So, Raw Data.
It's absolutely awesome. Zipping around the level taking out robots with your katana while your co-op companion shoots down flying drones is amazing, and already feels quite polished.
The way quests are designed, the whole VA, the unlockable skills and the mission progression -- even with early access limitations -- make it markedly different from the more Arcade-ish Vive experiences available right now.
Graphically, it's one of the best-looking VR games out, easily.
Note that this is the first thing I played in VR coop, so it's hard to judge just how much of my enthusiasm is down to that and how much is due to the game itself. But ultimately it doesn't even matter, I had a blast.
That is, after I managed to get the game to run well. For some reason I had an issue for the longest time where I'd drop two or three frames roughly every second. I finally managed to somehow eliminate it, and that's what the impressions above are based on, but after restarting the game the issue was back and I haven't managed to get around it yet.
Just look at this shit.
I think that's selling it short. And also not really doing justice to the gameplay, I zipped around the level and ducked behind cover all the time.