If I were in her situation I would have faked an Internet outage and got back with him later. Awkwaaaaard.
Somehow, your comment, coupled with your avatar made me laugh, and I don't know why.
The thought just popped into my head, "You must have really respected her." and then I started laughing out loud at work. Sorry.
Jaffe's banning came off as "we're GAF, we can do what we want we can take you down mr. celeb dev"
Other people in this thread were banned for espousing exactly the same views as those for which he was banned. If there was any statement there at all it was more like "no poster is above the law".
I was specifically talking about the pic he posted on his twitter.
Why are you so concerned with how you feel she should have acted?
Because I like to wait to get all the facts before jumping to conclusions.
I was specifically talking about the pic he posted on his twitter.
And what facts might those be?Because I like to wait to get all the facts before jumping to conclusions.
As well as a bunch of people voicing their opinions, which seems to be a crime.Lots of grave-digging in this thread. :|
You must not have played GoW 3. The world went down the drain.In the end it doesn't matter if the mighty David Jaffe was felled. Even in God of War killing gods did absolutely nothing to change the landscape of the world.
You must not have played GoW 3. The world went down the drain.
There were three of those?!
Just because it's praiseworthy to do certain things doesn't mean you should tell a victim that they should have done them. Particularly when the odds are stacked against them.
Several potential reasons have already been explained repeatedly in the thread. She was looking for a job in the industry and he was a member of the gaming press she might not want to burn bridges with, she had no way of knowing what his reaction to escalating the situation with hostility would be, she didn't want to risk angering him or pissing him off, many women find the best tactic in situations like this is to simply disengage rather than get aggressive, and perhaps most obviously, people often don't think completely rationally with perfect foresight of all possible scenarios when put into an uncomfortable and complicated situation and acting like they should is just tactless armchair quarterbacking.This is why it's so hard to have a conversation about this:
Poster A: Why didn't she just block the guy or tell him to stop?
Poster B: Stop blaming the victim neanderthal
Poster A: WTF stop with the witch hunt you white knighting ahole
Honestly I can understand both arguments. Things get really weird when both sides bring up rape comparisons, because at the end of the day it was an online chat. It's hard for me to get pissed at Jaffe when the same thought went through my mind. "why didn't she just say fuck off, or quit as soon as she saw the comment. After reading the background story and I can see why she didn't say anything. I don't think that's victim blaming, but hey im not a woman so maybe I'm wrong.
Dont want trouble from the mods![]()
Wait, that doesn't make sense. You are concerned with how you saw her respond, because you like to get all the facts? What facts are those?
And with the PSP games six.Ascension makes four.
Ew dude that's my daughter! I'll admit to stealing the odd belly kiss when I'm changing her because she does adorable Pillsbury Doughboy giggles, but we keep it above the belt in this household.
Love how he so conveniently namedrops GAF, where most people disagree with him and he was just banned, No hidden motive there.
Hm, I wonder if the people thinking out loud if she could have curbed the abuse by telling the harasser to stop would actually give her that advice in real life.
I poised that question earlier but I would never say that sort of thing to the victim. It's not my place, it would make the situation worse and talking to someone about how they could have avoided the horrible situation they were in is an insane thing to do.
But none of us are talking to her. We're on the internet discussing the situation, and as long as that's where that sort of discussion starts and stops I don't see a problem with it.
Just because it's praiseworthy to do certain things doesn't mean you should say that a victim that they should have done them. Particularly when the odds are stacked against them.
So you questioned how she acted because you wondered how she was able to act admirably?Sorry but after noticing the creepy guy posting some insane shit, I wondered how she was able to remain cool throughout the whole thing and why.
So you jumped to some conclusion based on your incredulity that she should be able to "act cool" in this sort of situation, and then once you actually informed yourself you realized that her motivations were not whatever your jumped-to conclusion was, but something else.After reading the context I can see why she did it.
Jaffe went on Twitter saying that it was her fault, and basically said that rape victims had it coming.
I don't have the links, but it was something.
Sorry but after noticing the creepy guy posting some insane shit, I wondered how she was able to remain cool throughout the whole thing and why.
mean, technically, you can. When it comes down to what actually happened in that situation and why, the victim acted in the manner that they did because the odds are stacked against them. Such is the plight of a woman.
This was slightly wrong. He did make a horrible rape analogy, however.Whoa!
What is "waiting for the facts" means, ive seen it used sporadically since halfway through this thread but no one has expanded on what it means.
I mean, technically, you can. When it comes down to what actually happened in that situation and why, the victim acted in the manner that they did because the odds are stacked against them. Such is the plight of a woman.
Ascension makes four.
I'm uninformed about things like this, so I'm asking this sincerely; What odds are being stacked?
I know this is one of those "gotcha" games but do you really not know what that means?
He posted this video before he was banned though.
This was slightly wrong. He did make a horrible rape analogy, however.
I'm uninformed about things like this, so I'm asking this sincerely; What odds are being stacked?
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I don't have any issue with how she handled the situation. Just considering the fact that she was dealing with someone in a position of power I believe I can begin to understand the anxiety that could follow turning someone who could harm your carrier down after they come on so inappropriately hard and so relentlessly, not to mention all the other factors involved.
But I've seen so many posts asking "well why didn't she ask him to stop?", which I think is a valid question even though ultimately of the wrong mindset, which are met with "stop blaming the victim" and "you're just part of the problem" when I feel this is a perfect place to educate why why just "telling him to stop" is not always an option.
Steven Pinker expounds upon this in his books:Not necessarily.
Although way OT, some really good alternate perspectives on the crime. Steve Pinker is a cognitive psychologist at Harvard.
First obvious fact: Men often want to have sex with women who dont want to have sex with them. They use every tactic that one human being uses to affect the behavior of another: wooing, seducing, flattering, deceiving, sulking, and paying. Second obvious fact: Some men use violence to get what they want, indifferent to the suffering they cause. Men have been known to kidnap children for ransom (sometimes sending their parents an ear or finger to show they mean business), blind the victim of a mugging so the victim cant identify them in court, shoot out the kneecaps of an associate as punishment for ratting to the police or invading their territory, and kill a stranger for his brand-name athletic footwear. It would be an extraordinary fact, contradicting everything else we know about people, if some men didnt use violence to get sex.
Rape is not exactly a normal part of male sexuality, but it is made possible by the fact that male desire can be indiscriminate in its choice of a sexual partner and indifferent to the partners inner life indeed, object can be a more fitting term than partner.
f I may be permitted an ad feminam suggestion, the theory that rape has nothing to do with sex may be more plausible to a gender to whom a desire for impersonal sex with an unwilling stranger is too bizarre to contemplate.
The difference in the sexes conception of sex translates into a difference in how they perceive the harm of sexual aggression. A survey by the psychologist David Buss shows that men underestimate how upsetting sexual aggression is to a female victim, while women overestimate how upsetting sexual aggression is to a male victim. The sexual abyss offers a complementary explanation of the callous treatment of rape victims in traditional legal and moral codes. It may come from more than the ruthless exercise of power by males over females; it may also come from a parochial inability of men to conceive of a mind unlike theirs, a mind that finds the project of abrupt, unsolicited sex with a stranger to be repugnant rather than appealing.
This right here. I feel the same way. I think the term "victim blaming" is getting tossed around a bit too losely.This is why it's so hard to have a conversation about this:
Poster A: Why didn't she just block the guy or tell him to stop?
Poster B: Stop blaming the victim neanderthal
Poster A: WTF stop with the witch hunt you white knighting ahole
Honestly I can understand both arguments. Things get really weird when both sides bring up rape comparisons, because at the end of the day it was an online chat. It's hard for me to get pissed at Jaffe when the same thought went through my mind. "why didn't she just say fuck off, or quit as soon as she saw the comment. After reading the background story and I can see why she didn't say anything. I don't think that's victim blaming, but hey im not a woman so maybe I'm wrong.
Dont want trouble from the mods![]()
He apologized and I can't fully blame him for writing that. Go read Jaffe's rape post and then you'll see why he wrote "basically".Oh. I see. Isn't it frowned upon to twist someone's words like that? When I read that I was like holy shit no way someone would try that here.
In general, many women expect outright rejection to escalate the situation. When it comes to rejection, there are many guys who can't take a "no" (not even most guys, mind, but enough). There are people who would call them a bitch, escalate to violence, etc. Facing all of that, many women choose to go the passive route.
That's not to say that there aren't women that would outright say "no," but while that's nice, others don't wish to make things any worse for themselves, instead hoping the guy just goes away. And that's completely understandable as well.
Not necessarily, but it's a little uncouth to shit on someone when they've been banned and can't defend themselves. Even if you think they're being a huge jerk. Use your good judgment to determine if they even need to be responded to at this point.
NO! I meant you must have really respected your wife, because you got a baby out of it. LOL! Oh god! I didn't even think it could be interpreted any other way!
Not necessarily, but it's a little uncouth to shit on someone when they've been banned and can't defend themselves. Even if you think they're being a huge jerk. Use your good judgment to determine if they even need to be responded to at this point.