Been salivating over the Dr. Pepper codes but don't have the cash to buy your own bottles? Do you hate the drink and do not want to buy it just for free DLC? Do you live in the United Kingdom and aren't even eligible for this DLC? Well, I'm here to solve all your problems! Below are four Dr. Pepper codes and instructions on how to use them!
All four codes are re-usable, which means that everyone on these forums can get in on this free DLC!
The codes are:
You only need one to get all the DLC, however. Now
1) Visit the Dr. Pepper website and sign three accounts up. You can put a fake email for all three, as the website doesn't verify the accounts. You will also input a fake city, state, and phone number as well. IMPORTANT! If you live outside the US, you can still get this DLC! Just put random numbers for the zip, a random city and state, and boom! No sweat! Put fake info in all three accounts.
2) Input the code.
3) It will say to click to pick your prize. Make sure that you have an EA and BioWare account, and that the two are linked together. I'm not going to go into detail on how to do this, however. Just Google it.
4) When you click on the Select Prize button, pick Mass Effect 2, and then whichever DLC you want. Be sure to pick a different one for all three accounts.
5) It will say that it has been redeemed, then link you to BioWare's website for final verification. Sign in there, and you'll see your new item sitting there waiting for you!
I hope you guys enjoyed this guide, and I hope you get good use out of the DLC. Thanks for reading!