I'm using shield and santier spear and it just feels too slow
Any recommendation on rings? Would extra poise help?
Focus the bow guy, lure the heavy guy into low terrain and kill the second dude, let the heavy to the last
I'm using shield and santier spear and it just feels too slow
Any recommendation on rings? Would extra poise help?
I must be doing something wrong if everyone is making it sound so easy. I will get one alone for a split second and the other two are right on my ass.
Is it easier without the npcs? They don't do jack shit
I for one loved Bloodborne, but i think it lacked so much good stuff that Dark Souls have.
I finnished main story in Bloodborne and have not touched it since.
I have spent countless hours on Darksouls 1 and 2 on PS3 and just last week i started playing Dark Souls 2 again on PS4. And after soo many hours of it in the past, i still love the game.
One thing I'm finding quite annoying now that I'm some way into the game is that aggroing a single enemy in an area, away from all others, will often auto-aggro all of them (or at least a large group) anyway, even though the others should really have no idea I'm even there. So if you try to be "smart" about getting through an area, only killing the enemies you (seemingly) really need to in order to get through (which is often tempting if it's your fifth run through or something), you'll often find yourself swarmed by something like 10 enemies. I don't remember that happening in DkS1? There you could carefully aggro just the enemies you wanted to kill, and avoid the others, but that doesn't seem to be a valid tactic here.
The bosses are disappointing thus far as well. They've really just been slightly larger enemies, sort of, none of the huge crazy demons from DkS1 (or BB, or even really DeS). Just doesn't seem like the same effort has gone into them. Ok, The Last Giant was sort of big I suppose, but rather unimaginatively designed. Just a big rock dude with a hole where his face should be.
And the controls feels slightly off. Not bad, just not quite right. And as others have complained about, the magnetic lock-on swivel enemies do to face you is quite annoying.
And level design, yeeeah, it's been pretty meh so far. Fine, I suppose, but meh.
But with all that said, I'm having fun so far. A lot of fun, actually. This is still Souls, just not quite the amazing Souls of yore. Hopefully DkS3 will be a true return to form.
And those three bosses were literally taken from Demon souls
I'm still surprised that they also share the attack pattern and animation.
What's funny is that they were also going to recycle the final boss of Demons and have you fight him before the four kings but ran out of time/money.
I found Iron Keep to be a nightmare in SotFS. I'm playing a pure spellcaster and I lost a majority of my spells by the time I clear the way to Smelter. There's just too much going on there and just running to the boss isn't really working.
Fake!Allant is awesome and I would have loved to fight him again (minus the soul sucking feature)
I found Iron Keep to be a nightmare in SotFS. I'm playing a pure spellcaster and I lost a majority of my spells by the time I clear the way to Smelter. There's just too much going on there and just running to the boss isn't really working.
Fake!Allant is awesome and I would have loved to fight him again (minus the soul sucking feature)
Fake!Allant is awesome and I would have loved to fight him again (minus the soul sucking feature)
Apologies for the late response.There is at least one a month. It's a very divisive game.
I have said it before but if you value character build veriety, amount of game and PvP over everything else then you will probably love the game. However that doesn't mean peoples complaints aren't legitimate. I replayed most of ds1 recently just to confirm my issues were with ds2 alone and I wasn't just misremembering ds1 and I feel it is a much stronger game in things like character control, combat, enemy placement, level design, story and boss design. I feel ds1 takes a huge drop in quality after O&S though and will happily replay up to and including this fight. I have no real desire to play ds2 again.
So you say you don't understand the complaints but is that really true or do those things just not bother you? Because there is a difference.
Have you played the DLC for Bloodborne? I find it really adds a lot of variety the original was missing, especially in terms of weapons.
I found Iron Keep to be a nightmare in SotFS. I'm playing a pure spellcaster and I lost a majority of my spells by the time I clear the way to Smelter. There's just too much going on there and just running to the boss isn't really working.
Fake!Allant is awesome and I would have loved to fight him again (minus the soul sucking feature)
Without reading the other posts I'm going to give my thoughts on the game.. Some quick backstory:
Bought Demons Souls after Gamespot gave it Game of the Year. Pleasantly enjoyed it but I didn't beat it, I played through to like world 5-1. Bought Dark souls later on PS3, accidentally attacked the first blacksmith and didn't feel like replaying so I stopped that. In comes Bloodborne and I played all the way through that and loved it. Went back to Demons Souls and finished it. Bought Dark Souls on PC and played through it all the way this time in 60fps and HD mod. Then finally bought Dark Souls 2 during Black Friday and started playing it a little over a week ago. My impressions:
Started the game Playing full sword and board, played about 4 hours in and realized the encounters between bonfires felt more tedious and the enemies sometimes overwhelming. Not all the time, but enough that it seemed that where you would normally memorize a path back to a certain point through learning enemies move sets and encounters wasn't enough when you had 5 other enemies ganging up on you that you couldn't secure a full estus always. As in, things wouldn't always go as expected even though you knew what to expect. It's not exactly the name of the game after 3 previous treks through similar titles. Especially the annoyance of hard to reach archers or mages while dealing with numerous other enemies along the way. So, I respcced a sorcerer to have some ranged and quickly grabbed a shield and have been using the Fire Lonsword paired with a shield since. I just finished Earthen Peak and I think the flow of the game has been a lot better. I like the variety of areas but I feel like instead of traps and smart AI encounters, there's a cheapness (cliche, I know) to some of the fights that makes me rely on ranged battle often enough. It's enough that I wouldn't want to deal with having to do all those fights between boss deaths without having magic or ranged damage to make it quicker getting back to the boss gate.
There was an area very easy on that looked like Anor Lando, I forget the name but it had a dragon and the boss was the. Getting back to the boss felt like a drag with large hard hitting enemies. Half of which easy to dodge, the other half being easier to just blast with Soul Arrows. Even though it was an easy boss, taking 20 minutes to get back to him if you died was annoying.Dragon Rider
Oh, that was fake? A shame.
No, that unused Dark Souls boss wasn't fake (although I'm not sure I'd say he shares much in common with the False King aside from using his voice clips). KZXcellent probably meant thatthe False King was a fake Allant.
Some distant animations look really stupid, like guys in fotfg running around like crazy with a totally static upper body, felt so off...
Santier is too slow? Uhhh... did you, well, break it?I'm using shield and santier spear and it just feels too slow
Any recommendation on rings? Would extra poise help?
People keep claiming this thing about 10 enemies at once and I'm wondering if it's a trolling meme at this point. I think about the entire game and I can't recall a single moment where it happens. Sure, 2-4 enemies are common in semi-scripted ambushes, but that is hardly unique for DS2.
So, I guess I'm calling this out now. Give me a concrete example of where this happens or stop parroting this bullshit. For fun, I can provide one example. In the parish cathedral, second floor... In DS1!
So Bloodborne was my first souls. I've beaten it 4 times. Love it. The sheer experience of playing through it is why I play video games. Beyond epic.
Recently beat Ds2 Sotfs. Still have a few things to wrap up and will do ng+. Love it. Not as much as Bloodborne. Combat felt floaty and using magic is a joke. However, mixing magic, shields and blasting i-frames. Learning each weapons nuances and movements. Deep stuff, and very fun.
I am working through Dark Souls now, I am in the Undead Parish. I can tell based on level design,Undead Burg was better than almost all Ds2 levels in terms of design and atmosphere, weight of character movements and how movement feels that Ds2 is different that this and BB.
I bought demons on sale recently and tried it for maybe five minutes. Not going to touch it until after Ds is beaten. Felt good though, and looked a lot better than I expected.
But seriously. It's damn good. They all are. Don't be nitpicky and enjoy the experience.
You could always run directly to the boss. It would take a minute or two tops.There was an area very early on that looked like Anor Lando, I forget the name but it had a dragon and the boss was the. Getting back to the boss felt like a drag with large hard hitting enemies. Half of which easy to dodge, the other half being easier to just blast with Soul Arrows. Even though it was an easy boss, taking 20 minutes to get back to him if you died was annoying.Dragon Rider
Unrelated to what this thread is really about, but this happened to me yesterday, thought it was pretty funny:
Bradley of the Old Guard is summoned and promptly vanquishes himself through a heroic plunge of glory!
Thanks, Bradley, awesome job there.
Right on the big stone stairs in No Man's Wharf. If you don't kill all of the enemies on the lower level before going up, ALL of them (or at least all the ones closest to the stairs) will come running as soon as you aggro an enemy you cannot avoid. They don't give a shit about you when you run past them, but then they'll come running once their buddy telepathically summons them. Ok, it probably isn't 10 of them, but you'll at least be fighting like 6-7 guys there.
Some distant animations look really stupid, like guys in fotfg running around like crazy with a totally static upper body, felt so off...
But that is a scripted ambush, with four normals and one bigger guy IIRC. If you don't clear the archer on the walkway and/or move on up the stairs you can trigger more mobs (big guy up top or the dogs roaming the side area).
I wonder if people would be bothered as much if enemies actually called for help.
But that is a scripted ambush, with four normals and one bigger guy IIRC. If you don't clear the archer on the walkway and/or move on up the stairs you can trigger more mobs (big guy up top or the dogs roaming the side area).
I wonder if people would be bothered as much if enemies actually called for help.
Once you get to town, you get your first bonfire. If you decide to go to Heide's Tower, you travel through several stretches of vacant winding staircase and empty sewers (very little in the way of bodies, scrapped weapons, broken bricks, and all the other stuff that makes the world seem lived in), until you hit your first enemy since the intro area. Kill this ONE enemy, hang a right, and you've found yourself a second bonfire. There's actually another bonfire within viewing distance not far from here (up the stairs in the first large tower, the one with three large Knights in the circular room) and you only have a few more enemies to kill to get there.
Dark souls 2 does suck because it was made by the original producer, he went to make Bloodborne
Demons Souls and Dark Souls 1 both are top tier games
Dark Souls 3 should be good as the producer has returned
Dark souls 2 does suck because it was made by the original producer, he went to make Bloodborne
Demons Souls and Dark Souls 1 both are top tier games
Dark Souls 3 should be good as the producer has returned
Unrelated to what this thread is really about, but this happened to me yesterday, thought it was pretty funny:
Bradley of the Old Guard is summoned and promptly vanquishes himself through a heroic plunge of glory!
Thanks, Bradley, awesome job there.
Don't you have a magic mace +5 to swing around? There's a Magic Mace nicely placed in Huntsman's Copse.I found Iron Keep to be a nightmare in SotFS. I'm playing a pure spellcaster and I lost a majority of my spells by the time I clear the way to Smelter. There's just too much going on there and just running to the boss isn't really working.
Curiously I've seen some people think like this when mentioning Souls series final bosses.Ohhh. Well, I doubt anyone thinks of real Allant as the final boss
Not lost in translation so much as what we have now is a cobbled together version of two disparite game designs that was the product of a semi troubled development history.Yeah, something about DS2's areas definitely got lost in translation based on their concept art.
I mean, look at this stuff:
Nothing in the game comes even close to capturing this feel.
It's true, you do have to beat a 2nd boss in order to get that next bonfire. But that boss is a quick stroll from the first bonfire in Heide's Tower area, which is a quick stroll from the starting town.No there isn't. You have to defeat the boss to get another bonfire. And the first bonfire is placed appropriately otherwise you have to run from Majula when you die.
Compare this to No Man's Wharf (one of the better areas in the game) where you have to make your way through numerous enemies and have to open up various shortcuts before you're rewarded with another checkpoint. It's bad level design and enemy placement, pure and simple.
Did anyone even notice this stuff until after they tried mapping the collision data? The only egregious example I think anyone noticed was the Iron Keep elevator, which, let's be fair, was bad, but it's pretty obvious something got cut and they didn't have a lot of time to fix it.
It can definitely be "hard for the sake of being hard" like most areas in Dark Souls 2, but I still enjoyed it a lot. There are a lot of secret paths and optional areas, good visual design, challenging-but-fair enemies, and IMO the groups of enemies are usually a variety of different types, which I find interesting.I personally think No Man's Wharf is one of the worst zones in the game.
There's so much 'cheap' stuff in NMW it's ridiculous. First it's 'dark'. Very dark. Meaning you don't see what mobs are ahead of you, and even lighting torches doesn't do enough. The whole Pharos contraption is barely enough.
Second, literally there isn't a single area/encounter that doesn't quickly become 'more than you bargained for'. You think it's going to be a 1, maybe 2 mob fight, and before you know it, you have 5 mobs in your face, 3 of which magically showed up behind you. Whether it's the vikings in the water hanging onto the edge of the dock, or some other random ambush, or nightcrawler thing about ready to break out of a wall, every fight in NMW feels cheap. It's literally like going through a Haunted House where every corner has a 'suprise.' Combine that with fire arrow archers and black tar lobbers, it's a meatgrinder level that arguably comes 'too early' in the game.
Did anyone even notice this stuff until after they tried mapping the collision data? The only egregious example I think anyone noticed was the Iron Keep elevator, which, let's be fair, was bad, but it's pretty obvious something got cut and they didn't have a lot of time to fix it.
Not trying to troll, genuinely curious.
Did anyone even notice this stuff until after they tried mapping the collision data? The only egregious example I think anyone noticed was the Iron Keep elevator, which, let's be fair, was bad, but it's pretty obvious something got cut and they didn't have a lot of time to fix it.
Not trying to troll, genuinely curious.
Ironically, in Bloodborne that'sYeah its pretty obvious throughout. Ds1 and bloodborne both felt like one consistent world that was interconnected. They also had this great design where you would unlock shortcuts back to the same bonfire / lamp because the levels twisted around them selves. This was pretty much entirely absent in ds2 and instead you had secret bonfire to find instead.
They would have been better of not calling it a souls game and having it set in some sort of purgatory where the world was made up of the strongest lingering souls memories. Then the design would at least make some sort of sense.