When you point-out the blunt realities out how government works, these folks have no answer.
In fact, I'd argue that I - a Hillary supporter - care more about the eventual fulfillment of Bernie's vision than the BernieOrBust crowd, as I'm not willing to sentence it to death via GOP judiciary.
Yeah it's crazy what people seem to think it would be better to not vote and watch as every Bernie policy that could happen in the future be shut down for good with GOP control. Instead it's gotta keep our integrity by not voting or some other nonsensical reason.
Oooh.. I wonder what the new ones will be after this.
And I'm pretty skeptical of either candidate - Hillary or Bernie - being able to get anything substantial past a House of Representatives that's in GOP hands. If the President has a 'D' behind his/her name, the GOP is going to block block block.
The grand prize for this race is the Supreme Court. The next President will be with us to 2021 - a mere four years, gone in the blink of an eye - but at this rate his or her Supreme Court appointees will be with us into the 2040s.
Oooh.. I wonder what the new ones will be after this.
And I'm pretty skeptical of either candidate - Hillary or Bernie - being able to get anything substantial past a House of Representatives that's in GOP hands. If the President has a 'D' behind his/her name, the GOP is going to block block block.
The grand prize for this race is the Supreme Court. The next President will be with us to 2021 - a mere four years, gone in the blink of an eye - but at this rate his or her Supreme Court appointees will be with us into the 2040s.
I love this guy on CNN for shitting on Sanders supporters with the nasty trick of mentioning "reality." That and I'm glad that they're not even trying to claim Sanders has a chance.
The grand prize for this race is the Supreme Court. The next President will be with us to 2021 - a mere four years, gone in the blink of an eye - but at this rate his or her Supreme Court appointees will be with us into the 2040s.
Lmao. The math just gets crazier. And he was up there tonight talking about how he was going to win.
Guy is nuts.
I do wonder what would happen to his supporters if Bernie were to get into office and be unable to pass any of the things he has campaigned on. Would it just be more conspiracies, or would they want him ousted for failing to live up to his promise?
Just look at Obama. Same thing. Just wanting to do things policy wise isn't enough, there's an entire system of checks and balances that a lot of people don't understand. So when the magic doesn't just HAPPEN by virtue of the person getting into office, they lose their shit and call the person a "Do nothing" or say they accomplished nothing while in office.
To be fair it couldn't get much worse than 2010 or 2014 barring a disaster. It would likely just be the usual drubbing. Honestly the only chance is to have a miracle House victory this fall and enjoy it for 2 years before its gone again. Either way if Bernie did become president, I would worry about him wasting precious time because he didn't get exactly what he wanted.
I do think that republicans will compromise some on Immigration reform especially if they actually lose latinos by more than 50 points.
To be fair it couldn't get much worse than 2010 or 2014 barring a disaster. It would likely just be the usual drubbing. Honestly the only chance is to have a miracle House victory this fall and enjoy it for 2 years before its gone again. Either way if Bernie did become president, I would worry about him wasting precious time because he didn't get exactly what he wanted.
I do think that republicans will compromise some on Immigration reform especially if they actually lose latinos by more than 50 points.
Yeah maybe not in the actual election (due to the same level of shift just not being on the table at all), but the rhetoric, oh would the rhetoric be incredible.
If this was just about letting his people vote in the remaining elections then he'd tone down his attacks on Clinton and the rest of the Democrats. He has no chance to win so why are the main focus of his attack other progressives?
If he cared about his goals, he would realize that it is mathematically impossible to get the nomination, so he would divert all his resources to insuring that down ticket candidates that are aiming for the same goals as him got elected into office and would help to build towards his vision for the future.
Instead, he is digging his heels in and making it all about him.
If he cared about his goals, he would realize that it is mathematically impossible to get the nomination, so he would divert all his resources to insuring that down ticket candidates that are aiming for the same goals as him got elected into office and would help to build towards his vision for the future.
Instead, he is digging his heels in and making it all about him.
Yup. He should know when he is beaten, and then work together with Hillary's campaign to figure out how to best help get as many candidates into office that help both their ideals.
Just accept the loss and try and figure out how to make things better after defeat.
I just reread all your posts in this thread. What facts? You're being dumped on because you're rambling. It's like watching someone point out each time Trump has been caught in a lie, and his supporter responds with 'Well, he just tells it like it is!'
I don't think 'argument' means what you think it means.
And thus, the bacon is cooked. I wonder if they think this is just mods conspiring against him and suppressing his voice for speaking out against the establishment.
Think this needs to be reiterated. Rubbing salt in fresh bern wounds isn't going to help this party. A vocal group feels disservice, let them air their woes. Hillary is a big girl, she can handle criticism. If she was worried about it, should would be doing something about it.
Take a breath. Have some patience. Nod through the Bernie venting and lets talk up on the left leaning policies we follow. Someone wants to vote bird-whisperer, let them. They want to make a statement about current politics and that's fine. It damages the left leaning DNC a bit but I have a feeling (sorry my data isn't more concrete) that the left will be fine come the GE.
Distancing ourselves from comrades (Sorry big chief, had to steal that one) won't help us.
No actual snark intended. Just tired and having too much fun with words. Now back to work.
Think this needs to be reiterated. Rubbing salt in fresh bern wounds isn't going to help this party. A vocal group feels disservice, let them air their woes. Hillary is a big girl, she can handle criticism. If she was worried about it, should would be doing something about it.
Take a breath. Have some patience. Nod through the Bernie venting and lets talk up on the left leaning policies we follow. Someone wants to vote bird-whisperer, let them. They want to make a statement about current politics and that's fine. It damages the left leaning DNC a bit but I have a feeling (sorry my data isn't more concrete) that the left will be fine come the GE.
Distancing ourselves from comrades (Sorry big chief, had to steal that one) won't help us.
No actual snark intended. Just tired and having too much fun with words. Now back to work.
A woman is being harassed at home and at work, her livelihood, her business, her life and family, threatened because of the rhetoric that is coming from that campaign. That campaign as convinced, through lies and exaggeration, a bunch of people that there is rampant fraud that is suppressing their right to vote, that their candidate isn't losing because he's down nearly 300 pledged delegates and by three million votes but because it's being stolen from him
When confronted with this reality, that this rhetoric is putting a woman's safety at risk, is inspiring people to harass her and call for her to be hung in the streets.That campaign pays hardly a lip service towards condemning it before tripling down on that very same rhetoric, before making themselves out to be the victims.
A woman is being harassed at home and at work, her livelihood, her business, her life and family, threatened because of the rhetoric that is coming from that campaign. That campaign as convinced, through lies and exaggeration, a bunch of people that there is rampant fraud that is suppressing their right to vote, that their candidate isn't losing because he's down nearly 300 pledged delegates and by three million votes but because it's being stolen from him
When confronted with this reality, that this rhetoric is putting a woman's safety at risk, is inspiring people to harass her and call for her to be hung in the streets.That campaign pays hardly a lip service towards condemning it before tripling down on that very same rhetoric, before making themselves out to be the victims.
Yelling at an entire demographic on the internet wont stop fringe extremists from being terrible. I hardly believe this actually represents a majority of Bernie followers. (Bernsters, please correct me if I'm wrong). As for Bernie's response... I doubt any politician would shun their followers. Smart ones like Bernie and Hillary ignore them. Weirdly Trump owns them. That's his shtick I guess though. "Says what's on everyone's minds" and all that...
Well for one I have a pretty good idea of who Clinton might nominate for the open Supreme Court seat. I have no idea who Trump would, and if I were forced to guess it would be someone that could really fuck our country over for a great deal of time.
From my perspective, that Supreme Court seat is vastly more important than the one in the oval office. Enough that it will dictate who I will be voting for in the general.
Do you think Hillary wont push for left leaning policies? You think Trump will?
Yelling at an entire demographic on the internet wont stop fringe extremists from being terrible. I hardly believe this actually represents a majority of Bernie followers. (Bernsters, please correct me if I'm wrong). As for Bernie's response... I doubt any politician would shun their followers. Smart ones like Bernie and Hillary ignore them. Weirdly Trump owns them. That's his shtick I guess though. "Says what's on everyone's minds" and all that...
I'm "yelling" at Sanders, Weaver and the rest of that campaign.
His rhetoric is inspiring them, that's my point. Faced with the reality of what his rhetoric has inspired, he doesn't self-reflect, he just keeps shouting fraud and suppression in a race he is losing and losing handedly and fairly.
It's crazy that Sanders' delegates are doxxing and sending death threats to state party officials but it's the Clinton supporters who are apparently out of line.
If the NV Bernie supporters are the ones that will flip to trump, I say let them, the Democratic Party should not bow down to violence especially violence from so called progressives.
Especially so called progressives that would vote Trump.
Bernie a row can only cry wolf about their votes only so many more times before they should just be written off.
It's crazy that Sanders' delegates are doxxing and sending death threats to state party officials but it's the Clinton supporters who are apparently out of line.
Nah that's not what I said. You can't take the actions of a few extreme people in a group and apply it to all. That's how you get people calling to ban Muslims.
I said that throwing insults at the losing side in your own party isn't going to help unify the party to win. Hilary needs bernie supporters to win as well.
Nah that's not what I said. You can't take the actions of a few extreme people in a group and apply it to all. That's how you get people calling to ban Muslims.
I said that throwing insults at the losing side in your own party isn't going to help unify the party to win. Hilary needs bernie supporters to win as well.
I'm "yelling" at Sanders, Weaver and the rest of that campaign.
His rhetoric is inspiring them, that's my point. Faced with the reality of what his rhetoric has inspired, he doesn't self-reflect, he just keeps shouting fraud and suppression in a race he is losing and losing handedly and fairly.
Well I can understand that. I share the frustration. My Facebook is exploding with a vocal few that are militantly anti-shillary. Though they are still the minority. Annecdotal but most Bernie supporters I know are quite reasonable. I'm a Hillary supporter myself.
Question for Bernie GAF. Even if you slightly empathize with the frustration shared by the ones portrayed in this article, do you condone this behavior? Would you speak out against it?
Question for Bernie GAF. Even if you slightly empathize with the frustration shared by the ones portrayed in this article, do you condone this behavior? Would you speak out against it?