a- she has every right to and it would have made anyone feel better to put this guy in his place.
b- I think it's very fair to read the conversation and see how he COULD have gotten the idea that while she was not into his advances, she was not bothered by them and thus he was going to keep trying. I don't like how the net has immediately labeled this guy as wrong in every sense of the word WITHOUT seeing that very real possibility (the possibility being that he-or anyone else- could have read the situation poorly). And so NOW if she is complaining (which I don't even know if she is, fyi) I think it's fair to say to her 'hey, check how you communicated with this tool- perhaps next time- if this did bother you- there are some things you could do differently' and I think it's fair to say that to her without it meaning I'm 'blaming the victim'.
c- AKA- it's not always black and white, as much as it feels good and easy and righteous to say 'ZERO TOLERANCE! IT IS ALWAYS BLACK AND WHITE WHEN IT COMES TO THIS SORT OF THING'.
ps. are we becoming friends?!?! Oh my god! I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really cannot see how you can read the situation poorly if you bother even remotely. Now, in basically the entire first half of comments you do not get any response of the woman on your comments that are inappropriate. It does not even matter that later on you read something someone may see as what is an encouragement, since there is no sign of that before that point.
The comments are inappropriate, everyone should be completely aware of that. So if you make them to someone, and you do not get a response, you should back off. That said, in the first place you should not even making one of those responses before thinking it is very likely someone would respond positively to that.
There may be many reasons for not telling him off. I have had many comments or awkward situations where I ignore the other party in an attempt to end it and I am sure I am not the only one. Maybe she wanted things to not get even more awkward, maybe there she wanted to keep whatever relation they have to each other going. But if you have someone that already has crossed such an inapproriate point, I can imagine her first thought is not that if she would tell him to stop, he would stop and everything will be ok.