Steam is a Microsoft walled garden now?

And GamePass revenue should go up with the increase in price.
If the price increase leads to customers dropping GP, then that means more customers buying games the traditional way.
these games are also sold at retail and on Steam, and usually sell more than enough on Steam alone to recoup dev costs, if the game is good. Games like Hellblade 2 would have flopped everywhere, sales wise.
There’s no logic in imagining a well received Indiana Jones game would have to recoup all dev expenses from GamePass revenue alone.
Meanwhile, the revenue from GP is in billions of dollars yearly, so not a trivial amount.
There’s no real proof of these ‘dire financial consequences’. What we know for sure is that releasing on PlayStation can significantly improve economics, and that’s what shareholders, Satya and Amy Hood are interested in.
The biggest obstacle Microsoft faces is in consistently making quality games that people want to buy. They’ve certainly never needed a cross platform release to make the Forza Horizon games financially successful, and they definitely didn’t need to put Sea of Thieves on PS5 for that project to be very financially successful.