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Jedi Survior ... what happened to gaming?


It was ok, it's like a solid 6.5-7./10 game.
It's weird that IMO on paper it has a lot of improvements over the original (like bigger levels, more weapon types, new traversal mechanics, etc) but I actually had more fun with the first one, it just felt like a tighter experience and the issues were easier to overlook the first time around.

The combat in particular never quite clicked with me, the lightsabers felt even more like a bat than in the first one, and on higher difficulties enemies just spam unblockable attacks again and again. A lot of the bosses are just tedious (the last one in particular), they feel like you are slowly building towards breaking their stance but when you finally do so you basically just get a couple of free hits and it's back to square one. Also many of the abilities don't work well on anything but basic storm troopers, like I saved up points to unlock these combos with the dual blades but you can't really use them on any of the tougher enemies because they'll just hit you mid combo (or magically jump out of the way mid combo).

Also the rewards for exploration still suck. Sure it's a step up from the ponchos of the original but its still largely boring and/or ugly. A bunch of ugly haircuts, a bunch of boring clothes and a billion inconsequential visual customizations for your lightsaber which you can't really see during normal gameplay (specially on console with all the FSR smearing in motion).

At the least the platforming is still nice.
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I tapped out half way through and I barely remember a goddamn thing. Same goes for the first game. I wanted to like both because I’m a fan of Star Wars (the first 3 films) and the graphics were good, but the story and dialog in both are so unmemorable, getting around is a slog due to Uncharted like traversal mechanics everything, just so bland.
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I'd give it a 7.5/10. Remove the performance issues, and probably an 8.

An improvement on Fallen Order though.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Well worth a playthrough for cheap. Game has a few issues but it still looks phenomenal graphically, is mostly fun to play aside from some combat jank and has multiple intricate platforming sections almost reminiscent of Prince of Persia (2008). There's a few really great locations like the cyberpunk city or some late game ones. And I have a soft spot for seeing Master Braytak in a game. I'd play a 3rd game, on discount. The open world stuff is mostly padding but we've all done it before in countless games.
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Wish the lightsaber parts had unique stats effect , poncho too . I just run though the story because exploration feel meaningless.
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Animated GIF

Boss Mog

That series isn't perfect sure but they are the only decent Star Wars games we got in recent years. If you think that game is bad OP, then never play Outlaws.


This game only has one real issue and that is technical performance. Everything else is fine to good, which makes the issue such a shame.


Just started playing this today. I think the only jarring thing so far is the switch to cutscenes from the 60fps gameplay.


I enjoyed it more than the first, but it's basically babies first Souls game.

Better than the majority of Souls rip offs other than Lies of P, Nioh 2, and Hollow Knight if you count it.


4) the exploring barely rewards you.. oh a new face for my android ? A new hair cut ? Thanks but im not 5.

That really annoyed me about this game. Not only is barely rewards you, you also are exploring quite huge and empty maps. So exploration takes a lot of time and after you spend so much time you get a new face.


For me it was a 8/10 game, same with the first one. The only thing i want from part 3 is a little better exploring with rewards that has more "oumhp".


Gold Member
Im playing this game on ps5 pro ... about 11 hrs in... and holy fuck . What a horrible experience.

Cant think of a more souless game ...im in the Jedi Master difficult

1) graphics ... its too inconsistent.. sometimes good some times bad... a lot of glitches... a loooot .. the perfomance is ok most 60 fps in perfomance mode.

2) gameplay is ok .. but very repetitive... the sword fight becomes old and formulaic really fast even with the different stances

3) the AI is dumb and the way the game trys to make difficult is by turning them into sponges or throwing group of enemys at you

4) the exploring barely rewards you.. oh a new face for my android ? A new hair cut ? Thanks but im not 5.

5) forgettable side quests and NPCs... generic to the extreme

6) bad dialogues. Some completely out of context and stupid, just not going anywhere

7) its a game that dont know what it wants to be... its a souls clone + uncharted + metroidvania ... jack of all trades master of none

8) generic Villain- SPOILERS.... oh no another jedi turned evil by being angry with something.. how original.. and he than makes his saber red in real time .. wooow..

9) the game just started to crash on me .. 2 crashs in 1/2 hour ...

In resume .. its a bad game .. with many glitches and bugs.. with graphical inconsistency... bad story and characters... and a frankstein game play structure of 3 types of genres stiched together plus open world wannabe bloatness.

I bought this game.. on sale thankfully... but wouldn't recommend even on free on psplus ...

When studios will stop trying to make 40 hours bloated everything ?... and comeback to making real good focused smaller experiences... this slopp, this fudge of a game is all that is wrong with modern western gaming.
Too bad to hear about the rewards. That was a huge complaint from the 1st game which only gave ponchos.


You can’t rant in a wall of text and than attack people for disagreeing with you.
Be glad that your drama posting is possible here. It is borderline Reddit style.
Check his first post .. if you find that is simple disagreement and difference of opinion .. dont know what to say since there is a lot of people disagreeing with me here without any problems... and even he acknowledged he could have been less agressive. My post was a response to his name calling .. he acknowledged and so did the mods btw.. so thats it.

Wall of text ? Did you prefer that I just called the game shit , didnt put any reason and just peaced out ? ...

Anyway ... the matter was settled. Moving on.
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can't agree with soulless game part, if this is soulless then ac valhalla is voldemort. cere got epic scenes and epic send off. merrin and kal escape sequence was incredible. also seeing their relationship evolve slowly was fun to see. they didn't rush it. they gave it time. the cozy vibes with greez's bar. sure there are lots of forgettable NPCs but seeing them populate that bar, listening to a cool selection of music there, hanging around, just immersing yourself in this backwater planet that some folks trying to survive. it is unique. there are a minigame that you can have fun with, that giant fish tank that gets populated the more you play and find stuff. all of that left an impression on me and I won't really forget about it easily. that alone tells something.

these are not stuff that you'd see in a typical soulless boring game. my opinion

i also don't think bode is generic at all. he's a complex character. he just saw the situation as hopeless for jedi and sought a safe haven. can't blame him

its 8/10 game at best, but i wouldn't say soulless
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Moderated wildly
Oh damn OP. I loved the game. Probably one of the best this gen for me.

I did play it after the patches that improved performance though.


I felt the same way about Fallen Order.

Great first world that got worse and worse at the game went on.

The bugs got more and more bizarre as well, including me loading a save, losing all control of my character, having the game run in fast forward to the Second Sister in the mines, then have the boss essentially fight itself with me being able to input a handful of times during the whole thing.

I played more but quit when I got to the fight with the naked old man, the game crashed for the 50th time and wiped my recent progress, so I exited out and uninstalled it.

It was kind of worth the $3.50 they had it on sale for.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I liked it fine even with it running like total shit during its initial release.

I think Fallen Order is a million times better though. Better pacing, tighter and a bit more focused.

Both games get points deducted for Debra Wilson's character.


Quite literally the game that pushed me to PC Gaming, totally agree OP. It's an actually horrible game in every way imaginable, putrid piece of shit and the IQ on base PS5! Jesus christ


A Fucking Idiot
I finished the first game and thought it was a solid 7.5. Not bad. Got an hour and a half into the second game and had to put it down for basically all the same reasons OP mentioned. I'd give it a 6/10. There's way too many better games to waste time on this one.


I actually loved the game, even with the dodgy PC performance. I loved the exploring, and actually got a bit addicted to exploring every inch of the maps.
The only thing i didnt like about he exploration was how you are locked out of doing certain things due to not having the force power i guess, but it doesnt tell you waht force power you need, if you get me. Thats frustarting.
I still need to finish the game actually but got sidetracked with other games.


The gameplay is atrocious. I disliked the first one, but I wanted to get an achievement for the ms rewards, so I decided to give this game a chance, I played for 20 minutes and I hated every second of it.

Terrible combat. It's the worst souls inspired game I've played so far and I think I played almost almost all of them.


King Snowflake
Damn, did you like the first game at all? Was thinking of trying this out eventually but your post makes it seem terrible. I thought the first was decent (not mind blowing). I thought it was supposed to look good now on PS5 Pro?
Second one was better than the first. I waited for it to hit Gamepass so it was one of the better games I played in 2024.


I liked it a lot more than the first one. Yeah it has some problems, but it was not too bad for me.
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To each their own I suppose. I played it at launch on PC and enjoyed my time with it enough to play it all the way through and look forward to the next game.


The thing these kinds of threads always remind me is how easily one can be blinded by nostalgia.

I grew up playing PS2 games, and while there were a lot of classics, there was a lot of soulless shit coming out all the time from both big studios and small.

Nowadays you have all of that too, but at least you have more options. So many great indie games, plenty of well written games and meldings of genres.

I didn't enjoy Jedi fallen order and never bothered with the sequel, but goddamn it if I ain't lucky that great videogames keep coming out every year, and from those western developers too.
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This games still sits at "mixed" reviews on Steam. Not good. I have it wishlisted hoping for steep sale and improved reviews. I think the dev has moved on and is no longer patching it. So I have my doubts review scores will improve. Maybe I should not even bother with it.
For me it’s “what happened to the Star Wars IP?”

Going from being absolutely crazy obsessed with everything related to it, to not giving a fuck and now it actively turns me off games where I’d be more interested if they were not associated with the IP at all.

To that end I have never, and have no interest in ever playing these games. But they do look like very generic western AAA releases that happens to also use the Star Wars IP. For some people that makes it awesome. For me it’s the opposite.
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