EatChildren said:December.
Well, that was quick :lol
I'll PM you the code now, enjoy!
EatChildren said:December.
Shrinnan said:From my experience it does except in a few instances:
There was a glitch with the first game where it didn't save your council ambassador decision so you actually have to make that decision again in the second game, it could contradict your original decision if you chose a different answer in the second game. There's also a couple or so instances where it doesn't take into account your decision in the first game, this could be patched though.
Loxley said:Well, that was quick :lol
I'll PM you the code now, enjoy!
Rez said:I keep reading and hearing about how people 'jump right back in' to see the other side of the coin, but I have no desire to that at all.
I want to watch/play the Mass Effect Trilogy once, so that I have a consistent canon built up. Playing another character kind of dilutes that for me, as when I go into the sequel, it makes me question what has actually happened in the world.
It cheapens the whole experience for me, I guess. It's a wankery thing to say, but thems the troof.
xbhaskarx said:Awesome, thanks. There may be some problems, but that's probably still far better than my low expectations.
I just realized why they can't include which human you chose to join the Council: that decision happens after the last time you can save the game.
Rez said:I keep reading and hearing about how people 'jump right back in' to see the other side of the coin, but I have no desire to that at all.
I want to watch/play the Mass Effect Trilogy once, so that I have a consistent canon built up. Playing another character kind of dilutes that for me, as when I go into the sequel, it makes me question what has actually happened in the world.
It cheapens the whole experience for me, I guess. It's a wankery thing to say, but thems the troof.
Erico said:I noticed about halfway through the game that my facial scars disappeared. I didn't buy the upgrade to heal them either. Did I miss something, or did this happen to anyone else?
Erico said:I noticed about halfway through the game that my facial scars disappeared. I didn't buy the upgrade to heal them either. Did I miss something, or did this happen to anyone else?
Patryn said:This game brings back the whole "alignment changes appearance" from the KOTOR series. If you're a paragon, your scars disappear. The e-mail from Chakwas that enables you to research the med bay explains that thinking "good" thoughts will heal the scars.
Really, the med bay only exists to allow Renegades who hate the scars to get rid of them.
Cep said:But there is no option for paragons that want to retain theirs.
Patryn said:This game brings back the whole "alignment changes appearance" from the KOTOR series. If you're a paragon, your scars disappear. The e-mail from Chakwas that enables you to research the med bay explains that thinking "good" thoughts will heal the scars.
Really, the med bay only exists to allow Renegades who hate the scars to get rid of them.
v0yce said:WHAT?!
End game troubles...
So I send Mordin as my specialist and as we meet up with the other team and are trying to close the door, he gets shot in the head and dies. I have everyone loyal and pretty much maxed out as is possible doing every side mission in the game, yet he still dies. Is there no way to stop it? How are you supposed to get the all survive achievement?
Cep said:For one, by sending people to do the appropriate jobs. He makes no sense in that role.
v0yce said:I assumed that any of the available options would work. Should I just send Tali? I guess she's the techiest.
v0yce said:I just stuck with Miranda. Is she wrong too?
v0yce said:I just stuck with Miranda. Is she wrong too?
v0yce said:WHAT?!
End game troubles...
So I send Mordin as my specialist and as we meet up with the other team and are trying to close the door, he gets shot in the head and dies. I have everyone loyal and pretty much maxed out as is possible doing every side mission in the game, yet he still dies. Is there no way to stop it? How are you supposed to get the all survive achievement?
What does she say? Wasn't her suggestionPatryn said:Oh, and as we've determined: Don't listen to Miranda. Miranda is always wrong at the end.
Quick answer: hell yes.punkypine said:just about to start, quick question:
in ME1, the sniper combat was god awful, you stand a mile away and slowly pick off guys for 15 minutes with no real threat to you. i'm thinking about picking infiltrator as my class, so 2 questions: is sniper rifle combat improved and are SMGs fun to use?
punkypine said:just about to start, quick question:
in ME1, the sniper combat was god awful, you stand a mile away and slowly pick off guys for 15 minutes with no real threat to you. i'm thinking about picking infiltrator as my class, so 2 questions: is sniper rifle combat improved and are SMGs fun to use?
chespace said:Alright so I don't really understand how AA and perf. works in the PC version.
I've upgraded to catalyst 10.1 and I still can't get any AA to kick in unless I set it in CCC and rename the .exe to UT3.exe.
Which is a hack and so I understand why my fps goes to shit when I set my edge-detect to 8x.
Has anyone gotten this to work correctly with an ATI card?
punkypine said:just about to start, quick question:
in ME1, the sniper combat was god awful, you stand a mile away and slowly pick off guys for 15 minutes with no real threat to you. i'm thinking about picking infiltrator as my class, so 2 questions: is sniper rifle combat improved and are SMGs fun to use?
Ezenzer said:...which is exactly why I loved sniping in ME1. If you invested in the skill/the weapon, yeah, you could take down entire squads sitting atop a cliff half a mile away without worry of retaliation. Boring for some, but it made my Shepard feel more like the assassin I was playing her to be.
That side, sniping in ME2 is much more satisfying, though I can't quite put my finger on why. Possibly the bullet time effect.
Even though things are much more "pretty" in ME2 they can be as sterile I think. I wish the Citadel was larger, and that certain things about the hubs were more exploratory. Being able to go around ME1's Citadel makes it more interesting than a small indoor mall, for example.Erico said:I liked how the hub worlds in ME2 were greatly fleshed out. In ME1, the Citadel looked pretty, but seemed a bit sterile. The news reports, scenery, advertisements, and random chatter in ME2's hubs were great and added a lot of atmosphere. Loved the 'movie trailer' ad :lol
Though I miss the random squad interaction dialogue.
hateradio said:Even though things are much more "pretty" in ME2 they can be as sterile I think. I wish the Citadel was larger, and that certain things about the hubs were more exploratory. Being able to go around ME1's Citadel makes it more interesting than a small indoor mall, for example.
There is interaction with the characters, but you have to go to random locations and press space bar (or w/e button that is on the 360). I wish that Shepard would actually say something though, that's what I want ... not just random blurbs like they were in this game.
Mike G.E.D. said:After beating Mass Effect 1 and 2 with female Shepard, its impossible playing a male shep playthrough.
His voice-over is so fucking robotic, dude lacks all conviction.
punkypine said:i dont understand how ammo powers work. are they always on or do you have to activate them and they run for a limited time?
so i assume later on, you have multiple to choose from?Darklord said:You activate one and it stays on.
punkypine said:i dont understand how ammo powers work. are they always on or do you have to activate them and they run for a limited time?