Now I've triggered a Sony snowflake who took the opposite meaning of what I was saying?
Is today the day of lets get twisted meaning from Nonehxc letters and go dumbly against him for soiling the virtue of my favourite whatever?

Look spinerino friend.
Lets see, so far I have one unhinged person from the From Software Einsaztgruppen, and another one from the Sony Pony Autodefense.
Since my message also mentions Xbox and PC, I guess the next ones will be the Xbox Zealots of the Cult of the Fail and the soiled neck beard PC Masterracers(not seen on frame is my PC to the right with all Dark Souls series on Steam) twisting my words to conform to their prejudices.
Goddamm, I love it. Offending everyone everywhere at the same time without even pretending it.
Or, you know, you both could just come clear and accept you took the wrong meaning out of my words, each one of you for different retarded reasons and prejudices, and we could all be friends.