Gorilla killed after dragging child at Cincinnati Zoo

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In this case, selfie culture MAY have been a factor in the parent being too busy taking pics of themselves while their child climbs over the railing.
I dunno. I mean, I hate the fact that people take pictures of totally stupid shit now like their food and shit just because they can but I don't know if I'd blame "selfie culture" on shit at the zoo because that's one of those times where people do bring cameras out, like at the beach, or hiking, or going to a park. Even if this were 20 years ago people'd be taking pictures there just back then they'd be asking a stranger to hold the camera and going through how to work the particular model with the stranger.
Who do you know she isn't a good parent?
I really hate how a woman who wanted to bring her children to a zoo is bad. There's all sorts of ranges to "bad parenting" regarding inattentiveness to me ranging from parents who don't give a shit and don't try to do anything inspirational or educational for their children and don't pay attention to them, parents who want to create opportunities for their children by bettering their position and are somewhat forced to leave them to work or find work like that girl who left her kid at a park while she went to an interview and then a parent who's done almost everything right, is trying to take her kids on an educational trip and just loses sight of her kid for a few seconds. Honestly I find it sad. I mean, she's already discounted from parent of the year, sure, but I still don't know that I'd say she's a bad parent. She was actually trying and things just didn't work out.

Parenting to me isn't a clear cut thing, she lost sight of her kid, yes, but again, she was taking them out for an educational trip, how many parents do you think never bother to do that with their kids? Would they be better parents by default just because by never taking the kids out they're not really at risk of losing sight of their kid? Since no parent perfect 100% in all areas I, personally, prefer a parent that might lose sight for a second or two but be invested in the kids future and happiness over one who may watch them like a hawk but could not care less about inspiring the kid or it's happiness.
And could it be possible that it wasn't her inattentiveness, but a bad fence that cost an animal's life?
I still don't think we should be hung up on assigning fault. If she never lost sight of her kid the fence wouldn't matter. If the fence was better her losing sight wouldn't have mattered. If the gorillas were never in the zoo neither would have mattered.

I don't like calling it a bad fence because, the damn thing worked for longer than I've been alive, nearly 40 years. Could the fence have been better? Sure, but does that mean it was bad before? I don't think so.


How is it determined what is logical and what is not? What makes it more logical to save fellow human than a dog?

I see how many are shaking their heads for people seemingly valuing their dogs life more than strangers. But I'd like to see better explanations for this than just "you aren't wired properly if you don't save human" or something along those lines.

I don't get why the human, regardless of circumstances, in every scenario, is always the priority. Logically that doesn't make sense to me.

There's 7 billion of us. One death or a hundred won't cause the downfall of humanity as we know it.

10 people probably just died right now. I am supposed to be crying for them?

Scary shit in this thread.


People can learn a thing or two about parenting from gorillas

I love this. #teamgorilla


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Gif always makes me sad. How we keeping them locked up...

There are not a ton of them left in the wild and if with things like climate change, habitat loss, etc. who knows if they will be able to survive without zoos in the future.
Gif always makes me sad. How we keeping them locked up...

Terrible, really.

Everyone in here talking about how human life has priority over all other lives. Consider that the hundreds of millions of species other than human might disagree.

If you all value human lives so much, then you really ought to recognize the value of the lives of the other great apes! Humans are apes too, and whatever you find so precious in the human being is present in gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos... And likely all mammals. If you follow the tree of life backward from humans, you're going to see intersections where we share common ancestor species, and let me assure you, consciousness, emotions, pain, thought, didn't all magically appear in the human brain, but have been in development and present in some form for hundreds of millions of years. If you value anything about the human, you need to recognizes the very least, our fellow great apes, who are most definitely people too.


Junior Member
Terrible, really.

Everyone in here talking about how human life has priority over all other lives. Consider that the hundreds of millions of species other than human might disagree.

If you all value human lives so much, then you really ought to recognize the value of the lives of the other great apes! Humans are apes too, and whatever you find so precious in the human being is present in gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos... And likely all mammals. If you follow the tree of life backward from humans, you're going to see intersections where we share common ancestor species, and let me assure you, consciousness, emotions, pain, thought, didn't all magically appear in the human brain, but have been in development and present in some form for hundreds of millions of years. If you value anything about the human, you need to recognizes the very least, our fellow great apes, who are most definitely people too.

Agreed, although I think offing the gorilla was the right decision.

Anyway another parent moment from chimps



I care more about my dog than 7.19 obillion other people. Don't care what capacity as determined by humans she has, I'd save her first.


I do understand valuing a pet's life super highly as a family member, but i wonder how many of those people honestly would save their dog or cat or otherwise in event, say, their pet was drowning or trapped in a fire with another human being and they had to grab one out.


Prosecutor on CNN said no chargers were going to be brought to the mom. Made a reference to it would be neglect if the mom left her child to go to the bathroom to smoke crack.

What? Was that necessary?
No charges brought to the mother. Good.

Charging mothers with neglect every time their back is turned for even a moment is not only stupid, but dangerous.


I care more about my dog than 7.19 obillion other people. Don't care what capacity as determined by humans she has, I'd save her first.
As is your right as an individual, but as a matter of public policy the prioritization needs to be human life.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
No charges brought to the mother. Good.

Charging mothers with neglect every time their back is turned for even a moment is not only stupid, but dangerous.

Prosecutor said the mother would have to be smoking crack in the bathroom for it to raise to a crime.
I don't think it be a good idea to charge the mother negligence. That would set a dangerous precedent in the country. I also hate this mob justice that happens online.

This was a really bad accident.


I care more about my dog than 7.19 obillion other people. Don't care what capacity as determined by humans she has, I'd save her first.

And probably die trying as we've seen when owners try to rescue their dogs from frozen lakes or other calamities.

The dark irony is the dog usually survives through it's own instincts.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I don't think it be a good idea to charge the mother negligence. That would set a dangerous precedent in the country. I also hate this mob justice that happens online.

This was a really bad accident.

there's rarely ever something called "mob justice online". It's not really a thing. It's just people talking. Nothing more.




So the kid went under this metal railing with "securtiy ropes", through the bushes and fell into the fake river.

So they are raising the wall by 42 inches

I don't think it be a good idea to charge the mother negligence. That would set a dangerous precedent in the country. I also hate this mob justice that happens online.

This was a really bad accident.

Is she going to sue the zoo?
I wonder how scared the child is going to be of ever going to a zoo ever again. Young children are curious and reckless, that's part of being human, that's how we learn, and sometimes moms can't stop kids from doing stupid stuff, they can only do their best.
Scary shit in this thread.

yet none of those people in this (as far as we all know) have ever actually harmed any human being. imagine that. does that dog that nurse and care for kittens an aberration that needs to be put down?

I don't think they have the capacity to disagree. Which is exactly why they don't get priority over people.

but that's a human centric rule. one that blindly ignores the rest of the world.

I do understand valuing a pet's life super highly as a family member, but i wonder how many of those people honestly would save their dog or cat or otherwise in event, say, their pet was drowning or trapped in a fire with another human being and they had to grab one out.

saving my pet over some guy does not mean I am cruel towards people, it just means I was able to save my cat and not some guy.
a silly hypothetical anyway as fires are usually too fast moving for anyone to do anything but book it, instinct kicks in. it's a very hollow argument to make anyway, saying that if a human being cares more for another animal other than a human being that they are an aberration to be shunned. if you all really did care about your fellow human beings you'd boycott corporations that exploit human labor and vote for anti-war politicians.


31 pages in...I think it's time to say this would be less of a controversy if it weren't a black family
Honestly I think this is one of the few times where this isn't an issue. I didn't even know the race of the family until days later. I think this has tapped into something different.

I am super happy no charges are being brought against the mother as breaking up a family because a parent was legit trying to do good but had a moment of inattentiveness is crazy. People really need to take a look at what foster conditions are in this country before they start demanding kids be taken away and shit.


well...who's to say?
I honestly think this is because the Gorilla was killed in this one.

And in the case you mentioned the kids grandfather placed him over the railing, I mean, that's obviously wrong, there's not even a debate to be had there, that wasn't inattentiveness or a kid being a kid, that was an adults' stupid decision.


there wasn't much debate this time. but lots of calls to take her kids because she's a terrible parent.

but if you say its all due to public anger over the death of an animal, I would believe you. At best the welfare of the child was like 3rd or 2nd place on the list of issues people cared about.
Late to the thread.

It's pretty clear which posters have kids and which ones don't. Especially with the first few pages.

It's always the same in all threads about kids unfortunately.

I honestly can't wait for the people who blame the parents to have kids themselves. They have no idea.
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