The Artisan
lol there's no way.
people love when this show subverts expectations.
lol there's no way.
do you need dragon glass to kill the wights? I reckon I remember jon thinks its fire to kill them. and you can injure them but they will resurrect if they are not burned.
That skin could heal. Aside from that though, what do you have against him? she'd be long dead if it wasn't for him. She wouldn't have made it past the first couple seasons if he didn't have a boner for her. First because he would have let her get poisoned, second, because he probably would have done it himself, not to mention the countless of other times he advised her and killed for her.
people love when this show subverts expectations.
He's old enough to be her dad man. Great, he fucking did his sworn duties. Should he be awarded with her hand? No. Jorah is one of the most consistent and trustworthy member of her team. But the girl has already said no. Jorah can love her, but he knows they'll never be anything beyond a platonic love from her. She loves and cares for him immensely.
I rather neither of them to be honest but I'd be far more interested in a Dany and Jorah romance than a Jon and Dany, because at least it wouldn't be something that plays out like fanfiction....But this one seems like it would be 100% pointless from Dany's perspective other than throwing Jorah a pity fuck.
I rather neither of them to be honest but I'd be far more interested in a Dany and Jorah romance than a Jon and Dany, because at least it wouldn't be something that plays out like fanfiction....But this one seems like it would be 100% pointless from Dany's perspective other than throwing Jorah a pity fuck.
So what, such shit happens in real life all the time. Patrick Stewart is 77, married to a 38 year old.
I'm not saying it should happen, but shit, you're acting like he can go fuck himself. Dude has done more for her than any one else that she's rolled with over the years. By far.
if this plays out as fanfiction then the whole story dances on fanfiction, then. Like, there have been so many parallels between these 2 characters that it seems off putting to not keep the two of them together.
both of their first loves died a pretty tragic death, and they both had a role to play in their deaths. other than their first loves, the 2 of them haven't ever loved again since.They're both fanfiction...
Really, I don't want her to end up with anyone, I think her thread would be a good one to end without a pointless romance, at this point...what's the point?
There's like zero connection between the two. She only felt bad for him when he was dying of greyscale.
people love when this show subverts expectations.
both of their first loves died a pretty tragic death, and they both had a role to play in their deaths. other than their first loves, the 2 of them haven't ever loved again since.
They're both fanfiction...Both stupid and ridiculous.
Really, I don't want her to end up with anyone, I think her thread would be a good one to end without a pointless romance, at this point...what's the point?
It only really does that if you don't realize the rules the plot plays by though.
Take your average fantasy story plot points. Apply them normally to the Jon and Dany's plot lines. Everything concerning those two plot arcs is played as it normally would for any other series. Now, you apply them inversely with everything concerning the Iron Throne. So if the good guy would normally win a fight, you have him lose it and lose it bloody.
So long as you follow both of those basic rules you can predict almost every single twist in the series, from the Red Wedding to Jon's revival. Maybe not the full extent of the twist, but you can easily tell they're coming and what general shape they'll take.
Honestly, this is probably why GRRM is having such a hard time with the final books. After Jon and Dany join the main plot line and everything starts to converge around them you lose the things that made Game of Thrones what it is.
The old Khaleesi lady in the first season stated that Dany's child will be the stallion that mounts the world. What if like Mel's prophecies, old Khaleesi got the vision/prophecy wrong, and it wasn't that child that was the one destined to accomplish that? Dany states to Daario at the end of the last season, that she needs to make herself available for marriage to secure alliances. She can't marry Jorah to do that, so that leaves Jon as the only viable marriage option.
That's what's made this show for a sometimes frustrating yet very entertaining story. At this point now though I think it's fine for them to do more straightforward storytelling. having twists just for the sake of having them doesn't make the story better in my opinion. like, yeah a lot of unbelievable things have happened as the story progress but I want to believe that Jon x Dany will become a reality in its full potential.It only really does that if you don't realize the rules the plot plays by though.
Take your average fantasy story plot points. Apply them normally to the Jon and Dany's plot lines. Everything concerning those two plot arcs is played as it normally would for any other series. Now, you apply them inversely with everything concerning the Iron Throne. So if the good guy would normally win a fight, you have him lose it and lose it bloody.
So long as you follow both of those basic rules you can predict almost every single twist in the series, from the Red Wedding to Jon's revival. Maybe not the full extent of the twist, but you can easily tell they're coming and what general shape they'll take.
Honestly, this is probably why GRRM is having such a hard time with the final books. After Jon and Dany join the main plot line and everything starts to converge around them you lose the things that made Game of Thrones what it is.
you're right, we're in the end game. what would be the point? for me personally like I said, this is now as much a love story as it is a song of ice and fire and a game of thrones.So, what would be the point?
We're in end game now. So focus on that. What is the point.
The old Khaleesi lady in the first season stated that Dany's child will be the stallion that mounts the world. What if like Mel's prophecies, old Khaleesi got the vision/prophecy wrong, and it wasn't that child that was the one destined to accomplish that? Dany states to Daario at the end of the last season, that she needs to make herself available for marriage to secure alliances. She can't marry Jorah to do that, so that leaves Jon as the only viable marriage option. Six seasons worth of plot lines, and I need to see this come to fruition.
The above is a perfect example of why Jon and Dany ending up together is a shit outcome.
She doesn't need to marry Jon though, there doesn't need to be a romance between them. That plays out like a fairytale, this ain't Shrek.
and yet throughout the entire the first episode of them together, never once does she think to herself, "ok i knew on my way here that a new marriage would have to be a possibility, so, maybe marrying this stubborn bastard is what I need?"
edit: sorry for double post
Not even gonna bother skimming through this thread until next ep, but I hope somewhere out there is a theonabandonship.gif
The above is a perfect example of why Jon and Dany ending up together is a shit outcome.
That's what's made this show for a sometimes frustrating yet very entertaining story. At this point now though I think it's fine for them to do more straightforward storytelling. having twists just for the sake of having them doesn't make the story better in my opinion. like, yeah a lot of unbelievable things have happened as the story progress but I want to believe that Jon x Dany will become a reality in its full potential
Well I mean in Shrek, Fiona stays an ogre even when she gets the opportunity to change back to a human. Then later, Shrek gives up his wish to be human so that he stays true to himself. Not at all what I'd expect from fairytales.
Star India appears to have leaked the episode online through its own website. Smartprix spotted a direct link to the MP4 of the episode over at Star Indias own distribution site, allowing people to download Game of Thrones freely before sharing it with Google Drive links on Reddit.
hell, Dany was thinkin bout it long before she sailed west. And she knew it'd be first and foremost for political gain, too.You're already thinking about marrying people the first time you meet them? lol
hell, Dany was thinkin bout it long before she said west. And she knew it'd be first and foremost for political gain, too.
Nah, man, she was really heartbroken when she found out he was spying on her. She would've normally had him killed but she cared about him so much that instead she sent him away and finally forgave him after she found out she was dying. Their connection is really deep, and it's made even more apparent from how sad she was when she found out he had Greyscale. You compare that scene to her telling Daario she had to leave and it's night and day, Daara was "with" her and she didn't give a single fuck but with Jorah? She gave all the fucks.
Well I mean in Shrek, Fiona stays an ogre even when she gets the opportunity to change back to a human. Then later, Shrek gives up his wish to be human so that he stays true to himself. Not at all what I'd expect from fairytales.
It's what the series is though. These two characters were always the ones being played straight. I mean, you could change the rules on them, but it would feel awkward and I guarantee you'd hate it even more than the arc the story is currently taking.
It is actually, because the two you expect to end up together, end up together. It's exactly what you'd expect.
Lol sorry, I'll stop talking about the leak.
I mean, the twist in Shrek was that they were both ogres at the end of the movie. Outside of that, yea, it's exactly what you'd expect.
Would you expect this?
It is actually, because the two you expect to end up together, end up together. It's exactly what you'd expect.
There is no reason for them to end up together. Nothing from a plot perspective, so no I wouldn't hate it if they didn't end up together.
Right and the twist here would be that they are Aunt and Nephew...but so what, they'd end up together just the same as one would expect because he's the shrek of the story and she's the fiona. Aladdin and Jasmine etc etc.
Like what's wrong with that?
If Dany and Jon's plot lines weren't played straight the series would probably end with the White Walkers extinguishing all life on Westeros as Cersei tries desperately to hang onto her throne.
I have a question about leaked episodes in the past (like the big leak from a few years ago): Did the leaked episodes end up being exactly the same as the official releases or were the officially released episodes changed a bit? **NO TALKING ABOUT THE CURRENT SEASON!!!**
It's the most common ending to a story that's why.
I don't think Dany ever planned to fall in love again. I think she only even mentioned marriage because she knows she needs help to get more power.Yes she was thinking about a marriage, but not who the suitor would be. You don't play the courtship game of off the first meet up. First meeting was about business and getting a feel for one another. It's like you've sat down to watch a romantic film and you want the credits to start rolling 10 minutes into it.
Would you expect this?
Jon x Dany isn't just what I expected though, it's what I wanted.It is actually, because the two you expect to end up together, end up together. It's exactly what you'd expect.
There is if you look at it as a love story - I'm not saying you have to. I'm just saying it can be a love story, too.There is no reason for them to end up together. Nothing from a plot perspective, so no I wouldn't hate it if they didn't end up together.
It's the most common ending to a story that's why.
It's the most common ending to a story that's why.
It's the most common ending to a story that's why.
I've got no issue with this, no issue with them teaming up to fight in the end. Them ending up in a romance, or a marriage has no business in this story at this point.
That's not a bad thing though. It always comes down to execution. If done well it'll be great, if not it'll suck.
people like those endings when they are done well, thats why it is common.
I'm aware as to why it's common but this show isn't, and it hasn't been since the first episode when we seen a little boy get tossed from a tower for catching a brother and sister fuck.
I'm not saying twists for the sake of twists, but that it's just a mirror image of the standard plot points. But yea, at this point in the story their only choice is to play it straight because changing the rules at this point in the game would be worse.
And GoT having twists after twists has become a trope in of itself. Just give me my happy ending after the shit I've had to deal with lol. Ned, Red Wedding, Oberyn, etc. And now you have Euron sailing around the map like a sea Santa, that's handing out twists left and right. This twist nonsense has now become the norm.
GRRM said that the story will end LOTR-style bittersweet so we shouldn't expect something OD horrible anyway.
That was telegraphed a mile away though.
I'm aware as to why it's common but this show isn't, and it hasn't been since the first episode when we seen a little boy get tossed from a tower for catching a brother and sister fuck.
what do you mean by this?
The only "obvious/hero saves the day/happy ending" shit that came across for me, as a non-book reader, was last season when Ramsay Bolton was finally defeated. The purer moral characters suffered practically the whole show up until then when finally the good guys won for once.But that doesn't mean there hasn't been plenty of obvious stuff happen in the show, because there has, you just don't notice it because it's what you;d expect.
5 endings?I hope we get like 5 endings like LOTR as well.
I mean, like I said, despite the fact the King's Landing and game of thrones stuff has been the inverse of the standard tropes, Jon and Dany have been played extremely straight since literally the beginning of the show. To expect that to change at this point in the story, well it's not something you should ever expect because those are the rules the world is run by.
5 endings?