Man mauled to death by tiger at zoo in China

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Gold Member
Absolutely tragic. Feel sorry for his wife and kids.

Also, the amount of unsympathetic comments towards the man and his family and sympathetic comments towards some tiger is pretty fucking disgusting.

The tigers were simply acting on their natural (and well known) instincts. The guy was a dumbass. Not saying it's not tragic, but I also understand the people sympathetic with the tiger.
Highlight of this story
* in the youtube video, a guy was live blogging to his group
* zoo staff used firecrackers scared away some of the tigers
* two men climb the fence, one man some how didn't got into the tiger pen.
Thousand of people visit zoos and they don't get killed by tigers. I fail to see how the zoo's existence is at fault for this man's action.


Imagine what goes through your head as your being eaten alive for avoiding a 17 dollar ticket fee.



Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Here's the part I don't get

Did they land in an employee area or something? I don't get why they needed to scale another wall, and why the dude thought it was a good idea to drop down when he saw tigers.

Its most probably a double walls (with 1 to 2 metre gap in between) so they have to scale 2 walls to get inside
"They then climbed another 3m-tall wall that was the boundary of the tiger enclosure."

The tourism authority said there were prominent warning signs posted around the point the two men had entered the park, and iron fencing on top of the walls."

I think it's common practice to shoot tigers and lions that have aquired a taste for man? When jumpers get bitten it almost always ends with the animals death, sadly.
Absolutely tragic. Feel sorry for his wife and kids.

Also, the amount of unsympathetic comments towards the man and his family and sympathetic comments towards some tiger is pretty fucking disgusting.

Difference is that one of the parties involved should have known better.

He's an idiot plain and simple and no one but him deprived his family of their father/husband.


Absolutely tragic. Feel sorry for his wife and kids.

Also, the amount of unsympathetic comments towards the man and his family and sympathetic comments towards some tiger is pretty fucking disgusting.

The tiger wasn't a cheap dickhead, stupidly trying to save a few Renminbi. None of this was the tiger's fault, yet it paid with its life.


Humans have brains unlike any other mammal, he should have used it and thought about his family. The Tiger acted rightfully, on instinct.

Tragic all round and could've been prevented if the guy wasn't an imbecile.

There is a video taken by visitors inside the park. I've seen it. it's NSFL, so I won't post it. You can google it if you want.

EDIT: It wasn't just 1 tiger. There were 3 in the video. Staff managed to scare away 2 of them while one continued to hang on to him. HIs wife and kids bought tickets and were in the park.
Thats unfortunate. Deninitely not something to cheap out on lol. The last thing i would do is climb the wall into the tiger enclosure to avoid buying a ticket


Tbh the most fucked up thing about the video is that EVERYONE is recording it.

I wouldn't be able to see that unfold. I probably would run away in shock or just stay there without actually looking.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I like how in the video there are dozens of people just watching and filming on their phones.


Junior Member
The joke about the tiger teeth picture actually isn't funny.

I get it, "victim was stupid, tiger shouldn't have died," but respect is still needed.


Any possibility it was suicide with the intent of the Zoo paying his family for life? I don't know a ton about how the legal system in China works but I can't think of any other reason a human being would jump into a cage of tigers on purpose.


Junior Member
It's kinda sad none of them thought to throw any and everything at the tigers to distract them.

No you don't do that.

In this video an Indian man falls into a tiger enclosure. The people try to distract the tiger by throwing sticks and rocks. All it does is scare the tiger into quickly killing the man and then running off with his prey.

Still blows my mind how easily the tiger runs off with the body. Basically a rag doll


The joke about the tiger teeth picture actually isn't funny.

I get it, "victim was stupid, tiger shouldn't have died," but respect is still needed.
You don't automatically earn respect by dying. The guy was an idiot, pure and simple.
Yeah, if it gets a PG rating on Liveleak it's not exactly NSFL.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Tigers are giant beautiful murder machines, my kitten can cause me pain and agony just because he wants attention and is made of tiny knives... imagining that super sized to a 500lb killing machine is rather terrifying.
I like how in the video there are dozens of people just watching and filming on their phones.

Humans have brains just like any other mammal. Our first instincts when there's trouble is to pull out our smart phones rather than do something to help.


Yeah, this is the part that baffles me, the family had already paid for the tickets, he should've paid too... I wonder what was going through his head before jumping down into the enclosure.
Maybe he couldnt afford all the tickets? There are a lot of situations for middle class and poor people, that generally men may take the cheap/painful/risky route. This was just poorly thought though.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Yeah, this is the part that baffles me, the family had already paid for the tickets, he should've paid too... I wonder what was going through his head before jumping down into the enclosure.

I mean China is hard up economically, if I remember right (or maybe it's just the FoxConn stories that make me think that). But I mean... yeah, if 3 of his family are already there, surely they have enough money to make it 4...?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Tigers are giant beautiful murder machines, my kitten can cause me pain and agony just because he wants attention and is made of tiny knives... imagining that super sized to a 500lb killing machine is rather terrifying.

This. My cat can fucking hurt me, imagine what a tiger can do :/
I mean China is hard up economically, if I remember right (or maybe it's just the FoxConn stories that make me think that). But I mean... yeah, if 3 of his family are already there, surely they have enough money to make it 4...?

Maybe not. Lived in China, worked in China, wife is Chinese and so I know the extended family.
I know people who would need to save up for a simple trip to the Zoo for months, especially farmers. China has extremely rich people and extremely poor ones.

The sad thing though is actually the price. Who pays 130 RMB for a fucking Zoo. Even the one in Beijing, that I despise "lately", since its pretty run down, costs like 40. Sadly a lot of tourist attractions in China are far more expensive than ever in Europe for people that earn far less than we do in Europe on average.
The video isn't bad. Shit way to go though.

The tiger which was holding onto him had some serious balls, even with all the distractions thrown towards it at the end. Focused on the kill.

Amazing(ly scary) animals.

Annoys me they killed the animal for being an animal.
Yeah I saw the video and it was pretty messed up. Granted it was far away but it was close enough that you can see the gist of it.

What I don't get is why everyone decided to just start recording this horrific scene instead of trying to help in any way. Disgusting.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What I don't get is why everyone decided to just start recording this horrific scene instead of trying to help in any way. Disgusting.

Not much they can do. Throwing shoes at the Tiger isn't exactly gonna stop it from mauling the man to death.


Stupid guy. Also took whatever control method the park had an eternity, so fucking slow Jesus Christ.
Edit, wait, AN HOUR?


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
His wife and kids baught tickets and were in the park so probably witnessed him get mauled by tigers. Man that would scar you for life.
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