I always find it a headscratcher when people cheer on massive purchases under 1 corporate banner
For now, ms has a moderate hands off approach to the companies they buy, but that won't always be case, the corporate culture and business paradigm will seep into everything, and soon it will just all clump together as 1 giant conglomerated entity
One that may or may not be rosey and fun
Does this make the impoverished desperate xbox users feel better or something?
Is it because you can't buy a PC and get a real definitive exp so you feverishly fantasize about Sony guys never getting the next MTX infested bethesda game on their little poverty box?
The microsoft I see today and for quite awhile botches 90% of what they do in the gaming space, is it really worth it?
There are new giant competitors getting into the industry, and Xbox is the least threatening option to the status quo if acquisitions do start happening. You misunderstand completely though. The dream is Sega rising from it's grave against all rational sense and reason, other than to complement and fix that 90% you are delusional about while being "that guy", the party pooper.