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Is Final Fantasy VII Remake an amazing example of appealing to both SJWs and Male Power Fantasy lovers?


I am midway through the game (chapter 11) and I can't help but notice how respectfully and tactfully and at the same time tongue-in-cheek this game gets with the main characters and various NPCs.

The Cloud/Tifa/Aerith dynamic is so well done it gives me vibes of Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman. There is an amazing balance between love, respect, teasing and friendship with those three. While the love triangle is nothing new to the story, in the remake it is done masterfully. You can actually believe that Tifa and Aerith become both friends as well as rivals (though this is much more subtly displayed), and generally great care has been taken to make them look like actual characters rather than mere caricatures.

But what amazes me is that - due to the times - there is obviously a lot more girl power served into this game than the old one, but it is done AMAZINGLY. At no point do I feel it was forced. Even in the infamous Don Corneo quest, I was expecting a lot of cringe - and at some point the game does seem to give the 'men are all pigs' vibe, but it is masterfully subverted immediately afterwards
when an NPC helps the girls by giving them their gear back

There are many moments where Cloud feels like a badass, but subverting the Male Hero Saving the Damsel in Distress, there are moments where the girls are saving him, and I don't just mean in the gameplay aspects.
Aerith and Tifa save his life by holding him when he loses his balance, while he also saves them at another point.
There is true equality in the roles, and at no point do I feel that a character is placed only to make another character look good - said character also does important things and saves the day as well.

But what truly amazes me is that the girl power scenes, the macho man scenes, all is done in a way that doesn't feel force-fed. There's no moment where the game is lecturing you on how you should behave or how this is good and this is bad in terms of SJWism and power fantasies.

As much as I loved Horizon Zero Dawn, I couldn't help but cringe twice or thrice at moments where an NPC or Alloy would imply, insinuate or flat out state discrimination of gender or the 'women are just as strong as men' trope. Making me feel as if I was the receiving end of a political or social message.

Final Fantasy VII Remake manages to get the point across - that both sexes are amazing (heck, that the third sex is amazing, for all its overtheatrics) - and it does it with as much grace and respect as a Japanese video game can.

I loved Final Fantasy VII back when I was 18 years old, and I love the Remake in my forties. Those are the characters I grew up with, cried with, got smitten with, but improved and deeper than ever. I consider this game a prime example of how respect between the sexes should be in gaming and pop culture, without making it look cringy, fake, or forced.

What are your thoughts on this?




I don’t have specific thoughts on the matter because I don’t care. Just stop pushing shit forcefully in games. We don’t need it.

SJWs are still whining about the game till this day. So I don’t know what you’re talking about
There's no moment where the game is lecturing you on how you should behave or how this is good and this is bad in terms of SJWism and power fantasies.
Yeah but they still found something to complain about.


The Tifa/Aerith friendship is incredibly forced, makes no sense, and is constantly being foregrounded in every interaction the two have. They could change every line of dialogue between the two to just read "We're not catfighting! We're not catfighting!" and there would be no practical difference between what we have now.


Gold Member
“Male power fantasy” is just SJW speak for “stuff I don’t like or understand”, it’s not a real thing
There are no good examples of appealing to the sjw sect, or any other. You should make what you want to make and if certain people don't like it they can take a hot bath with a sharp razor.


yes i was thinking about this while playing. imo they struck a very nice balance. the game even has incredible queer representation (the dance/makeover sequence was a giant love letter to those fans). yet they still find time to have a cackling evil lady with her tits out for heteros like me. they don't have to sacrifice one for the other and i appreciate it.

many things from the past were updated and expanded upon. during the Don Corneo section i really liked how you first follow a dolled up Aerith as she walked through the town, and you see everyone catcalling her. then after Cloud gets his own dress, you have to do the same sequence, only this time it is Cloud, and he is the one getting cat called for being a pretty lady. i thought that was very clever and 1000x more interesting than all those "cat callers exposed" videos.
If I understood correctly, they are treated equally? Do you think that is ok for SJWs? Equality is just newspeak in their case for dominating straight white males so I don't think they are content with this approach.
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All the first person shots of women flirting with Cloud is a little pathetic regardless of whatever the politics swirling around the game happen to be.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm on Chapter 14, and it doesn't feel like it's pushing any kind of agenda or really playing to any stereotypes. The characterization is surprisingly well done.


Gold Member
I have to say I'm impressed how the game somehow managed to avoid any large SJW outrage.
Between the whole harem aspect (every female character is into cloud), Barret, the fact the women in the game are still attractive and the whole Don Corneo / Honey Bee Inn questline I was half expecting that by now we'd have all of Resetera up in arms trying to "cancel" Square as well as half a dozen articles on Kotaku calling it the worst thing since World War 2.

But so far it has avoided all of that without feeling like it's pandering in any way to that crowd, which is almost sort of impressive.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I have to say I'm impressed how the game somehow managed to avoid any large SJW outrage.
Between the whole harem aspect (every female character is into cloud), Barret, the fact the women in the game are still attractive and the whole Don Corneo / Honey Bee Inn questline I was half expecting that by now we'd have all of Resetera up in arms trying to "cancel" Square as well as half a dozen articles on Kotaku calling it the worst thing since World War 2.

But so far it has avoided all of that without feeling like it's pandering in any way to that crowd, which is almost sort of impressive.

Yeah, I was surprised to see the whole Wall Market section in a game from 2020, honestly. I guess FFVII is just too beloved for even the nutters to go after.
There's no power fantasy or wokeness, just characters being themselves in a coherent in-game narrative.
Of course is a game, where everyone is at the same level and level up without counting personal experiences, but that's a machanic thing. It's a game and you have to make it work.
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To me barett is often angry because he is an activist with lot of convictions and emotions toward his political views not because he is black.
in a whitewashing feminist adaptation he would be Greta /jk

edit : i've found he was shinning a lot in that scene looking at midgar from the shinra tower.
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To me barett is often angry because he is an activist with lot of convictions and emotions toward his political views not because he is black.
yes. that's my read as well.

the funny thing is, he is a most climate aware, the most woke about the planet, about the harm corporations are doing to it and the people of Midgar. really he should be their biggest hero.

but rather than prop up a positive example of everything they claim to support, they would rather go with a negative approach every time. why celebrate your values appearing in a video game when you can have another opportunity to call people racists?

that's how it always is. the negative takes get the reactions.


yes. that's my read as well.

the funny thing is, he is a most climate aware, the most woke about the planet, about the harm corporations are doing to it and the people of Midgar. really he should be their biggest hero.

but rather than prop up a positive example of everything they claim to support, they would rather go with a negative approach every time. why celebrate your values appearing in a video game when you can have another opportunity to call people racists?

that's how it always is. the negative takes get the reactions.
imo if they read racism in this anger it's because they don't go beyond the fact he's black.
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