Man mauled to death by tiger at zoo in China

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Jesus Christ. I guess shitty comments happen everywhere in the world.

Not much worse than the comments in this very thread. Absolutely no sympathy for a person who died a fucking terrifying and painful death (even if it was because of his own mistake).


Not much worse than the comments in this very thread. Absolutely no sympathy for a person who died a fucking terrifying and painful death (even if it was because of his own mistake).

I think wanting to throw the whole family including kids who never did anything wrong in front of the tigers as 'punishment' is worse than the comments here.


Looking at the map of the zoo, the tigers are just around the entrance...


It looks like he came directly from the parking lot.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
How high up is that fence?

From a newspaper report:

“Zhang and Li climbed over a three-metre wall from the northwest side of the zoo, ignoring warning signs along the wire fence, before scaling over another three-meter into the tiger enclosure. Zhang entered the pen. Li did not.”

The photo that accompanied one of the newspaper articles shows a fence that's higher than three meters though.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch

The deceased man's relatives are now blaming the zoo for not strict enough about their security, lmao

"[The zoo] should not give people the opportunity to climb over," one relative told Pear Video, accusing the Ningbo Youngor Zoo of not having strict enough surveillance measures along its outer perimeter.

Zhang was then rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment where he succumbed to his injuries and died.
His younger brother told Pear Video that this puts the deceased man's family in an extremely tough place. Zhang was supporting his wife and two children, along with his two parents, and his family's financial situation was already unstable -- which might help to explain why he was so reluctant to pay the zoo's 130 RMB entry fee.

Still, Zhang and his family have received little support from Chinese netizens who believe that they are merely setting the stage to demand a lucrative compensation payment from the zoo.
"This entire family should be thrown to the tigers as compensation for the tiger family's loss," suggested one Weibo user.


Not much worse than the comments in this very thread. Absolutely no sympathy for a person who died a fucking terrifying and painful death (even if it was because of his own mistake).

why have sympathy for the man

i have sympathy for the family of course, but i mean...i dunno if i did some dumbshit thing and died for it i wouldn't expect anyone to have sympathy for me. people die every day and if you bring it on yourself so brazenly i don't see why it merits some tragic label

anyway i bet that was the most fun that those tigers had in a long time, since they basically just really like mauling things, as tigers are wont to do! at least it got to have fun before it got executed, but hey maybe thats preferable to being in the zoo anyway
Why are the tickets so expensive?

Because they keep losing attractions when they have to shoot them due to the stupid patrons.

shoot animals > lose viewers/have to pay for transport of new animals > prices go up > more dipshits jump the walls to avoid prices or fall in > shoot more animals

I made all that up.

Mr Git

Absolutely tragic. Feel sorry for his wife and kids.

Also, the amount of unsympathetic comments towards the man and his family and sympathetic comments towards some tiger is pretty fucking disgusting.

Yes it is tragic. But I don't get your last comment. The tigers do not know better but the man should fucking have. Tigers are an endangered species. Humans are the opposite. So yeah I'll express sympathy for the tiger, but then I like animals.
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