The pro Hillary supporters in this thread are insufferable. Like, Christ.
Has this always been the case?
Has this always been the case?
It either means you don't understand math or don't have progressive values.
Yeah you've brought this up in several threads and nobody has a rebuttal for it. It's amazing to see certain posters just gloss over it and pretend your post doesn't exist.You're going to get crickets on this.
When you point-out the blunt realities out how government works, these folks have no answer.
In fact, I'd argue that I - a Hillary supporter - care more about the eventual fulfillment of Bernie's vision than the BernieOrBust crowd, as I'm not willing to sentence it to death via GOP judiciary.
(now you can enjoy the silence)
The pro Hillary supporters in this thread are insufferable. Like, Christ.
Has this always been the case?
Looks like I don't fit into either of these categories. What's behind door #3.
I appreciate your commitment to hammering this point in every poligaf thread even though it always goes ignored by the people it's aimed at.
Most of use were okay with Bernie staying up until the end - had he changed his messaging a couple weeks back. But he hasn't and has doubled down with the whole corruption thing and attacking Hillary for the GOP so it's time to wrap this shit up.The pro Hillary supporters in this thread are insufferable. Like, Christ.
Has this always been the case?
He had no chance after Iowa, where he lost despite it being overwhelmingly demographically advantageous for him. He had even less of a chance after Nevada, showcasing that he really just can't win diverse states despite it being a caucus and him having "momentum". He had even less of one after South Carolina, demonstrating his complete lack of support from black voters. He had even less of one after Super Tuesday where he got blown out by devastating margins in similarly black states.
Then March 15th came along. Even his demographically unlikely "path to victory" went up in smoke and turned into a magical fairy land path involving winning New York. Then April 19th rolled up and surprise surprise, he didn't win New York. The math became downright incomprehensible. Then he got crushed the following week. One couldn't even call it math anymore.
Now he's failed to hit those mythical margins in one of the most demographically advantageous states you could cook up for him. It's been over, and this coffin's full of nails, but every Tuesday one wonders more and more what the people who think he'll actually win are smoking, at this point.
We had more than a year of that debate and the voters chose.
Nope. Most of use were okay with Bernie staying - had he changed his messaging a couple weeks back. But he hasn't and has doubled down with the whole corruption thing and attacking Hillary for the GOP so it's time to wrap this shit up.
The superdelegates and voters who were not shut out of the democratic process got to choose.
The superdelegates and voters who were not shut out of the democratic process got to choose.
The superdelegates and voters who were not shut out of the democratic process got to choose.
Damn that's some good stuff there.
I personally think someone who is capable of getting a damn thing done is better suited, which is certainly not Bernie from everything I've seen.
... to fuel his own ego
Whp was shut out of the democratic process?
The pro Hillary supporters in this thread are insufferable. Like, Christ.
Has this always been the case?
The superdelegates and voters who were not shut out of the democratic process got to choose.
Most registered Democrats chose her. If you don't like it that Democrats are choosing a Democratic nominee then go ahead start your own party and run there.
approx 3 million popular vote lead for Clinton.
near 300 pledged delegate lead.
The supers have determined shit.
But yes Clinton is winning because of fraud and voter suppression, that's your argument?
And Clinton supporters are the hivemind?
Damn that's some good stuff there. Any election you lose is fraud and voter suppression but thank god for those democratically representative caucuses, right?
Most registered Democrats chose her. If you don't like it that Democrats are choosing a Democratic nominee then go ahead start your own party and run there.
Accepting that there's no point in supporting a candidate who
1. Can not actually win the nomination
2. Is actively hurting the chances of the person who will win the nomination to fuel his own ego
Citation please.
It's not a sure thing, but I think it's doable.
(Hillary wins a state)A hardcore Bernie supporter from work just shared the article about election fraud in KY. I am holding back from responding that the counties contested were Bernie wins. I don't want to stoke the fire and make things uncomfortable at work.
There are enough straw men here already, no need to put up another.
Or that she's not doing it in every state this time.It is interesting that CLinton didn't use her magic voter suppression powers to stamp out Obama in 2008
Most registered Democrats chose her. If you don't like it that Democrats are choosing a Democratic nominee then go ahead start your own party and run there.
This is under the assumption Clinton will have a much better chance of getting things through congress. A flawed assumption.
I like Bernie, but I'll vote for Hillary in the election. I can't see her being a very popular president, though, and after this election cycle, I hope both parties take a good, hard look at what they actually stand for.
The DNC is most certainly as capable of pulling dirty shit as the Republicans are and at some point in the future, the system will inevitably collapse. If we want that to happen without massive acts of violence, we will need people and candidates as passionate as Bernie, but with a more versatile, but less vague platform to continue to push for reforms.
I'm not stating that opposite, just facts.
A logical fallacy accusation from someone claiming that the primaries are rigged and Clinton is only winning because of supers?
Fuckin' beautiful.
approx 3 million popular vote lead for Clinton.
near 300 pledged delegate lead.
The supers have determined shit.
But yes Clinton is winning because of fraud and voter suppression, that's your argument?
And Clinton supporters are the hivemind?
Pretty much this; and I hate Clinton. Her party chose her; and that's fine and good. But I will say that the Democrats will lose a significant chunk of independents.
I just told you about the strawman you put up, and you put up another one anyway?
Don't you get it? Bernie is never at fault - the entire world is conspiring against him! It can't possibly be that the majority of Democrats aren't feeling the Bern!
Glad to see Hillary keeping Bernie to single digits in Oregon. I was expecting a double digit blowout here, to be honest.
Then WHAT is your argument?
This is under the assumption Clinton will have a much better chance of getting things through congress. A flawed assumption.
Citation please.
Clinton's actual knowledge and interest in political mechanics makes her far more likely to wield the power of executive actions and other gritty things, IMO. I expect her to find the loopholes and eeke out every edge she can with the office. I would expect Sanders to just yell at conservative governors and complain about how the country is holding him back from his grand vision
I don't think they have an argument or any point at all really. Just posting vague nonsense about nothing that nobody cares about. If they had something to say or an actual rebuttal to things others have said they would have made a clear post by now which they have not. So I think it's safe to ignore them.Then WHAT is your argument?
I do wonder what would happen to his supporters if Bernie were to get into office and be unable to pass any of the things he has campaigned on. Would it just be more conspiracies, or would they want him ousted for failing to live up to his promise?
I just told you about the strawman you put up, and you put up another one anyway?