N64 has the best vibration IMO, but if I don't have the rumble pak in it most of the time I don't really notice.
Vibration in Eldren Ring is fine. You can't expect companies to really care about haptics in non-vr games. Switch has so few HD rumble games from third parties too.
The N64 was so cool with the rumble and analogue stick

Finished OOT recently and now playing Golden Eye
Yeah I don’t care if certain devs dont put the haptics in the game, but I notice the difference between rumble and haptic games, if they are implemented properly.
Its a pleasant surprise when they add them in, like in Sifu you can feel the fly go past your head, or the rain hit your helmet in Returnal.
I wouldnt normally complain but if Gran Turismo 8 doesnt haptics ill be disappointed, because I love how the dual sense works with GT7.
You feel going off track, different surfaces, its all pretty cool. Defo a good step forward from rumble, looking forward to how the tech works in the next Nintendo, Xbox and Dual Sense 2 controllers.
VR in Haptics is gonna be cool