Ok, they can add an patch to the game to add X-men characters, that i can dig it. But why so late. Why improve the game AFTER launch with basic elements like gameplay, overall design, characters roster.
SFV, Injustice 2, and KI improve with each season, i get that, but i don't believe any of you guys wheren't excited with any of those games the way they where launched originally.
I wonder if they'll do anything fun for the MvCI launch. I could go for Ryu or somebody popping up for an event.Meanwhile, in Future Fight...
Ok, they can add an patch to the game to add X-men characters, that i can dig it. But why so late. Why improve the game AFTER launch with basic elements like gameplay, overall design, characters roster.
SFV, Injustice 2, and KI improve with each season, i get that, but i don't believe any of you guys wheren't excited with any of those games the way they where launched originally.
I hope the didn't drop the prefight banter, if they did just another case of this illusive budget
From what I've read in this thread, you'll actually get banter between the two characters on your own team, at the character select screen.
was that from fake leak? I don't even remember anymore
Yeah, ShockingAlberto mentioned that there's banter both between your teammates & with the each opposing side's starting characters.Supposedly everyone was skipping the opening interactions just to play, so I'd assume they're still in.
MVC3 had no real story presence besides "beat Galactus" and yet they had them. I find it hard to believe it won't return in a game with a supposedly strong story presence.
Intelli, it was from the Game Informer "50 Facts about MVCI" post.
ShockingAlberto also said he saw it.
Another reason why I want Richard Rider back (preferably voiced by Troy Baker). Though I'm afraid that they may not bring back the pre-existing Marvel themes.Hopefully with nova being in the next installment I'm hoping someone will remix another fire hit with his new lines from mvcI
All I could hear is Chun's theme so far.
Hawkeye's theme (supposedly what was being played in the trailer) sounds nothing like his previous theme. That theme was great.
I just hope X's theme is good.
Even when this thread was created people never really talked about movelist for characters. It was always roster discussion. I myself put forward some theoretical game play stuff about characters but people didn't even read it so why would anyone else bother? I have also made numerous posts about the game play in the past and people were more concerned about Chris making it in over Leon than the fact that Chris actually has less gun moves in this game than in Marvel 3. The priorities of this thread are obvious and the doom/gloom from a disappointing roster could have been seen a mile away.
It's not just about favorites not making it in. Dante is probably my favorite character of all time but I am well above this "I got mine so I am good" mentality. This is how we got Trump elected in the US, people only concerned for themselves and not looking at the bigger picture.
The roster isn't just the main cause of the doom and gloom. This reminds me of how the DMC fans got scapegoated because of the Dante redesign (ie. White hair) when the problems with that game were more widespread than just a character design. The roster in the game is just one problem, here are other things that people are concerned with:
*The release date makes no sense. It's well past the tournament season meaning by the time this game gets played at EVO a lot of hype will be lost around it. It's also not really in either the holiday season or early in the years when games seem to flourish. The release date is suspect as hell to anyone who follows gaming in general.
*The idea of selling a half baked roster and then selling the rest as DLC is a scummy practice for competitive fighting games. It has slowly escalated to this point and IMO Marvel Infinite is looking to be the worst culprit of this is practice yet. People are very right to wait a year or two for an all in one DLC package for cheap.
*The game play has taken quite a hit from Marvel 3. Maybe the Tag and Stone systems make up for it but it's really a gamble at this point. I personally am optimistic but I don't think it will be a significant jump from Marvel 3. Team making is a big part of the VS series, assists are also very important and so is high mobility. Mobility seems nerfed in this game as the focus seems to be more on the ground. This is probably the least of my concerns for the game but it is still a concern, it's possible that the game might be a bump down from previous Marvel games.
*The arts and visuals are bland making the game far less striking than Marvel 3. I don't know what they are doing here but the game looks rough. Hopefully this improves over time as it should but man the combination of that pseudo realistic art, bland effects and terrible UI... it's no surprise people think it looks like a phone game.
*Capcom's pedigree has been shot as of late. They have made numerous blunders in this genre and so far this game has not shown to curb those issues at all.
*The game's content modes look very vanilla. Nothing really stands out at the moment, it's all regular stuff that should be in the game. The story mode doesn't seem anything to get excited over especially if SFV is any indication. Nothing about this game looks to be on the polish or quality of IJ2 so expecting a campaign on that level is fooling yourself.
*Everything about this game looks like a step down from Marvel 3 and Marvel infinite is reusing so many assets from that game. It should have blown away Marvel 3 but instead it looks like it's re-purposing its carcass for a quick buck and all you are getting is a husk of its former self.
I don't want this game to be bad, I don't want this game to be just good either... I want this game to be great as I know this series of capable of being. I am a super fan of this series and it takes A LOT to curb my enthusiasm for this game but Capcom is trying really hard on all fronts.
Anything to get away from MvC3's gameplay is a plus imo cause that game was complete trash gameplay-wise. Agreed on all other points though. Next tuesday we will know for sure if things really are as bad as they look. Maybe the game has been considerably upgraded since we last saw it..
The theme that was played on the raccoon tease sounds fineish
SFV actually did get Shinkiro art.
Likewise, the guy who did Third Strike: Online Edition's art (Artgerm) was contracted by Capcom to do SFV character art after he did SFV Ryu & Ken on his own accord.
Artgerm is currently working on SFV Vega, in case you're curious.
Yeah, I thought it was ok.
I hated Ryu's MVC3 theme. I hope it sounds better.
Edit: https://twitter.com/marvelvscapcom/status/872136027430821888
Infinite Oh dear...Thought I'd make these to lighten the mood around here.
Thought I'd make these to lighten the mood around here.
At TGS they announce Dante for MVC:I. He happens to be have a never before seen costume and people are confused. Then they have a reveal trailer for DMC5 right after and Dante has that same costume. #wishfulthinkingatitsfiniest
If this happens at E3 I want it to be known that I was the one who originally came up with it.
What's frustrating is that the idea of a fighter being both casual and competitive friendly is something that Capcom actually has managed to achieve in the past, so it's not even so much that they're not meeting the NRS standard, they're not even meeting their own damn standard.I don't want this game to be bad either, but I think Capcom is torn on what to do with their fighting games. It's like someone there wants to appease the devoted crowd who play their games competitively, and another person is timidly reminding everyone to make a good video game that would appease a bigger demographic. Even if Marvel Infinite turns out to be the most balanced fighting game in the series, it won't be a good VIDEO GAME if the story mode is crap and there are no other fun modes to play other than Arcade, Online, Challenge, and Practice. And now with the roster leak, I can't imagine a lot of impulse buys from people who don't know any better.
Let's put things into perspective with Call of Duty. The majority of players love to jump straight into Online and shoot da guns. But that didn't stop Infinity Ward from continuing their trend of engaging single player campaigns. And it only expanded from there with their co-op Zombie modes. Even the multiplayer is robust with a leveling system and a constant stream of things to unlock for your guns and characters. There was progression, and it compelled players to come back for more. Now almost every shooter has followed this trend, for better or worse, and it has become a new standard for multiplayer shooters.
In my opinion, Netherrealm Studios has established a new standard for fighting games (though Smash already set that standard, it's just not a traditional fighter), and Injustice 2 really hit it out of the park. You could play that game for hours and not interact with a single person online because of the multiverse and gear unlocks. But if online ranked/player matches are more your thing, that's an option too, and you'll still get some cool loot for playing those.
If Capcom can put as much work into their single player content as their competitive mechanics, they could make something really magical. And if you're part of the group who says single-player content does not matter, then frankly, you are what's holding Capcom back. As for Marvel Infinite specifically, the quote above addresses many other important problems. This post was mainly to address Capcom's problem with the fighting genre as a whole.
(btw, when I say "you" I'm referring to everyone in general, not the person I'm quoting lol)
I hope Infinite captures what made 1 and 2 so great. I used to play them both in the arcade and playing 3 just felt like those times were lost.
I don't know if it was nostalgia, but the game seemed to be more competitive and centered around button combos to unlock special moves for characters than anything.
Who do you guys think will be on the Marvel side of the DLC? Assuming it's all newcomers I'm going to predict: 1.Daredevil, 2. Scarlet Witch(She's not part of the FOX ban right Nexeon?) and 3. Black Panther in December right before his movie
I absolutely would love it if it's Doctor Octopus vs Asura as DLC! :3 Also Black Widow, Star-Lord and Loki should be likely in the future as well.
Sadly, she is (for everything except Lego Avengers, likely due to it directly adapting Age of Ultron, which featured both Maximoff twins). It breaks my heart, seeing as I'm quite the Wanda fan (ask MCU-GAF, they'll back me up).Who do you guys think will be on the Marvel side of the DLC? Assuming it's all newcomers I'm going to predict: 1.Daredevil, 2. Scarlet Witch(She's not part of the FOX ban right Neoxon?) and 3. Black Panther in December right before his movie
That's pretty silly considering the retconning of their magneto heritage and the fact that Wanda is in the damn MCUSadly, she is. It breaks my heart seeing as I'm quite the Wanda fan (ask MCU-GAF, they'll back me up).
Our best bet for Scarlet Witch (& Quicksilver) is next year.
Both of the Maximoff Twins are shared between Marvel Studios & Fox, much like the Skrull race (Kl'rt is Fox-only, though). The Fox part was enough to get them booted from most post-CoC games, even those with AoU or Civil War events.That's pretty silly considering the retconning of their magneto heritage and the fact that Wanda is in the damn MCU
Ya know, what if they actually do release characters in themed pairs? Could be pretty interesting and I could definitely see a Asura/Doc Oc pack and Phoenix Wright/Daredevil packAnd a Sigma/Darth Vader pack
I can see those be the first ones, maybe swap B. Panther for Black Widow.1) Black Panther
2) Ms. Marvel
3) Daredevil
I always figure that Quicksilver would be perfect character for Scarlet Witch's hyper move(s).
There is an interview that they implied there might be theme ongoing for characters but I'm not sure if we should take their words as fact.
Darth Vader would be pure insane in term of inclusion.
For the most part, I agree. People want more females though, and BW is a safe choice that'd jive with the others in the leaked roster.Can somebody explain why so many people seem to want Black Widow? She's such a boring character with nothing to make an interesting moveset out of.
Can somebody explain why so many people seem to want Black Widow? She's such a boring character with nothing to make an interesting moveset out of.
I don't like Black Widow that much, but she's the only prominent character in the MCU that's not on the base roster.Can somebody explain why so many people seem to want Black Widow? She's such a boring character with nothing to make an interesting moveset out of.
To have all the mainline MCU Avengers for completion sake.Can somebody explain why so many people seem to want Black Widow? She's such a boring character with nothing to make an interesting moveset out of.
Even when this thread was created people never really talked about movelist for characters. It was always roster discussion. I myself put forward some theoretical game play stuff about characters but people didn't even read it so why would anyone else bother? I have also made numerous posts about the game play in the past and people were more concerned about Chris making it in over Leon than the fact that Chris actually has less gun moves in this game than in Marvel 3. The priorities of this thread are obvious and the doom/gloom from a disappointing roster could have been seen a mile away.
It's not just about favorites not making it in. Dante is probably my favorite character of all time but I am well above this "I got mine so I am good" mentality. This is how we got Trump elected in the US, people only concerned for themselves and not looking at the bigger picture.
The roster isn't just the main cause of the doom and gloom. This reminds me of how the DMC fans got scapegoated because of the Dante redesign (ie. White hair) when the problems with that game were more widespread than just a character design. The roster in the game is just one problem, here are other things that people are concerned with:
*The release date makes no sense. It's well past the tournament season meaning by the time this game gets played at EVO a lot of hype will be lost around it. It's also not really in either the holiday season or early in the years when games seem to flourish. The release date is suspect as hell to anyone who follows gaming in general.
*The idea of selling a half baked roster and then selling the rest as DLC is a scummy practice for competitive fighting games. It has slowly escalated to this point and IMO Marvel Infinite is looking to be the worst culprit of this is practice yet. People are very right to wait a year or two for an all in one DLC package for cheap.
*The game play has taken quite a hit from Marvel 3. Maybe the Tag and Stone systems make up for it but it's really a gamble at this point. I personally am optimistic but I don't think it will be a significant jump from Marvel 3. Team making is a big part of the VS series, assists are also very important and so is high mobility. Mobility seems nerfed in this game as the focus seems to be more on the ground. This is probably the least of my concerns for the game but it is still a concern, it's possible that the game might be a bump down from previous Marvel games.
*The arts and visuals are bland making the game far less striking than Marvel 3. I don't know what they are doing here but the game looks rough. Hopefully this improves over time as it should but man the combination of that pseudo realistic art, bland effects and terrible UI... it's no surprise people think it looks like a phone game.
*Capcom's pedigree has been shot as of late. They have made numerous blunders in this genre and so far this game has not shown to curb those issues at all.
*The game's content modes look very vanilla. Nothing really stands out at the moment, it's all regular stuff that should be in the game. The story mode doesn't seem anything to get excited over especially if SFV is any indication. Nothing about this game looks to be on the polish or quality of IJ2 so expecting a campaign on that level is fooling yourself.
*Everything about this game looks like a step down from Marvel 3 and Marvel infinite is reusing so many assets from that game. It should have blown away Marvel 3 but instead it looks like it's re-purposing its carcass for a quick buck and all you are getting is a husk of its former self.
I don't want this game to be bad, I don't want this game to be just good either... I want this game to be great as I know this series of capable of being. I am a super fan of this series and it takes A LOT to curb my enthusiasm for this game but Capcom is trying really hard on all fronts.
Can somebody explain why so many people seem to want Black Widow? She's such a boring character with nothing to make an interesting moveset out of.
Well, more space is always better, but I'd imagine they wouldn't want to repeat the UMvC3/SFxTK scheduling.The release date makes perfect sense if SSFV really is dropping Q1 2018 though.