www.giantbomb.com/chat tells me "there is currently no show".
watching it on twitch right now. Won't be archived on GB.
Did Jeff get a haircut? He looks different.
That's Greg
Ah, I stand corrected. A shame, Twitch's player is complete garbage so it would've been cool to have it on the site. Oh well.
I wouldn't be surprised if GT went under, or at least got bought and downscaled.
So how did Asa fare compared to brad. How does either know each other?
For over a year I have been trying to log into giant bomb with an account I set up back when it first got started.
When I try to log in it tells me either the username or password are incorrect (they're not, but whatever). So I reset it, get the reset email, and put in a new password. Then that password isn't correct which makes me think it must be the username, but I can look at my profile on the giantbomb site and it's definitely the right user name.
I have done this at least 4 times.
Any advice?
Crispy contacted him and asked him if he'd like to do it, and he answered yes.
And I thought it was pretty enjoyable, but have no idea how anyone did since I barely understand DOTA.
GiantBombSquad Twitter just tweeted this new Giantbomb Animation:
Thats hardly animated its just pictures! I like the ones with the creepy squiggly line animation
Bomont is a beautiful dog. Is that Alexis' dog?
Giant Bomb: Pets edition
Since the Operation Supply Drop-streams might not be going up on the site I started watching them on Twitch but they kept buffering. Decided to download them using twitchtools.com which resulted in like 70 files or so. Muxed them together to 2 seperate mkv files (one for Rorie and one for Alexis/Danny).
Thought you guys might also like them so I uploaded them here https://mega.co.nz/#!zdxVBIbB!3WJ5FAzLcLG-9WYBRhYLEUY3zlRaiDd0tzhfC7XZj8s and here https://mega.co.nz/#!idgxlQJI!39glcwCfJ4qmdui-75KHo7rrw6eTqFKKSVe_qhZGgRQ
Haven't watched them fully yet but gotta say Rorie picked some excellent games! And Danny playing Skate made me sad we're not getting another one of those.![]()
Hadn't watched the Euro Truck 2 quick look so I finally got to that and Vinny's download escapades are horrifying. How do they not know ;-;
Since the Operation Supply Drop-streams might not be going up on the site I started watching them on Twitch but they kept buffering. Decided to download them using twitchtools.com which resulted in like 70 files or so. Muxed them together to 2 seperate mkv files (one for Rorie and one for Alexis/Danny).
Thought you guys might also like them so I uploaded them here https://mega.co.nz/#!zdxVBIbB!3WJ5FAzLcLG-9WYBRhYLEUY3zlRaiDd0tzhfC7XZj8s and here https://mega.co.nz/#!idgxlQJI!39glcwCfJ4qmdui-75KHo7rrw6eTqFKKSVe_qhZGgRQ
Haven't watched them fully yet but gotta say Rorie picked some excellent games! And Danny playing Skate made me sad we're not getting another one of those.![]()
I'm in effin tears watching Lifeguard from Danny's stream. Absolutely incredible
He straight up tweeted it (and never deleted it either, but apologized):Wasn't there some story some week ago about Pachter going public with knowledge that GT would get bought before he should've or something like that? There's been rumours about GT not doing too good for some time now, which isn't really that surprising. They made a name for themselves "back in the day" by being the first to post trailers, and being the place where you could watch ALL the trailers for a game. I remember visiting that site a lot because of that years ago. But then every other site began posting the same trailers, and I don't think their original content has done enough for them to make up for it.
I wouldn't be surprised if GT went under, or at least got bought and downscaled.
Am I seeing that right? They only made $1040 during the 24h stream? Or is there some other account, because the site was down most of the time?
He straight up tweeted it (and never deleted it either, but apologized):
Since the Operation Supply Drop-streams might not be going up on the site I started watching them on Twitch but they kept buffering. Decided to download them using twitchtools.com which resulted in like 70 files or so. Muxed them together to 2 seperate mkv files (one for Rorie and one for Alexis/Danny).
Thought you guys might also like them so I uploaded them here https://mega.co.nz/#!zdxVBIbB!3WJ5FAzLcLG-9WYBRhYLEUY3zlRaiDd0tzhfC7XZj8s and here https://mega.co.nz/#!idgxlQJI!39glcwCfJ4qmdui-75KHo7rrw6eTqFKKSVe_qhZGgRQ
Haven't watched them fully yet but gotta say Rorie picked some excellent games! And Danny playing Skate made me sad we're not getting another one of those.![]()
I transcoded a 720p version of the Danny/Alexis/Ian stream for my iPad (MP4 H264 video).
Is there any way of sharing the 9GB file that isn't youtube?
I tossed them $20 via the PayPal link for the entertainment and admittedly felt a little weird doing so, just sending money off into the ether in the name of charity. With the site down the entire time I'm not surprised numbers are low, even if live donations were done anonymously it has to be a little disheartening for those involved. Hope Extra Life 2014 goes smoother, though someone somewhere probably has a reason why they want to DDoS that drive again as well.When I checked the donations last night, it was at $495 on the Giantbomb/Gamespot page (not the separate Rorie page, that one was only showing like $110).
I watched for a good couple hours Saturday night, so, I threw in $25.
Edit: Wow, but, dude then throws in $300. Well played. He must've been really salty about the donations.
That would be cool. I've PM'd you dropbox links to the files. Divided up the video into six two-hour segments.A (trackerless) torrent would probably be the best way if you have it on a computer that's online all the time.
If that's not possible but you can figure out a way to somehow deliver the file to me I can put it up on a public server. Or I can try to find out if I can set it up so that you can upload the file directly there.
Here's the Danny/Alexis/Ian stream courtesy of Zaph.
Raw video files: http://kolmone.kapsi.fi/SupplyDrop/
A page with those videos inside HTML5 video tags for streaming: http://kolmone.kapsi.fi/SupplyDropPlayer/
Who DDOS attacks a charity? I used to do some nasty things as a kid but even I would have drawn a line somewhere.
Here's the Danny/Alexis/Ian stream courtesy of Zaph.
Raw video files: http://kolmone.kapsi.fi/SupplyDrop/
A page with those videos inside HTML5 video tags for streaming: http://kolmone.kapsi.fi/SupplyDropPlayer/
Here's the Danny/Alexis/Ian stream courtesy of Zaph.
Raw video files: http://kolmone.kapsi.fi/SupplyDrop/
A page with those videos inside HTML5 video tags for streaming: http://kolmone.kapsi.fi/SupplyDropPlayer/