Poor Vinny

i play every elder scrolls game as a sneaky cat with a bow
im racist against cat people.
i'm sorry, but they look so fukin lame.
Poor Vinny
When everything is weird, when does that become the norm?
On that note: Is Cart Life a weird game or a normal game?
it's a weird game about normal stuff
whereas most games are normal games about weird stuff
Why wasn't Vinny on the ESO quicklook?
The biggest problem with GiantBomb is if they aren't into a game, they just rail on it constantly.
ESO is great. It's Elder Scrolls, online. That includes all the good and bad parts of TES.
That's more what I meant, sorry. Their disinterest is palpable.They didn't rail in it. They gave it a "meh". I'm a huge ES fan but it looks bland and uninteresting as fuck.
They didn't rail in it. They gave it a "meh". I'm a huge ES fan but it looks bland and uninteresting as fuck.
That's more what I meant, sorry. Their disinterest is palpable.
Do you like watching other people play TES? I think watching people play TES is boring as hell, it's all about you exploring the world.
Sometimes opinions don't line up, this is how that feels like.The biggest problem with GiantBomb is if they aren't into a game, they just rail on it constantly.
ESO is great. It's Elder Scrolls, online. That includes all the good and bad parts of TES.
Do you like watching other people play TES? I think watching people play TES is boring as hell, it's all about you exploring the world.
The biggest problem with GiantBomb is if they aren't into a game, they just rail on it constantly.
ESO is great. It's Elder Scrolls, online. That includes all the good and bad parts of TES.
That's more what I meant, sorry. Their disinterest is palpable.
Do you like watching other people play TES? I think watching people play TES is boring as hell, it's all about you exploring the world.
1 more hour till the only review that matters
That's not R.B.I. Baseball 14.
It's REALLY not and it really doesn't
Except you never really get to explore it without a million other asshats basically completing things in front of you.
It's the games' biggest problem by far. TES is defined by the level of exploration within, the fact that you are discovering this world and it's problems and secrets, and you literally can't do that because every time you run up on a quest marker or a boss or a collectible or something, there are 11 other dudes fluttering around it because EVERYONE IS DOING THE SAME THING. The best parts of Skyrim where when you're out in the wilderness just exploring and some random ass shit goes down that you never expected, like suddenly there's a giant on the path that you're going down and if you get close to him, he's GOING to kill you, or you're fighting some random wolves and suddenly a Dragon decides to drop in on you. Everything in ESO is heavily scripted, so you get none of that in ESO. So all you're left with is the bad Skyrim combat.
I'd go as far as to say that you'll get the maximum amount of enjoyment from ESO if you've never played another TES game before. I won't even bother going into all the lore issues the game has, but the experience ESO gives is just...inferior, compared to the other TES games. You could repaint ESO in any other brand while keeping everything else the same and the experience would be exactly the same, and that sucks. It's not enough of an elder scrolls game and it doesn't have the usually MMO trappings what keep those games interesting for the first 20 levels.
The most exciting thing about the Amazon FireTV is the possibility of an impromptu Giant Bomb Console Launch livestream.
If they do it it'll probably be alright but man nothing beats the Kinect launch. That was the stuff of legends.
Dave...Flight club > random pc game > sports game quick looks > literally anything else on the site
What a season it's been!
I knew you guys recruited!you guys wanna see some cat people??
send me a pm i'll hook you up don't tell nobody
ESO looks how a lot of other MMOs look to me - like you're at a big treasure hunt theme park thing, with everyone rushing to complete the same things as everyone else, but everyone's on a slightly different track. The NPCs are like these theme park actors, sitting around ready to dispense some information for your treasure map, or to stamp your checklist or whatever. But then I guess that's what people play MMOs for - running around a world with real people at the cost of some immersion and an overall less unique personal experience.
I cant believe Vinny actually picked professor farnsworth.
My life is complete.
I wanna say that target field is the most played field across all baseball quick looks now. Go twins!
My favorite kyle farnsworth moment was when he was mad and kicked an electric fan and got injured, missing 3 weeks.Still the best takedown in MLB history.
My favorite kyle farnsworth moment was when he was mad and kicked an electric fan and got injured, missing 3 weeks.
Can't wait for the new Powerbombcast to drop, hopefully today. This is a really interesting time in wrestling.
Seriously I can't wait either! Mainly to hear someone else besides me rag on Leaner.
Can't wait for the new Powerbombcast to drop, hopefully today. This is a really interesting time in wrestling.
I cant believe Vinny actually picked professor farnsworth.
My life is complete.
I wanna say that target field is the most played field across all baseball quick looks now. Go twins!
Is there one definitely planned before WrestleMania? I'll definitely have to give that a listen.
Said on his blog they finished recording one yesterday.
I cant believe Vinny actually picked professor farnsworth.
My life is complete.
I wanna say that target field is the most played field across all baseball quick looks now. Go twins!
MLB 14 The Show QL: A's vs Mets at Shea
MLB 13 The Show QL: A's vs Mets at Shea
MLB 10 The Show QL: Phillies vs Yankees at New Yankee Stadium
As best I can tell, they did not do QL for 2012 or 2011
I'm just amazed they played the exact same teams in the exact same retro stadium for 2 years in a row
I can go back and check but I'm pretty sure they played at Target field in an '10 game as it was the default (it opened that year, or maybe Mauer was on the cover? I forget).
It probably wasn't The Show and was probably the 2K series.