It could just mean they would like to have all the facts before passing judgement.It concerns me that "waiting for the facts" seems to mean "waiting for confirmation that my preconceived notions of gender politics apply to this situation" for many people. Men's Rights is clearly picking up steam as a movement.
That's a pretty normal stance to take. Courts will gather evidence and wait before passing judgement.
I wouldn't take it as a sign that a Men's Rights movement is picking up steam.
A great many males in this thread are asking why offering behavioral ideas to harassment victims is considered so unacceptable by the female posters.
Look at recent studies regarding the differences between communication styles.
Men have a tendency to offer solutions to problems, as though it is the way to make the original problem. This reaction does not make women happy, because they are perfectly capable of finding their own solutions. They seek understanding in a conversation. Also, telling women solutions rather implies that they couldn't have thought of them, and is therefore patronizing.
If males wish to offer solutions, it would be more helpful if they came up with ways to explain to the harasser why he is wrong. Perhaps if a male explains it, it will be more understandable without the gender communication variances.
This is pretty interesting. I hope you don't get flak for claiming there is a difference in the sexes.