Man mauled to death by tiger at zoo in China

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He had climbed over the zoo's walls to avoid paying for a ticket, and landed in the tiger enclosure, local tourism authorities said in a statement.

There is a video taken by visitors inside the park. I've seen it. it's NSFL, so I won't post it. You can google it if you want.

EDIT: It wasn't just 1 tiger. There were 3 in the video. Staff managed to scare away 2 of them while one continued to hang on to him. HIs wife and kids bought tickets and were in the park.


In July last year, tigers mauled a woman and her mother when they stepped out of their car at a Beijing drive-through wildlife park.
The woman, surnamed Zhao, survived but her mother died of her injuries. Ms Zhao has since sued the park for her mother's death.

Different case but in the same article... Wow, shameless


He had climbed over the zoo's walls to avoid paying for a ticket, and landed in the tiger enclosure, local tourism authorities said in a statement.

Sounds like a scene from a shitty comedy


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Everyone lost in this situation..... and for such a stupid reason, i mean COME ON.

Feel bad for the Tiger...already caged and then getting killed for something he has no control over.


What is the context of life? Does it mean death or something else.

I guess it's a good tag for anxiety users.
It's a play on Not Safe for Work.

NSFL is for things you can't unsee but probably wish you could. The disturbing memory is going to stick with you.


What is the context of life? Does it mean death or something else.

I guess it's a good tag for anxiety users.

It's a play on "Not Safe For Work" as in "this would be a bad idea to view at work" because it's inappropriate.

So NSFL basically means "this would be bad for to view anywhere" because it's shocking or disturbing content.
It's a play on Not Safe for Work.

NSFL is for things you can't unsee but probably wish you could.

Since I have a strange cough and feeling bad I'll just avoid it for now. Even with anxiety I still go about things the wrong way and see too much sometimes.

I still feel bad for the dude, the fear, pain and situation can't be imagined at all.

It's a play on "Not Safe For Work" as in "this would be deleterious to view at work". So NSFL basically means "this would be bad for to view anywhere" because it's pretty shocking or disturbing content.

Yeah, as much as I have been on message boards not sure how I missed it before. Must have skipped over it a few times.

You're thinking too hard. It's just "this is extremely fucked up; watch if you think you can stomach it."
Yeah, I have my over thinking, sometimes I can handle it and sometimes can't. Thanks for the info
Man messed up. That is unfortunate luck for the guy...I feel sorry for him. I also feel sorry for the tiger. In general I am not a fan of zoos at all, but I think they embody some weird dynamics in human values, as shown by this episode here.


Video is from a distance and you can't really see that much.

There's a bunch of them. Some people actually filmed it the right way too.

The park staff seemed to shoot off a bunch of fireworks or blanks, or they have very bad aim...which got most of the tigers to run away.

But 1 tiger didn't budge, I think he/she snapped and was just taking some anger out on the guy. Poor dude, you could see him moving for a bit, which just seemed to upset that one tiger even more.

Edit. 17 bucks wasn't worth it. Seemed his friend knew it was a bad idea to continue with the fence hopping. He stayed behind.
When you climb over a railing into a Tiger enclosure, I assume you know exactly what you're doing. He didn't care, clearly.

did the video show? was he doing tiger hunting, suicide or was it sort of a wall that went along the cage from the outside and met up with the fence inside the park and he just happened to slip on the way ?

Edit. 17 bucks wasn't worth it. Seemed his friend knew it was a bad idea to continue with the fence hopping. He stayed behind.
I mean, the price is irrelevant to an extent isn't it? What price is worth risking your life for? 50? 1000? I wouldn't want to have a chance to fall into a tiger cage for saving any amount of money or even getting some sort of pay out. A million dollars isn't worth the chance to me, that is scary as shit... but for some I guess it isn't as scary, even falling in... I get some people are much more brave than me though.
did the video show? was he doing tiger hunting, suicide or was it sort of a wall that went along the cage from the outside and met up with the fence inside the park and he just happened to slip on the way ?

read the article. He climbed over 2 walls with prominent warning signs.


Pisses me off that this guy's idiocy resulted in one of the tigers being killed. :/

I find it hard to be sympathetic to someone climbing over a heavily signed wall into a tiger enclosure.


did the video show? was he doing tiger hunting, suicide or was it sort of a wall that went along the cage from the outside and met up with the fence inside the park and he just happened to slip on the way ?

I mean, the price is irrelevant to an extent isn't it? What price is worth risking your life for? 50? 1000? I wouldn't want to have a chance to fall into a tiger cage for saving any amount of money or even getting some sort of pay out. A million dollars isn't worth the chance to me, that is scary as shit... but for some I guess it isn't as scary, even falling in... I get some people are much more brave than me though.

2 wives and 2 kids bought tickets, the 2 husbands either couldn't afford to, or didn't want to buy their own (my dad used to do this shit constantly when I was a kid, would try to sneak his way in to places and be super pleased with himself that he saved $10-15).

My assumption is they found a secluded/unmonitored section of 3m tall fencing (Article says clearly marked as dangerous) climbing this likely putting them in some sort of maintenance area or staff walkway between enclosures. Victim then climbed another apparently clearly marked fence to get into the actual park, but it was the wall to the tiger's enclosure..his friend heard the screams and didn't try to climb after him.


I never understand why they have to shoot the animal in cases like this. It fucking maddens me.

Well. In this instance... you had a few tigers around a visibly still moving guy.. you shoot off a few rounds. It scares all but one (latching on to the guy). It has dolls eyes at this point like that shark that ate quints friends.. from jaws... things are moving very quickly, and you likely want to save the guys life if you can. You can't enter the enclosure really, to lure it away because there's a bunch of tigers roaming around.

I dont think zoos should exist. But I understand why they shoot the animals. I ultimately blame the zoo for existing rather than the action of shooting. That tiger seemed to know it was going to go to Tiger valhalla. I'm sure the others ran because they knew what those sounds were. It was probably was fed up with the whole thing.

But to your point. What do you do with a mankiller? Keep it at the zoo.. or return it to the wild, which has a myriad of problems without killing humans.. it's almost like shooting is the most humane thing to do. All things considered.


Because they get a taste of human flesh. That's the main reason anyway.

Well. In this instance... you had a few tigers around a visibly still moving guy.. you shoot off a few rounds. It scares all but one (latching on to the guy). It has dolls eyes at this point like that shark that ate quints friends.. from jaws... things are moving very quickly, and you likely want to save the guys life if you can. You can't enter the enclosure really, to lure it away because there's a bunch of tigers roaming around.

I dont think zoos should exist. But I understand why they shoot the animals. I ultimately blame the zoo for existing rather than the action of shooting. That tiger seemed to know it was going to go to Tiger valhalla. I'm sure the others ran because they knew what those sounds were. It was probably was fed up with the whole thing.

But to your point. What do you do with a mankiller? Keep it at the zoo.. or return it to the wild, which has a myriad of problems without killing humans.. it's almost like shooting is the most humane thing to do. All things considered.

It's a bullshit excuse though. The tiger didn't need a taste for human flesh to attack some fucking idiot. It's what tigers are genetically programmed to do. It's not like anyone used to wander in and feed the tigers by hand or pet them before this incident, so the tiger can't just wander around eating people at will now that he knows how delicious we are.

Killing the tiger is more about appeasing shocked member of the public, upset that a lowly animal dared to kill a superior human. It's fucking wrong.


It's a bullshit excuse though. The tiger didn't need a taste for human flesh to attack some fucking idiot. It's what tigers are genetically programmed to do. It's not like anyone used to wander in and feed the tigers by hand or pet them before this incident, so the tiger can't just wander around eating people at will now that he knows how delicious we are.

Killing the tiger is more about appeasing shocked member of the public, upset that a lowly animal dared to kill a superior human. It's fucking wrong.

Tigers wouldn't behave differently/more aggressive towards their handlers after tasting human flesh? I don't know how it works in most zoos and in other countries, but the few Tiger related things I've seen the zoo staff were fairly involved.

Checking youtube for my local amusement park's "Tiger Island" has 3 Tigers and 5 staff in a big enclosure with a pool, 2 staff are swimming in the pool.

EDIT: I'm not excusing these Zoos, the only ones I don't have much of an issue with are the Pandas, seeing as how they don't seem to be able to adapt to new environments to survive (fuck the people who destroyed their natural habitats and those that hunt them, or any animal for that matter).


No sympathy, idiot. I feel for his family though and I'm gutted that a tiger had to be shot because of this doofus


It's a bullshit excuse though. The tiger didn't need a taste for human flesh to attack some fucking idiot. It's what tigers are genetically programmed to do. It's not like anyone used to wander in and feed the tigers by hand or pet them before this incident, so the tiger can't just wander around eating people at will now that he knows how delicious we are.

Killing the tiger is more about appeasing shocked member of the public, upset that a lowly animal dared to kill a superior human. It's fucking wrong.

It's wrong, to have zoos. And it's wrong to shoot animals in said zoos. We've been in agreement there.

But as zoos are part of our world, and destroying habitat has resulted in more contact with nature, you have to make a decision. Do you just let the tiger eat the human being, and continue on as if nothing has happened? Or do you return a zoo raised/or previously wild tiger to the wild, with all the complications hat come of that. Be it poaching or other predators.

Eating a human; It's more about having an aggressive tiger at your zoo. More so than the others who literally stopped playing with the man when gunfire happened. no, no one is hand feeding it, or petting it in its enclosure.

But that's why I said it's the only real option when a society has zoos where people can literally jump into tiger cages.


maybe (definitely) the internet has horrendously desensitised me, but i didn't think the video was graphic or disturbing. dude was a moron.


Here's the part I don't get

The women and children had bought tickets and entered the park, but the two men decided to scale the zoo's 3m-tall (10ft) outer wall, said Mr Li who gave a statement to the tourism authority.

They then climbed another 3m-tall wall that was the boundary of the tiger enclosure. Mr Zhang dropped down into the enclosure and was attacked by a tiger, said Mr Li, who did not follow

Did they land in an employee area or something? I don't get why they needed to scale another wall, and why the dude thought it was a good idea to drop down when he saw tigers.


Absolutely tragic. Feel sorry for his wife and kids.

Also, the amount of unsympathetic comments towards the man and his family and sympathetic comments towards some tiger is pretty fucking disgusting.
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