I'm probably gonna make one last post before I step out of this topic...Just kidding! I'll probably be back after I nap or something.
I'll be straight. You'll probably see me in topics about Dragon's Crown, Bayonetta, Senran Kagura, anon because I have no qualms with games like that. Some might call me a perv. Do so if you must, I'll take the blows. I'm just saying this because it may be disparate to some that I'm pushing points in this topic but THIS is the type of thing that, without question, I just can't get behind.
This is a woman who was ready to have a pleasant business conversation and had a big back hoe full of douchebaggery dropped upon her in spades. No matter what way you slice it, the guy went 20 steps over the line by the time he was in the third post and pushed it during and long after the conversation had ended. It WAS fucked up. No bones. The reason people keep mentioning how hindsight is 20/20 in this topic is because it's true. It's completely simple and easy to say what should have been done in such a situation. But being t-boned by the "cunnilingus single entendre" semi is much more of a different, uncomfortable and awkward situation that being on the other side and saying, "Oh yeah, I could have done this". She had a multitude of considerations to make that were probably weighing heavily on her head. I guarantee she went through her own volley of should or shouldn't I's in her own head. In the end she made her calculations and did what she felt was best for her own sanity. If you feel that was wrong, fine. You're not her though and you didn't have to trudge through the exact same situation. She didn't choose the situation and yet handled it with her own best course. Calling attention to what she did and didn't do, or what she did and didn't consider takes away from the person who was at fault from the very beginning: the guy. If we want to stop this from happening again, that's where the picking apart, analysis, discussion, and education should begin: with the one making others feel uncomfortable.
On the topic of her allowing it to go public. I very sincerely doubt her goals are to tie up Casanova and feed him to the industry/internet wolves. It's more than likely not to put him out of a job, or get him forever vilified, or to have his house egged. I see it more as a plea: "I love games. But look. Men, women, old and young. Please. Please. PLEASE!! LOOK! This is what it is like in here for women. It's fucked up, it's not ok, and it happens too damned often. Please take notice. I am not weak, I am not cowardly, I am not fearful, I'm just so freaking frustrated. This is a tiger that is clawing at me. Please don't tell me to just punch it on the nose. Please don't tell me to knife it in the stomach. Please don't tell me to run away. Let's please just agree that the tiger needs a goddamned leash put on it so people stop getting hurt in the first place." I sincerely hope that people can see it this way. It's time to stop trying to find ways for everyone to come out rosy. It's time to stop ending the exchanges with only one side coming out uncomfortable. Let's make the other guy uncomfortable for once.
For me, I'm glad that the founder apologized. I hope he learned a lesson and carries himself differently in the future. I hope people can forgive him and that even he and this lady can go back to being buds or whatever. But more over I hope, hope, hope that alot of people who have seen this fallout can temper the way they behave toward the opposite sex in the future.