones. And Johnson. And Enrique. And Toure possibly.
I'm hoping that even if we end up with a poor season, the lack of alternatives will keep Rodgers in charge tbh. Definitely have to improve in all aspects though.
Handanovic is boss.
Mignolet, Lovren and Balo are already gone in my eyes.
Toure, Jones and Johnson are out of contract this summer.
Borini will move on either this window or next, it's difficult seeing how he can turn his Liverpool career around here.
Enirque will probably be sold this summer as well but for peanuts since he's trash and is barely match fit.
Lambert will retire here in a couple seasons, his wages will be so small it won't be worth the heart break of selling him :/