Cep said:Agreed.
The only other real candidates are dominate, inferno grenade and armor piercing. With the assumption that Zaeed, Garrus, Miranda and Samara are the best party members:
AP: You should almost always have garrus as a party member
Dominate: Is good, but not worth the slot
IG: You should almost always have Zaeed as a party member
I've never maximized AI hack/Dominate, but they were kind of terrible at the 2 point level. I'm sure they're much better once you max and have a class talent that increases the effect duration further, but it always felt more like dicking around than actually helping me progress through an enemy encounter.
I played Insanity much differently than you, it seems. I only used Garrus once and never used Zaeed. Most of the game I would use Mordin/Miranda, sometimes switching in Grunt for Husks and switching out Mordin for Thane on the final mission. I had a pretty easy time with that setup, getting to level 30 (with the 25% XP boost) and finishing in about 30 hours, which was 15 hours less than my first time through as a Vanguard on Veteran/Hardcore.