Man mauled to death by tiger at zoo in China

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I like how in the video there are dozens of people just watching and filming on their phones.

Humans have brains just like any other mammal. Our first instincts when there's trouble is to pull out our smart phones rather than do something to help.

Remember Harambe? They also killed the gorilla. What do you want people to do? Climb in there and save the man or kid? Throw some water bottles? Ask the tiger or gorilla nicely to let go of the man/kid?


Tigers wouldn't behave differently/more aggressive towards their handlers after tasting human flesh? I don't know how it works in most zoos and in other countries, but the few Tiger related things I've seen the zoo staff were fairly involved.

Checking youtube for my local amusement park's "Tiger Island" has 3 Tigers and 5 staff in a big enclosure with a pool, 2 staff are swimming in the pool.

EDIT: I'm not excusing these Zoos, the only ones I don't have much of an issue with are the Pandas, seeing as how they don't seem to be able to adapt to new environments to survive (fuck the people who destroyed their natural habitats and those that hunt them, or any animal for that matter).

At least with stuff like lion and tiger training at zoos, if the handler walks out injured he or she cannot ever work with those tigers again. There's a documentary called Fast, Cheap & Out of Control which partially follows a lion tamer, and he talks about the time a lion took a chunk out of his leg and he had to keep going. The whole reason the lion tamer thing works is because the tamer sets themselves up at this dominant figure.
Pisses me off that this guy's idiocy resulted in one of the tigers being killed. :/

I find it hard to be sympathetic to someone climbing over a heavily signed wall into a tiger enclosure.

Yeah, this is the bigger tragedy - the poor bloody tiger being shot dead :(

This man is an idiot who now leaves his family alone because he was too dumb to take notice or chose to ignore the warning signs.


Aw, look at all of those empathic people here demonstratively not caring about the death of a father because lol, such stupid, and instead explicitly only mourning the tiger. It's very edgy and extremely cool.
Man messed up. That is unfortunate luck for the guy...I feel sorry for him. I also feel sorry for the tiger. In general I am not a fan of zoos at all, but I think they embody some weird dynamics in human values, as shown by this episode here.

Because they get a taste of human flesh. That's the main reason anyway.

Well. In this instance... you had a few tigers around a visibly still moving guy.. you shoot off a few rounds. It scares all but one (latching on to the guy). It has dolls eyes at this point like that shark that ate quints friends.. from jaws... things are moving very quickly, and you likely want to save the guys life if you can. You can't enter the enclosure really, to lure it away because there's a bunch of tigers roaming around.

I dont think zoos should exist. But I understand why they shoot the animals. I ultimately blame the zoo for existing rather than the action of shooting. That tiger seemed to know it was going to go to Tiger valhalla. I'm sure the others ran because they knew what those sounds were. It was probably was fed up with the whole thing.

But to your point. What do you do with a mankiller? Keep it at the zoo.. or return it to the wild, which has a myriad of problems without killing humans.. it's almost like shooting is the most humane thing to do. All things considered.

That's a myth propagated by ignorance mostly. Predators don't lust after humans if they ever attack or kill one. And they don't become any more or less aggressive either.
Human flesh doesn't even taste that good compared to other prey animals!
what a fucking dumbass. they had to shoot the tiger dead afterward.

Not only that, but now his family has to deal with the aftermath and the kids now have no dad because he decided to do something stupid. Such a shame...

Aw, look at all of those empathic people here demonstratively not caring about the death of a father because lol, such stupid, and instead explicitly only mourning the tiger. It's very edgy and extremely cool.

What about the family the father had? It's not just about the tiger buddy.


Aw, look at all of those empathic people here demonstratively not caring about the death of a father because lol, such stupid, and instead explicitly only mourning the tiger. It's very edgy and extremely cool.

One was an idiot, the other was an animal at the mercy of humans. Doesn't take much to understand why people don't have sympathy for him. He killed this tiger with his actions
Aw, look at all of those empathic people here demonstratively not caring about the death of a father because lol, such stupid, and instead explicitly only mourning the tiger. It's very edgy and extremely cool.

What's there to mourn? That he was too cheap to pay for a ticket? Or that he couldn't wait outside While his wife and kid enjoyed the zoo? That's not mourning, that's celebrating stupidity.


Condolences to the widow and kids who lost a parent.

Angry at the dead tiger. We don't have that many of them left.

No sympathy for the moron who climbed into a pit with some of the most efficient murderers on earth.


I watched the video and it looks like the zookeepers tried to scare the tigers away with some type of flash or concussion grenade. He was definitely still alive before they did that, but it only managed to scare off the other tigers, and not the one with a grip on his shoulder. Those concussion grenades only made that tiger finish him off. They should have just shot the tiger instead of trying to scare them off, they could have saved him. I guess a tigers life is more valuable to the zoo.


Yeah the guy was colossally stupid. To be eaten alive because he didn't want to pay park entry fees. That's still a terrifying way to go. RIP.

Condolences to the family that lost a loved one and will be going through more hardships.

RIP to the tiger. It was 0% at fault and was only doing what was natural. They should not have killed it.

This sucks all around.
Aw, look at all of those empathic people here demonstratively not caring about the death of a father because lol, such stupid, and instead explicitly only mourning the tiger. It's very edgy and extremely cool.

I mean...the tiger is the victim here. He did natural tiger things and was killed for it.

I feel very badly for the rest of the family, and avoidable human deaths are always sad, but I feel about as much empathy for this guy as I would a guy who kills himself street racing or some other dumb stunt.


Aw, look at all of those empathic people here demonstratively not caring about the death of a father because lol, such stupid, and instead explicitly only mourning the tiger. It's very edgy and extremely cool.
There's only one edgy post in this thread. Can you guess which one it is?


Ugh.. makes me feel sick that this innocent tiger had to pay for men's stupidity once more, haven't they suffered enough?


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
The joke about the tiger teeth picture actually isn't funny.

I get it, "victim was stupid, tiger shouldn't have died," but respect is still needed.

He was trying to cheat his way into the zoo. And definitely not a thing to do as a role model to his kid.
Aw, look at all of those empathic people here demonstratively not caring about the death of a father because lol, such stupid, and instead explicitly only mourning the tiger. It's very edgy and extremely cool.

Pretty much my thoughts.

It was definitely a dumb decision, but he's still a human and it's heart-breaking when anyone dies in such a horrific manner. The grief the family must be going through is beyond words. It's unfortunate the tiger had to die, but get some perspective people.


The video isn't bad. Shit way to go though.

The tiger which was holding onto him had some serious balls, even with all the distractions thrown towards it at the end. Focused on the kill.

Amazing(ly scary) animals.

Annoys me they killed the animal for being an animal.

IIRC, Any animal that has killed a human, let alone tasted human, must be killed because it will do (or try to do) it again.
So through his idiocy he got himself killed, caused his family unbelievable emotional anguish that could take a lifetime to get over AND had an endangered animal killed.
Children lost a father, wife lost a husband and the entire world lost a very beautiful, intelligent and very rare species of animal.
Yeah, I can't have a shred of sympathy for this person. Sorry.


I won't watch the video. Hearing a human dying that way is too horrifying. The guy is s fucking idiot and I feel horrible that the tiger was killed but I can't stomach that stuff.
Aw, look at all of those empathic people here demonstratively not caring about the death of a father because lol, such stupid, and instead explicitly only mourning the tiger. It's very edgy and extremely cool.
Or people are empathetic to the family for their loss but can realize that the dad is a 100% at fault for his death and the tiger is not the issue?

It's getting ridiculous how some people will defend humans over animals in every situation.


Will drop pants for Sony.
RIP to the guy that fell in, what a horrible way to die. I'm not an animal lover so i cannot feel sad for the tiger that killed a human being.


I like how in the video there are dozens of people just watching and filming on their phones.

What would you even do? You can't throw anything, yelling won't work, not like you're going in there yourself.

Unless you have a piece of meat, nothing is going to work.

Right?? I'm throwing my shoes, grabbing shit nearby to through too; everything's going in there!

You'd get the man killed. You think that scares tigers? No, they would kill him and bring him to a safe place. It happened in India.

My ghost would haunt your ass lol.
The firecrackers used by the park staff to try to scare the tigrrs away were an huge mistake. They worked for the other three tigers but the one mauling the man tried to carry him biting even more his neck and head. You can see before the man was still alive, trying to keep the second tiger away with his legs, and the tiger was holding him tight by his neck, waiting the victim to pass out. The firecrackers just rush the tiger to finnish its kill.

But I am not sure what could be possible done, a tranquilizer probable will have the same effect untill it works, the only solution would be to kill the tiger right away,


But I am not sure what could be possible done, a tranquilizer probable will have the same effect untill it works, the only solution would be to kill the tiger right away,

True. But I am wondering if the zoo workers even have guns with live rounds.

The attack took an hour and it was police that shot the tiger. This could imply they don't have guns in the zoo (at least not with live ammo)


[The zoo] should not give people the opportunity to climb over," one relative told Pear Video, accusing the Ningbo Youngor Zoo of not having strict enough surveillance measures along its outer perimeter.

What happened to common sense? Was it ever common at all?


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
If this was one of the walls climbed by the victim ...


I find it hard to feel sorry for such stupidity.
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