JareBear: Remastered

So I have Uplay+ but I rarely used it and decided I need to start taking advantage of it more so recently.
I have been running through Far Cry titles (while finally playing some AC:Odyssey on the side, what a great game)
I remember loving Far Cry and Far Cry 2 when I was younger. I remember the sense of scale, draw distance, felt very impressive/

Far Cry 3 seemed to take it to a whole new level. The characters in that game, memorable moments, compelling villain.

The last few weeks I tried out Far Cry 4, Primal, and 5 (haven't gotten to New Dawn yet)
I couldn't get past 6 hours of FC4, just wasn't interested/into it
Far Cry Primal is awesome so far, loving it, 14 hours in and playing every day

FC5 has impressed me with the visuals (maxed out settings with the ultra texture pack installed), only played fora couple hours though, am gonna finish Primal first, then after FC5 will try New Dawn.
I like the XP system of earlier FC games. I do not like the perk system in FC5 and, from what I read, New Dawn has too.
Something about seeing XP tick up after a kill just keeps me going for more. I am just one of those "needs a carrot dangling in front of me" gamers I guess.
I have never really gotten into the MP portions these games offer, in various forms. From what I understand some offered PvP, some offered PvE, some both. I really don't know how well any of that played out.
If I had to vote, I would say so far Primal is my favorite, but FC3 is SO good too. Spent a LOT of time with that game back when it came out. FC5 seems like it has promise, need to play it more though
What say you, fellow gamers (SteveBuschemiGif)?
Thanks for reading!

Side Question
Side question:
why does FC5 with ultra texture pack run better on my PC with maxed out settings than FC3, FCP, and FC4?
Poor optimizations with the earlier games? Or is TAA that much of a performance saver over the prior AA solutions? It looks way better than the other games and runs noticeably better on my 2070 Super
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