These posts totally miss the point of verticality. It's just like Apple. With their hardware, Nintendo get to design and market their games, their way, and don't have to fight for mindshare or forfeit a cut of the profit.Eh. Their profit mostly comes from content and services, not hardware. They’d survive. In the world of business, the name of the game is adapt or die.
But I do not think this will happen in the next 10 years, at least. Not if their own hardware keeps selling upwards of 100+ million per platform cycle. They have more business now than they know what to do with.
This. Next thread will be about how McDonalds should allow Burger King to sell Big Macs, followed his next thread: I think Disney should allow NBC Universal to make Mickey Mouse cartoons.Why does this person have the ability to make threads?
That’s exactly right. It’s a great market position for them. There is very little competition in their gaming segment. They fit right in-between mobile devices and powerful home consoles. Make no mistake, being “other” ain’t bad.And who wouldn't be, when "that-other-system" is the third best-selling games console of all time and climbing?
There is no doubt that Nintendo games would be even better if they were on the PS5. It would be amazing to play the new Zelda at 4K/60 rather than sub 900p 30fps but sadly that isn't the reality. Nintendo would do well as a third party developer and I have absolutely no doubt they would sell even more. However unlike their competitors Nintendo actually sells their hardware at a profit and is very successful at doing it. They can sell outdated hardware with specifications below their rivals for a high price. Same goes for the games. The budget of Animal Crossing will be a tiny fraction of Forbidden West but will sell more units. Nintendo would need a lobotomy to change their business model.
I didn’t pretend there was any business reason, I said that’s what I want and that I can’t see it hurting their business as much.Yeah, let's put on steam and see what it does for it's direct competitor steam deck.
Why people pretend that the reason they want Nintendo games on their platform is purely selfish instead of business related?
I didn’t pretend there was any business reason, I said that’s what I want and that I can’t see it hurting their business as much.
Clearly others disagree oh well
Because it's pretty clear that your idea would be a very bad business move.I didn’t pretend there was any business reason, I said that’s what I want and that I can’t see it hurting their business as much.
Clearly others disagree oh well
This will continue to work until they develop, produce and release their next Wii U.Nintendo would laugh you out of the room and then probably have someone put a bag over your head and throw you into a trunk while leaving the building for even suggesting something like that, because they'd sooner nail their dicks to a desk than even consider a possibility that they wouldn't be able to choke the lifeblood out of their consumer base and be the control freaks that they are by releasing games on a platform that they don't hold in absolute power.
This will continue to work until they develop, produce and release their next Wii U.
What does a "trend" have to do with anything I wrote?Lol. The industry is not old enough for any trends to be recognisable, if there even are any (and yes, this applies to more than just Nintendo).
Hell, even with economics, the data isn't really long enough, nor the field old enough to accurately predict much.
I thought we knew this here, mocking the likes of Monsieur Patcher. But apparently some of us don't.
What does a "trend" have to do with anything I wrote?
A trend is a sequence of rising lows or falling tops in a chart.
I say if Nintendo happen to find themselves in a Wii U situation again, they are in a bad position because they don't have a companion handheld anymore.
We don't know that, and this is exactly why it could happen.You are assuming that they will have flop again like that, and we don't know how their product line-up will change in the future.
It goes the other way too. By only having one platform to focus on, the chance of another Wii U happening is much much lower.What does a "trend" have to do with anything I wrote?
A trend is a sequence of rising lows or falling tops in a chart.
I say if Nintendo happen to find themselves in a Wii U situation again, they are in a bad position because they don't have a companion handheld anymore.
you can play them on pc for free.I don’t mind Nintendo making their own consoles, they have some interesting ideas and the Switch in particular is great.
But I just wish their games, at least their high end games, weren’t tied to their hardware only. I’m talking about stuff like Zelda and Mario and Metroid, which I would love to play on a PS5 or PC. These games are just crying to be on more powerful hardware - emulated zelda looks gorgeous, and I wish Nintendo would make it official.
And I get that Nintendo systems are sold on the back of their first party but I’m not asking for all their games to come to other systems, just some of them. And also, the switch sells itself, it’s the concept and hardware that people love to the extent that they buy third party games on there even when they’re obviously worse than anywhere else, it’s why the switch version of P5R outsold all the other ones, or why the Witcher 3 and Skyrim sold a million on Switch when much better versions exist.
The other thing is, the switch isn’t a full home console, that’s a market Nintendo has now left completely. So even if botw was on PC or ps5, it’s catering to a different part of the market than the switch does.
And these games don’t even have to launch day and date. Botw is six years old, and its sequel is out next month. It’s probably sold as much hardware as it will. Put that on at least PC (I get why no PS5). Get it a second wind of sales, meanwhile it drives interest in totk.
I don’t know, I love Nintendo games but they suck so much as a company and their business decisions make no sense. I think gamers would benefit from Nintendo games being on more powerful hardware, even with all the caveats I listed above.
So you never played Zelda on CD-I ?