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Help Me Decide: Demon's Souls or Godfall


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
>slates Godfall
>recommends buying copy and paste Assassin's Creed that's the same garbage Ubisoft product every fuckin year

Absolutely clueless. It's far too early to say that Godfall will suffer the same fate as Anthem and Avengers. You bring up the box art - talk about judging the game by its cover. Absurd.

Call it copy/paste but the formula works and the games are actually fun.



Yeah okay.
Call me in 4 months and we can try having this talk again.
One of these games will likely have a new trailer for its new content and the sales figures will be positive......the other game youll forget you ever called me clueless for shitting on it.

P.S IM not hating the Boxart.............the whole game looks like GPU Boxart and a techdemo that AMD/NVidia would have put together for their new FX Superduper Graphics Card.
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Call it copy/paste but the formula works and the games are actually fun.



Yeah okay.
Call me in 4 months and we can try having this talk again.
One of these games will likely have a new trailer for its new content and the sales figures will be positive......the other game youll forget you ever called me clueless for shitting on it.

P.S IM not hating the Boxart.............the whole game looks like GPU Boxart and a techdemo that AMD/NVidia would have put together for their new FX Superduper Graphics Card.
In 4 months I'll have traded it in

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You know, I seem to recall people saying similar things about Demon's Souls that are being said about Godfall before it came out.

This hatred I see being spewed every time the name Godfall gets dropped reminds me of Gamefaqs.


You know Demons Souls is good (if you’re into the Souls games). Godfall looks good and is preordered, but can cancel if it gets crap reviews and impressions.


Gold Member
BOTH. Don't skimp on new gen my guy. Sell something if you're low on cash. Don't sleep on either of these games! If you really can't stretch the pursestrings for both, go for DeSo.
If you have to sell something to be able to afford a video game, then you need to re-evaluate your priorities.


The answer sounds like neither. Ya think maybe you just want a new shiney? I've been there, it is ultimately unsatisfying. Perhaps wait until reviews come out or you can make a more informed decision or find something else to play. I will say that if you have played previous entries in a series and not liked them then a remake or sequel does not bode well. Good luck OP!


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The answer sounds like neither. Ya think maybe you just want a new shiney? I've been there, it is ultimately unsatisfying. Perhaps wait until reviews come out or you can make a more informed decision or find something else to play. I will say that if you have played previous entries in a series and not liked them then a remake or sequel does not bode well. Good luck OP!
It's definitely a case of "new shiney" and I'll fully admit that. Plan is/was to pick up both of the new consoles and pick one new game for each. I got Assassin's Creed for the Series X cause that'll be my multiplat machine anyway and the PS5 is for exclusives. I guess it's just a case where the exclusives on offer aren't really doing much for me. The PS5 might just turn into my dedicated "faster PS4" / Genshin Impact machine at launch.


It's definitely a case of "new shiney" and I'll fully admit that. Plan is/was to pick up both of the new consoles and pick one new game for each. I got Assassin's Creed for the Series X cause that'll be my multiplat machine anyway and the PS5 is for exclusives. I guess it's just a case where the exclusives on offer aren't really doing much for me. The PS5 might just turn into my dedicated "faster PS4" / Genshin Impact machine at launch.
I get it man, its easy to get into the hype and it sucks when so many others are hyped and you really aren't - but something will show up eventually.

"The PS5 might just turn into my dedicated "faster PS4" / Genshin Impact machine at launch."

Nothing wrong with this either.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I get it man, its easy to get into the hype and it sucks when so many others are hyped and you really aren't - but something will show up eventually.
I'm way past hyped for Ratchet and Clank as well as Final Fantasy 16. Some of the smaller titles coming out look great, really interested in both Returnal and Stray in particular. Horizon and God of War 2 are both on my radar. Plenty of reasons for me to have a PS5, I just wish the selection of launch titles was a bit nicer is all. :D


Godfall just looks, Soul-less (pun intended).. I know we havent played it etc, but there just seems to be something missing.

Fur coat and no knickers prob describes it best for me.


Gold Member
New consoles are right around the corner, and since I'm buying both a PS5 and a Xbox Series X (and the fact that these games are $70 each) I find myself a little too strapped for cash to buy both of these games. To be fair, I'm kinda lukewarm on both of them - I played Demon's Souls on the PS3 (and subsequent Soulsbornes) and never really got into the frustrating difficulty / lose progress type gameplay. I'm willing to take another stab at it though, because the game is gorgeous and I'd be able to catch the online features I missed out on with the other games. Godfall looks great and more my speed, but it being Gearbox / 2K I feel like it's gonna be 75% off by Black Friday and that maybe I should just wait. Zero interest in Spider-Man or Destruction All Stars. Sackboy looks nice but probably wait on that one til I get a second Dualsense.

So, GAF, convince me which of these two games I should pick up at launch.
Demon's Souls. Godfall is this gen's Dark Sector. Also you don't need to be online to play Demon's Souls.


Neither. One is a 10 year old remaster you can play on PS3. The other is launch lineup filler and it’s too bright

just wanted to see what it’s like to be delusional. I feel dirty. DeS is my pick




Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
I’ll be going Demon’s first, but I think I’ll play Godfall soon after. It seems to be going and looking pretty good.
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You have to think about if you want the Souls Like game or not that's really it. You should know by playing Bloodborne, etc etc.

OP if you haven't played BB it comes with PS+ Collection. You wouldn't want to play both at the same time.
Demon's Souls man... God Fall is likely going to be just as hard just without the rewarding atmosphere. You're going to be punished anyway may as well go for the critically acclaimed title. Godfall will more than likely be heavily discounted or even free-to-play as soon as player count starts dropping.


Demons is probably the better game, but if you don't like the hard difficulty i think godfall can be the best for you.
I will buy both.

Maybe wait for some discount or some more gameplay\opinions before deciding.

You can do coop in demons to make the game easier but for me it kinda lose his raison d'etre if you do coop for every difficult situation (and when i rarely use france language i means business)
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Depends on what you're really into and looking for. If you were into the From Software titles, then the choice would be really easy. But I think if you HAD to choose between the two, Godfall may be up your alley, as much as I don't wanna say it.

Demon Souls looks pretty, sure, but graphics don't affect the entertainment and fun one may experience if they weren't a big fan of the original. You should expect the same experience, it's just a lot prettier this time around.

Godfall, to me, looks like a passionless game. Really generic, kind of F2P looking, etc. It will surely drop in price in due time. But with how the game plays, I feel like it may be something you're more so into.


Is this a serious question?

never really got into the frustrating difficulty / lose progress type gameplay

That's not quite right. Even when you die and lose your souls, you're still accumulating better equipment and items, lighting new bonfires (less of this in Demon's I think), opening shortcuts, etc.
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Omnipunctual Godot

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Tough choice. On one hand you have a remake. A very STELLAR looking remake, but a remake nonetheless. Godfall looks better than it did in it's initial showing for sure. So one is a newer experience and one is a known one. I dunno, I think I'd get Demon's Souls just because the atmosphere looks so good even if it's a remake. And if you've never finished the original anyways and understand what you're getting into, I think you'll have a better time than almost most of us that bought that Bitch Demon Soul's when it originally released. I know I had no idea what I was getting into when I picked it up randomly at a port call in Mexico. And I couldn't tell you how many times I wanted to chuck that game overboard when I was underway in the military. But it still was an experience and one I look back on and laugh about. I say go with Demon's Souls. Either way, I'd bet both will see a sale sooner than later, so just maybe pick the other one up down the line whichever one you choose.
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I ... similarly can't decided , so I'm getting both, sadly I'm in the EU so I'll won't be able to give an impression for you to help you with your choice. The only thing I can say is that I was rarely soured on Godfall initially, but then the launch trailer sort of got me hyped for this game especially after Ghost of Tshusima. Like I get that Demon's Souls is going to be remake and it looks awesome, but for some reason I am simply in awe of the speed of the combat in Godfall. It reminds me of a much faster version of GOT: Legends, and I loved that. It seems similar to Outriders where it is not a GAAS game but a looter slasher like Diablo 3 is.


Just decide which you're more in the mood to play day one and get that one first. I don't like buying more than one game at a time as I prefer to focus mostly, if not solely, one one game (or at least one game per platform) at a time.

If it were me, I'd go Demon's Souls, but just because I'm still playing Borderlands 3 with friends and we all plan to get season pass 2 and the first DLC for that is soon. Thus I don't have the space for another looter game, and don't think any of my friends are interested anyway.

If I can score a PS5 I plan to just get Miles Morales and play that and Astro Bot. When I beat MM I'll probably sell it (unless there are plans for DLC) and grab Demon's Souls---unless it's too close to Cyberpunk releasing--assuming it doesn't get delayed again.


Using my own personal choice I had both GodFall and Demon Souls, with the lack of interest so far on GodFall and the possible chance of it coming to Series X and price drop I decided to cancel it to see how the reviews will be for it. Demon Souls is a solid bet and a more enjoyable experience for myself.

I would take into account how you feel with a high challenging game and the fact you stopped it, the game won't change besides the face lift, it will still be at its core a souls game.

Godfall might be fun but you won't know. I would wait until the reviews come out and maybe watch how users react to it's release to see if you want to get it. You don't want an Anthem debacle.

So, I would wait purchasing both at least until you see what GodFall reviews come in and if you feel they are not what you expected take a stab at demon souls, maybe at a sale or rent it from gamefly before you invest.

Added this video if you haven't seen it yet. something more about GodFall.

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I would wait for reviews, but probably godfall. I o to say this because you keep trying souls games and don't like them. Though demons is the only one I haven't beaten so I can't speak to the difficulty.


Demons Souls is guarantee fun if you like Froms games

Godfall looks good but would wait for release reviews....


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Why buy two consoles if you can't afford two games? Is there something you want to play right now on Xbox?

Buy both games, enjoy them and buy an Xbox later.


Demon souls- i dont like hard games either.
Godfall just seems basic and probably wouldnt see any hype had it not launched alongside the console. Hopefully im wrong


If Epic wants to sell it... Godfall needs a PS5 demo... otherwise it's generic looking will push so much ppl away from it that won't be any kind word of mouth
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Why buy a console now if none of the games are tickling your interest? You could've just waited then. Saved yourself trouble and potential hardware problems with the first production of the consoles.
Things like this is why launch lineup doesn't matter. People will literally buy anything at launch. I know this deeply, 'cuz I bought Killzone: Shadowfall and Knack.
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