Some voice talents.
BROOOOO!!!! Simon pegg is ducking awesome!
Some voice talents.
My friend, who is boycotting this game, is a massive Simon Pegg fan - it'll be hilarious to see the reaction
average era user
BROOOOO!!!! Simon Pegg is about to get cancelled for being a transphobic bigot just for being in this game.BROOOOO!!!! Simon pegg is ducking awesome!
BROOOOO!!!! Simon Pegg is about to get cancelled for being a transphobic bigot just for being in this game.
He use trans people bones powder instead of talc, you tell me.So that makes Simon Pegg a genocidal fascist am I right ?
Can't you just slap some good sense to your buddy?My friend, who is boycotting this game, is a massive Simon Pegg fan - it'll be hilarious to see the reaction
So many articles are trying to throw EVERYTHING they can at this game.
I've tried, he used to be able to think critically rather than condemn others but he is long gone now. Reminds me of the boomer mentality (set in their ways) they always complained about.Can't you just slap some good sense to your buddy?
I can relate. I move in a lot of socially-progressive, centrist circles and I've seen scores of people get swamped by popular consensus on certain issues. I get it - the atmosphere is pretty tense these days. If you don't pronounce the proper shibboleths, you'll have people calling you every name under the sun. Even I'm careful about where and when I'll get into political discourse these days and I'm well known among friends and family for being an inveterate trouble causer.I've tried, he used to be able to think critically rather than condemn others but he is long gone now. Reminds me of the boomer mentality (set in their ways) they always complained about.
Better off not talking to him about it and just gaming lol
Hey, Platinum Games made two amazing games and one good with IPs that weren't their own (Metal Gear Rising, Transformers, and Nier Automata) when they give them shit for budget, little time and don't care about the end result or the IP, Platinum is just gonna release what they asked for without any collaboration. when the publisher and team actually cares about the project they turn out fineSame.
This is a trusted team.
I hope this shows companies you need solid teams to actually make those licensed deals work make sense. No disrespect to Platinum Games, but those that own those IPs should see such teams cant be trusted with licenses if they are just looking to crank anything out regardless of quality.
We've seen enough great titles come out from Avalanche and Insomniac that prove not just anyone can do those licensed concepts.
Some voice talents.
This is a trusted team.
I hope this shows companies you need solid teams to actually make those licensed deals work make sense. No disrespect to Platinum Games, but those that own those IPs should see such teams cant be trusted with licenses if they are just looking to crank anything out regardless of quality.
We've seen enough great titles come out from Avalanche and Insomniac that prove not just anyone can do those licensed concepts.
Time for that purple tinker fucker to go through all of Simon Peggs twitter history and see if he can get him sacked from mission impossible. Or something.So that makes Simon Pegg a genocidal fascist am I right ?
Well this is out of the blue news; definitely shows WB has faith in the product if they're willing to throw money at Pegg (not sure if he's done VG voice work before).
. . .a little hilarious though that they got him to record his line and this video at the same time; curious to see how much this character is actually in the game.
I can appreciate where the previous poster was coming from with this, but it's also something I've pushed back on when people have brought it up as well. Undeniable Avalanche (are they even called that anymore; hasn't WB rebranded them as Portkey Games) produced some content of questionable cultural value - but only because they had to as DISNEY's inhouse game studio.
. . .TLDR: if this game turns out to be a turd (like lower than "Fair" on Opencritic) it won't be because they had to make CARS 2: Electric Boogaloo for the WII.
Hey, Platinum Games made two amazing games and one good with IPs that weren't their own (Metal Gear Rising, Transformers, and Nier Automata) when they give them shit for budget, little time and don't care about the end result or the IP, Platinum is just gonna release what they asked for without any collaboration. when the publisher and team actually cares about the project they turn out fine
Quitting Twitter is apparently even harder than moving to Canada (remember that?)Shouldnt these types be boycotting twitter? Elon is way more 'problematic' than Rowling
Please tell me you're joking.Now they're going after Simon Pegg for voicing a character in a videogame.... these people are the worst.
Nah I wouldn't be suprised.Please tell me you're joking.
Where do you see that ? I thought all topics about the game were bannedI've actually just looked on "the other site" and there's quite a lot of, "I used to really like Simon Pegg" comments going on.
Grow up.
See for yourself in the comments.Please tell me you're joking.
See for yourself in the comments.
A bunch of people saying he's "on the wrong team", antisemetic, a transphobe, etc.
What's funny is that he actually left Twitter in the hands of his publicist somewhere between 5-10 years ago (which was a smart move in retrospect, although I do miss his actual posts)... so Simon probably won't see or hear any of the whining lol
BROOOOO!!!! Simon Pegg is about to get cancelled for being a transphobic bigot just for being in this game.
It's a little hard to 'enjoy the game' when it's still not out for another month lolLets not feed the trolls, and just enjoy the game. Something we are able to do freely without fear of judgment at this site.
I looked and I wasn't disappointed.I've actually just looked on "the other site" and there's quite a lot of, "I used to really like Simon Pegg" comments going on.
Grow up.
JK is the opposite of woke bro lol, shes very right wingI don't care about JK at all. I know she's woke as fuck but that's not enough for some people.
I'm not a big Harry Potter fan, but the game looks fun. Even my wife who's not into 3D games is interested. I might buy it afterall.
I support JK’s opinion and I support this fucking game.
Day 1 purchase no questions asked.
Don't do drugs, kids.JK is the opposite of woke bro lol, shes very right wing
They say the game "reinforces harmful stereotypes." ITS A GAME ABOUT WIZARDS.
Well... Yeah they made some flops, and took too many projects at once(likely because their original titles don't sell too well sadly), but its not fair to blame everything on Platinum.Agreed. I hope it turns out good and I'm 70% sure on it lol I like that they are growing and can become a huge powerhouse as they have a lot of talent behind them, but how this game does will determine a lot of that.
semi OT but...nahhhhh....I wish that was true btw as the team has made some gems, but holy shit they have made many, many flops. I can't even blame the publisher btw as I can't just argue "Oh Activision didn't pay dem doe" and what am I to believe? Neither did Square, MS or Nintendo? The other publishers they had a failing out with, cancelled games and just horrid quality?
So Square gave em a budget for Nier and its great, but now they didn't for Babylon Falls?
Nintendo gave em a budget for Astral Chain and its great, but ohhhh they didn't for Star Fox....their more established IP?
Its easier to just say Platinum is hit or miss then to pretend Square, Nintendo, MS, Activision and many more just all fucked up or something. I was willing to believe that years ago, but too many examples of that team just taking on all theses contracts and it being a toss up make me greatly question blaming a publisher or something. Even Nier, they only co-developed that title with Square to be in charge of combat. So...maybe it just makes sense to limit their roles to combat and have another team handle everything else or something or they need to slow down excepting all those contracts.