| Praxis |
games come out at midnight on steam all the time. global unlocks, regional unlocks. konami is just being awkward and squandering the goodwill earned from pushing the release to the 1st.
the poor messaging doesn't help either. i wouldn't be nearly as annoyed as i am right now if they'd just come out and said that 10AM PT is the unlock time for all regions 100%, instead of dangling this new zealand unlock time over our heads and not giving us a straight answer.
edit: https://twitter.com/popcicle/status/637223119199956992
dream is dead.
This fucking blows. I have never regretted a PC purchase as much as this, especially because I know I could have been playing it all weekend on the ps4 (three day weekend in the UK too)
Going to take me six hours to download on top of that. Ugh
It's also going to be up on torrent sites within an hour or two, so they have achieved nothing but pissing off the people that paid money for it.