Liu Kang Baking A Pie
Relationships and love are not does that make him a woman hater?
ultimatums happen regardless of sex
Relationships and love are not does that make him a woman hater?
ultimatums happen regardless of sex
Also, with children, the benefit of the doubt lies with the female in the courts by default. My wife decides to leave me and says she's taking the kids - chances are I get dual custody, if i'm lucky. More likely She keeps the kids and I get visitation
So the woman can have a condition of not taking my name, but I can't have any conditions. Gotcha.
You have the same condition. That's what makes it fair. You don't have to take her name.
What makes you think this would be any different if you weren't married?
We marry, she takes my name.
Simple as that.
In the unlikely situation that I ever were to have kids, I'd have them take his last name if he cares because I don't mind either way.It's pretty common for women to not share a last name with their children. A lot of single women who aren't married to the father, still give the child the father's last name. Also, a lot of professional women (myself included) keep our last names after marriage, but still give the child the last name of the father. It's really not that weird and it's something men could learn to adjust to (and they may have to, since I suspect this issue will become more common). Regardless of names, if you're involved in your child's life, they will grow up knowing you are their parent and loving you just the same.
So the woman can have a condition of not taking my name, but I can't have any conditions. Gotcha.
I also don't have to get married. Back to square one I suppose.
You're right. Common law has the same pitfalls. However it also does not have the financial drain of marriage.
If I ever get married I'd prefer to take her last name. I wonder if that would be seen as weird?
In the unlikely situation that I ever were to have kids, I'd have them take his last name if he cares because I don't mind either way.
How about you both do yourselves a favor and find people that you can spend your time with and not carry such volatile attitudes towards? If somebody wants to get married, then I guess they want to get married. That's not the same as wanting somebody else to TAKE YOUR NAME.
How about you get off your high horse and not browbeat someone just for having a differing opinion?
I've said it many times. No woman HAS to take my name, just as I don't HAVE to be married. I have plenty of friends who took their wives' last names, or didn't take anyone's name. That works for them just fine, but not me.
How about you get off your high horse and not browbeat someone just for having a differing opinion?
I've said it many times. No woman HAS to take my name, just as I don't HAVE to be married. I have plenty of friends who took their wives' last names, or didn't take anyone's name. That works for them just fine, but not me.
I have no problem with you disagreeing with me. Life will go on regardless. My problem is with you acting as if i'm oppressing my future wife, or Liu Kang throwing out some bullshit assertion that having this position makes me a misogynist. What garbage.People disagree with your view. Deal with it. Why bother stating it if you won't accept a countering view?
And that's completely fine. We're just giving you our opinions as to why we feel that is wrong. It seems like you're purely equating marriage to simply taking your name when a totally different set of factors should be the case for marriage or common law.. maybe such as your happiness together, the potential you see for a future.. etc..
I'm saying if something so petty would be an issue with you about marriage, don't get married. Just like how if your attitude is "I get to name the kids or no kids", then you probably shouldn't have kids.I have no problem with you disagreeing with me. Life will go on regardless. My problem is with you acting as if i'm oppressing my future wife, or Liu Kang throwing out some bullshit assertion that having this position makes me a misogynist. What garbage.
I'm not. As i've said everything i've said i'm taking from personal experience. The major point that i'm trying to get across here is that if I don't want to get married and do so anyway, there is no difference between that and the woman not wanting to take my name and doing so anyway. Many posters in here have inexplicably assigned my request (taking my name) a higher weight than the other concession. (getting married). I don't see how that is all fair, unless me buckling because i'm a man is your position.
I'm saying if something so petty would be an issue with you about marriage, don't get married. Just like how if your attitude is "I get to name the kids or no kids", then you probably shouldn't have kids.
It is incredibly weird to have the attitude "marriage is meaningless" and also hold the attitude "You must take my name if we get married". It just makes no sense.
People disagree with your view. Deal with it. Why bother stating it if you won't accept a countering view?
I feel like the weirdest part about it is that it isn't because of heritage/lineage(all that mess), it's the potential fallout where he loses everything. Which I can understand. However, seeing that one is that worried about fallout, even if the S/O does take the last name - does it lay all worries to rest?
This seems ironic.
if the child gets both last names doesn't that make names really really long after a few generations?
It is not important, but I would like to take advantage of it. Like, if she is a Rothschild I would like to change my last name to that and even switch for a matching first name. But if she is a Perez, then I'm keeping my last name and she can choose whatever.
Wat?!I'm not. As i've said everything i've said i'm taking from personal experience. The major point that i'm trying to get across here is that if I don't want to get married and do so anyway, there is no difference between that and the woman not wanting to take my name and doing so anyway. Many posters in here have inexplicably assigned my request (taking my name) a higher weight than the other concession. (getting married).
I have no idea what you're saying here.I don't see how that is all fair, unless me buckling because i'm a man is your position.
I like how people in here think it's a good idea to compare changing a last fucking name to racism and Civil Fuckin' Rights.
Different scopes..
I mean it does dip into gender issues, but if you don't give a shit about that then carry on.
I like how people in here think it's a good idea to compare changing a last fucking name to racism and Civil Fuckin' Rights.
I don't get this. Sexism and racism are both shitty. Are we really going to have a tier list of human atrocities? And the only thing I compared it to was how people thought it was "old-fashioned" to strictly only allow themselves to marry someone of the same race. Being "old-fashioned" is often just a euphemism for "being hardheaded and unwilling to accept progressive changes.
My man, I kinda take issue when I see someone compares this and black people Civil Rights.