Magic Story - Saint Traft Potter and the Flight of Nightmares
* Back to Thalia and friends. Odric stayed behind due to a crisis of faith. They were being chased by an inquisitor named Geeta, but she insists on dragging around guillotines, which slow her and her army down enough that she's considered a non-issue.
* The inquisitors consider a transformation into an Eldrazi a sign that your sins have been purged.
* Hanweir has already transformed into Eldrazi Ooze by this point.
* They get confirmation that Avacyn is dead, with Avacyn's spear. Thalia's gryff starts crying. Thalia is unable to touch the spear until she gets help from the spirit of Saint Traft, and she uses it to hold their banner. She gives a speech.
* They go to Thraben, where there are a lot of Eldrazi. At first they ignore them, but Thalia gets to close to an It That Rides as One and it attacks her. She and the others kill it.
* One of the newbies looks like he's about to throw up, but instead he gets Eldrazified. Thalia kills him.
* As they travel, townsfolk with pitchforks join them.
* They meet up with Olivia's army of vampires. Olivia mentions that she met Saint Traft once. Thalia knows the vampires will turn on them once the battle is over, but that's a hypothetical compared to the real threat of the Eldrazi.
* Flashback to Thalia meeting the ghost of Saint Traft.
* As they get into Thraben, everyone is affected by the madness. Saint Traft protects Thalia, but the others aren't safe. Thalia gives a speech, a bit too late since some have already Eldrazified, and holy spirits come and possess everyone. Some reject the spirits and Thalia doesn't insist.
* They get inside the city walls, where townsfolk, cathars, and even skaabs are fighting off the monsters and cultists. Thalia goes to kill Seeta, who is among the cultists, but Olivia kills her first.
* Brisela appears. As the only one with a gryff, Thalia thinks she has to fight it herself. She gets her ass kicked, but Sigarda comes to the rescue. Sigarda is grabbed and Brisela tries to fuse with her.
* Saint Traft makes Thalia go Super Saiyan, with wings of light coming out of her. She uses Avacyn's spear to kill Brisela and save Sigarda.
* Emrakul appears.