Novel Mike
FYI I'd avoid youtube entirely. I was looking up a theory and I saw several clips of the leaked episode, surprised HBO doesn't seem to be taking them down very quickly.
Payback for all that Jon and Dany fanfic garbage you were spewing last weekend, lol.
Even if Jon doesn't wanna give it back to him, Jorah could at least recognize that the sword belongs in his family. If they wanna acknowledge it or not coz they could easily narratively ignore it like they ignored madd shit the last episode.
real talk though I wonder if that's all we'll see of Melisandre this season.Why not, I mean there both like what 600?
I kid
there's so many parallels you can draw out of these two characters, they're just so perfect for each other.Why do people always ship characters with no chemistry together.
I think last episode was the last time Sam & Jorah will see each other this season. Jorah's got no reason to stay at Oldtown and Sam ain't got his MD yet.Sam will give Jorah his dad's sword I reckon.
Anyone of note who will be fighting white walkers needs to have a valerian steel sword.
If they don't, then I reckon they will die before the end of the show.
I dont think Sam will be in a battle again, hence he can give his sword away to Jorah.
That's a disproportionate response there Valar. I was simply painting you a beautiful image of two gorgeous people destined to fulfil their one true purpose in life. The bringing together of ice and fire to create something awe inspiring. You on the other hand sir, have traumatised my mind by putting in there a visual of a man who is balding, old, and damn near turned into the Thing, stealing Khaleesi away and having gross sex with her.
so I wonder how many people actually know that Jon was dead/resurrected, it's his own in universe secret like how the show's secret is r+l=j. did he tell all the northern lords + Royce? Or does he hide it from generally everybody like he hid it from Dany Tyrion & Missandei?
just tryna lighten up the mood in this thread
just coz i got a traitor in my avatar don't mean i am one
yeah probably lol
i was just tryna think of stuff to talk about.
Sansa went with Jon when he asked for free folks to fight against the boltons. Tormund said about it all there. Can't remember who else was with them apart from Davos but Sansa deffo knows.
I think last episode was the last time Sam & Jorah will see each other this season. Jorah's got no reason to stay at Oldtown and Sam ain't got his MD yet.
Well then I don't have much hope for Jorah.
But maybe that means that Sam will fight a white walker again.
It doesnt make sense to introduce that sword if noone is going to fight a white walker with it.
So what happens if the Nights King is like, "hey guys, don't engage. Just sit back and watch our never ending supply of weights overwhelm them"? All this talk about Valyrian Steel swords, but they're only good if the White Walkers are stupid enough to get their hands dirty. I'd just sit back and throw wave after wave of weights at them, till they're all dead.
Real Talk
He finaly got out of that nasty ass shirt last episode. Like WTF 6 seasons with 1 shirt?
That's a disproportionate response there Valar. I was simply painting you a beautiful image of two gorgeous people destined to fulfil their one true purpose in life. The bringing together of ice and fire to create something awe inspiring. You on the other hand sir, have traumatised my mind by putting in there a visual of a man who is balding, old, and damn near turned into the Thing, stealing Khaleesi away and having gross sex with her.
real talk though I wonder if that's all we'll see of Melisandre this season.
there's so many parallels you can draw out of these two characters, they're just so perfect for each other.
I think last episode was the last time Sam & Jorah will see each other this season. Jorah's got no reason to stay at Oldtown and Sam ain't got his MD yet.
Never even though about that but you're right, dude wore the same shit the whole time, lol.
lol...Iain Glen is handsome as fuck though.
Jon x Dany is not garbage! It is destiny!
why does that mean you don't have hope for Jorah?
well then you always had the right feeling, manI can't wait for that to happen. Generally I don't ship tv couples but damn, I always felt that both of them are destined to be together.
because if you dont own a valerian steel sword, you are unlikely to survive the white walkers.
Owning a valerian steel sword or controlling a dragon (as in Dany's case and my belief that Tyrion can too) is pretty good plot armour in my opinion.
All they need is a moat of fire to hold the wights back.So what happens if the Nights King is like, "hey guys, don't engage. Just sit back and watch our never ending supply of weights overwhelm them"? All this talk about Valyrian Steel swords, but they're only good if the White Walkers are stupid enough to get their hands dirty. I'd just sit back and throw wave after wave of weights at them, till they're all dead.
As far as Daenerys goes, I say she can fuck off. That's my new opinion, replacing my old opinion, which was no opinion.
When she was running around Slaver's Bay starting fights with Unambiguously Bad Guys who had no backstory, all was fine. I enjoyed her various advisors and the slow progression of the dragons was cool to see unfold. She wasn't messing with any characters I cared about, just a bunch of nobodies. Sure, kill them, who cares. Take over another city, have a blast.
Now she's coming over here and is planning to kill a bunch of the best characters on the show, and she doesn't measure up at all. She's got no entertainment value outside of dragons, really. Then there is her hypocrisy and also her shitness.
If I saw Daenerys at the bus stop, I'd say this to her, completely unprovoked:
Fuck off, Daenerys! If you want to make the world a better place, why not stay in Essos. You already conquered half of it, and there are still a mess of slaves over there. Nobody in Westeros was begging for you to come save them, you sought out allies and made military deals. Your idea that you have a birthright to the throne makes you just as much a tyrant as the monsters you're fighting! This will end in a cataclysm! Leaving Essos as soon as you had a big enough fleet only proves that you were using those poor people as practice, what's to become of them now? Is this how you lead the world to peace and freedom? Have you even sent a letter? You're bad! You let those massive crowds calling your a saviour go to your head! You stink! Get OUTTA here!
The B-Show has invaded the A-Show!
I think they got ways of sidestepping that. How else would they be able to carry a human baby around without freezing it to death.All they need is a moat of fire to hold the wights back.
The white walkers don't seem to give a fuck about fire though. Which is interesting.
As far as Daenerys goes, I say she can fuck off. That's my new opinion, replacing my old opinion, which was no opinion.
When she was running around Slaver's Bay starting fights with Unambiguously Bad Guys who had no backstory, all was fine. I enjoyed her various advisors and the slow progression of the dragons was cool to see unfold. She wasn't messing with any characters I cared about, just a bunch of nobodies. Sure, kill them, who cares. Take over another city, have a blast.
Now she's coming over here and is planning to kill a bunch of the best characters on the show, and she doesn't measure up at all. She's got no entertainment value outside of dragons, really. Then there is her hypocrisy and also her shitness.
If I saw Daenerys at the bus stop, I'd say this to her, completely unprovoked:
Fuck off, Daenerys! If you want to make the world a better place, why not stay in Essos. You already conquered half of it, and there are still a mess of slaves over there. Nobody in Westeros was begging for you to come save them, you sought out allies and made military deals. Your idea that you have a birthright to the throne makes you just as much a tyrant as the monsters you're fighting! This will end in a cataclysm! Leaving Essos as soon as you had a big enough fleet only proves that you were using those poor people as practice, what's to become of them now? Is this how you lead the world to peace and freedom? Have you even sent a letter? You're bad! You let those massive crowds calling your a saviour go to your head! You stink! Get OUTTA here!
The B-Show has invaded the A-Show!
you'll probably be fine with some dragonglass...
dragonglass if for the plebs (i.e. footsoldiers) who may take out a couple of white walkers but will die too.
Valerian steel means you will fight one on one with white walker general and win, like what Jon did in that episode a few seasons back.
Youtube comments quality post.As far as Daenerys goes, I say she can fuck off. That's my new opinion, replacing my old opinion, which was no opinion.
When she was running around Slaver's Bay starting fights with Unambiguously Bad Guys who had no backstory, all was fine. I enjoyed her various advisors and the slow progression of the dragons was cool to see unfold. She wasn't messing with any characters I cared about, just a bunch of nobodies. Sure, kill them, who cares. Take over another city, have a blast.
Now she's coming over here and is planning to kill a bunch of the best characters on the show, and she doesn't measure up at all. She's got no entertainment value outside of dragons, really. Then there is her hypocrisy and also her shitness.
If I saw Daenerys at the bus stop, I'd say this to her, completely unprovoked:
Fuck off, Daenerys! If you want to make the world a better place, why not stay in Essos. You already conquered half of it, and there are still a mess of slaves over there. Nobody in Westeros was begging for you to come save them, you sought out allies and made military deals. Your idea that you have a birthright to the throne makes you just as much a tyrant as the monsters you're fighting! This will end in a cataclysm! Leaving Essos as soon as you had a big enough fleet only proves that you were using those poor people as practice, what's to become of them now? Is this how you lead the world to peace and freedom? Have you even sent a letter? You're bad! You let those massive crowds calling your a saviour go to your head! You stink! Get OUTTA here!
The B-Show has invaded the A-Show!
Worst post
I think they have enough dragonglass that they can do some large scale damage to the winter threat.
edit: what is the difference between a white walker and wight? Ive been calling them all white walkers?!?
Youtube comments quality post.
My friends on facebook apparently have no self control. Who is responsible for the Leaks? Can Trump prosecute them?
yeah i didn't like that that post much at all
yeah if you equip everyone with those then there's a standing chance. plus the dragons.I look forward to seeing what the weapons they make from dragonglass are like.
Im tipping it will be spears, arrow tips, daggers and swords only. No bombs like with wildfire or anything. are the zombies / living dead / whatever you want to call them. White Walkers are the commanding officer, so to speak. The mythical creatures you hear about in legend like the Night King whom can theoretically only be killed by dragon glass or Valyrian Steel.
My friends on facebook apparently have no self control. Who is responsible for the Leaks? Can Trump prosecute them?
nah she didn't. i think this is when he leaves to recruit them.
Wights are the zombies / living dead / whatever you want to call them. White Walkers are the commanding officer, so to speak. The mythical creatures you hear about in legend like the Night King whom can theoretically only be killed by dragon glass or Valyrian Steel.
he is a good looking man and Jorah is a good guy but he's just too old for Dany. I don't think she's attracted to him.
Relax, senpai. It's all in good fun.
do you need dragon glass to kill the wights? I reckon I remember jon thinks its fire to kill them. and you can injure them but they will resurrect if they are not burned.
do you need dragon glass to kill the wights? I reckon I remember jon thinks its fire to kill them. and you can injure them but they will resurrect if they are not burned.
oh yeah, you're right. she was there.I meant this one
I gather it wasnt probably the first time she heard it because she didnt gave any sort of reaction after that.
at least he knows his placeNo, she definitely isn't.
oh yeah, you're right. she was there.
at least he knows his place
as much as I hate to admit it, we don't really know where the Jon x Dany relationship will go this season so who knows. Jorah could get it yet.I don't think he does though.
I think he will do anything for her but ultimately because he wants to ride the dragon.
Jon and crew didn't seem to have an issue dropping wights at Hardhome and burning them will guarantee they don't come back. Valyrian steel / dragon glass seems reserved specifically for the Walkers. Fire doesn't seem to affect them either considering they basically extinguish fire they walk through.
I think you do, if not by fire.
We've seen the NK resurrect a whole lot of them at Hardhome.
Edit: I mean permanently kill.
Jorah isn't going to get Dany stop it lol. Dude's skin looks like he doubles for Deadpool. No, there's a better chance of Dany accepting a Yara marriage offer, than hooking up with Jorah. Dany should immediately name him to the Queen's Guard and get this nonsense done with forever.
as much as I hate to admit it, we don't really know where the Jon x Dany relationship will go this season so who knows. Jorah could get it yet.
Jorah isn't going to get Dany stop it lol. Dude's skin looks like he doubles for Deadpool. No, there's a better chance of Dany accepting a Yara marriage offer, than hooking up with Jorah. Dany should immediately name him to the Queen's Guard and get this nonsense done with forever.