I second this. It's irritating that people are being depressed because they doesn't get their favorite characters but people always find new mains eventually. I just felt that this thread isn't a speculation, it has become a whinefest. Instead of complaining, it wouldn't hurt to be optimistic and discuss about upcoming newcomers' movesets or would certain characters get new moves? Or discuss about upcoming 5 DLC characters that we have no single idea about. I still think it's going to be Ms. Marvel, Black Panther, Loki/Daredevil/Punisher, Asura, Gene and Sigma.
P.S. people asking for delays or unrealistic changes simply don't understand how development works.
Even when this thread was created people never really talked about movelist for characters. It was always roster discussion. I myself put forward some theoretical game play stuff about characters but people didn't even read it so why would anyone else bother? I have also made numerous posts about the game play in the past and people were more concerned about Chris making it in over Leon than the fact that Chris actually has less gun moves in this game than in Marvel 3. The priorities of this thread are obvious and the doom/gloom from a disappointing roster could have been seen a mile away.
It's not just about favorites not making it in. Dante is probably my favorite character of all time but I am well above this "I got mine so I am good" mentality. This is how we got Trump elected in the US, people only concerned for themselves and not looking at the bigger picture.
The roster isn't just the main cause of the doom and gloom. This reminds me of how the DMC fans got scapegoated because of the Dante redesign (ie. White hair) when the problems with that game were more widespread than just a character design. The roster in the game is just one problem, here are other things that people are concerned with:
*The release date makes no sense. It's well past the tournament season meaning by the time this game gets played at EVO a lot of hype will be lost around it. It's also not really in either the holiday season or early in the years when games seem to flourish. The release date is suspect as hell to anyone who follows gaming in general.
*The idea of selling a half baked roster and then selling the rest as DLC is a scummy practice for competitive fighting games. It has slowly escalated to this point and IMO Marvel Infinite is looking to be the worst culprit of this is practice yet. People are very right to wait a year or two for an all in one DLC package for cheap.
*The game play has taken quite a hit from Marvel 3. Maybe the Tag and Stone systems make up for it but it's really a gamble at this point. I personally am optimistic but I don't think it will be a significant jump from Marvel 3. Team making is a big part of the VS series, assists are also very important and so is high mobility. Mobility seems nerfed in this game as the focus seems to be more on the ground. This is probably the least of my concerns for the game but it is still a concern, it's possible that the game might be a bump down from previous Marvel games.
*The arts and visuals are bland making the game far less striking than Marvel 3. I don't know what they are doing here but the game looks rough. Hopefully this improves over time as it should but man the combination of that pseudo realistic art, bland effects and terrible UI... it's no surprise people think it looks like a phone game.
*Capcom's pedigree has been shot as of late. They have made numerous blunders in this genre and so far this game has not shown to curb those issues at all.
*The game's content modes look very vanilla. Nothing really stands out at the moment, it's all regular stuff that should be in the game. The story mode doesn't seem anything to get excited over especially if SFV is any indication. Nothing about this game looks to be on the polish or quality of IJ2 so expecting a campaign on that level is fooling yourself.
*Everything about this game looks like a step down from Marvel 3 and Marvel infinite is reusing so many assets from that game. It should have blown away Marvel 3 but instead it looks like it's re-purposing its carcass for a quick buck and all you are getting is a husk of its former self.
I don't want this game to be bad, I don't want this game to be just good either... I want this game to be great as I know this series of capable of being. I am a super fan of this series and it takes A LOT to curb my enthusiasm for this game but Capcom is trying really hard on all fronts.