Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda


Was there any leak/rumor that said that Tango was developing The Evil Within 3 and Arkane(don't remember if it was Austin or lyon) was going to do Dishonored 3 next.

Arkane Lyon is actually working on Blade. I'll feel bad if The Evil Within 3 was in development but got cancelled with this closure.
Arkane Lyon made Dishonored series from what I know, not Austin.

Unless MS will close them there is still hope.

Harvey Smith is there in Arkane Lyon, the man behind Thief 3: Deadly Shadows and Dishonored series.

They may still work on Dishonored 3 after Blade.

I don't think Lyon has made a bad game... But Tango didn't do a bad game too and MS closed them, so I'm not so sure what's going on... And if they survive. That's legit scary.

Doing a huge Marvel game might actually save them instead of D3.

Immersive sims don't move needle too much - me personally I would love some more Dishonored but if it will be a final nail to the coffin and if it will mean the closure of Lyon under MS - I will gladly wait for the time when that's actually possible and will not get them closed.

Let them cook Marvel IP. Hopefully the game sells and MS won't close them or cancel it mid-development...

I have fond memories of Blade, the movie is kind of classic here in Poland.

Spawn was pretty badass back in the day too.
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Tears in the rain
MS to their acquisitions 'You were supposed to bring balance to our books, not destroy them.'
Closed studios "I HATE YOU'
They so don't give a shit about quality after all...Fucking shutting down Arkane (not Lyon) the very month they were dropping the big patch that would have made Redfall better and offline. They didn't even give them that. The chance to keep their game alive, or at least make it a better product for the owners. Nope. They clipped their wings and balls and dumped them to bleed out in an alley.

And also
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frankly this sorta thing is exactly why I wasn’t enthusiastic about Microsoft acquiring publishers, all their fanboys liked to point out they only had 5 studios before the acquisition spree but that was entirely because they had closed a bunch

well guess what? they’re starting to close them again, who could possibly have seen that coming? 🙄

fuck Phil Spencer, in my opinion he’s done the most damage to the Xbox brand in it’s entire existence
Bro, didn’t you just blow $350 on an xsx recently? My condolences.



How’s that “spending Sony out of business” going, Matthew Bootylicious?


So Microsoft should keep underperforming studios? Studios that probably underperformed due to Microsofts influence?
Yes. Their job is to improve them.
MS is definitely shitting everything up but in the same right, this isn't happening in a vacuum and the industry keeps shuttering studios and canceling projects. There's a whole lot of signs that the industry is in terrible shape with no signs of improvement.
PS5 Pro, Switch 2 and GTA VI should bring growth to the industry.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Moving the goalposts, I see. Hi-Fi Rush launched less than 1.5 years ago, why was MS in a (hi-fi) rush to close them in any case, then?

I love when people say moving the goalposts for zero reason, it was a direct reason why it's very similar. You must be drinking or something to see moving posts.
Why would you be in a rush to close a company that didn't sell as many games as you had hoped? That maybe wasn't doing so well on a new project? (you have no idea whatsoever as to how they were doing) Promote them all and give them a blank cheque?
The irony is that Sony got so scared that they went ahead and purchased Bungie. If only they could have waited a little longer before acquiring them.
That part of the game is still yet to play out. SOunds like MS are canning smaller studios to focus on GAAS ... Sony will still want Bungie to help them in that regard.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Because Tango isn't a independent studio.

This has nothing to do with woke. Not everything is about a culture war.

Doesn't mean Tango was automatically doing amazing things on its next project. Doesn't matter if a studio is independent or not - if they are funded externally like the Sony one, they pulled the funding. If they are funded internally, they scrap the project or close the company. Same end result, no game, no company.
The irony is that Sony got so scared that they went ahead and purchased Bungie. If only they could have waited a little longer before acquiring them.

One could theoretically posit that Sony saved them from a very different fate if Microsoft was also going for them, judging by what all is going on here.

That isn't to say that Sony is innocent, by any means. Sony themselves are guilty of some studio closures, but they haven't gone trapsing around wallet-waving to then throw literally *thousands* of people into the Unemployed line.

There's some serious mismanagement or disorganization going on at Microsoft and I wouldn't be surprised if Jason Scherier(regardless how you feel about him) has something cooking if people are willing to talk to him about it.

It's really a bad situation and I'm sure morale at Xbox Studios is at an all-time low. I'm sure that some of them may be just praying Microsoft chooses to release their game on PS5/Switch 2/Switch so they aren't feeling like they get chucked on Game Pass, fail to sell enough and get canned.

I know our good friend HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 is excited about the NextBox, but I think even he would concur they've GOT to have some good news soon to turn things around.

Good to have a really powerful, premium system, but when you've consistently been damaging your brand for seemingly the last 2 or 3 months straight...gotta do something.
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Doesn't mean Tango was automatically doing amazing things on its next project. Doesn't matter if a studio is independent or not - if they are funded externally like the Sony one, they pulled the funding. If they are funded internally, they scrap the project or close the company. Same end result, no game, no company.
The difference is that if you own a studio where things are going wrong, you can take action to fix them start them on a new project.

When WB cancelled the Damian Wayne game, WB Montreal did not get shut down. They got given a new project.

When Retro Studios went through nearly five years of failed projects, Nintendo didn't shut them down. They gave them Prime 4 and rebuilt.

Publishers cancel projects all the time, without closing the studios making them.

When Microsoft cancelled Scalebound, that didn't mean Platinum was closed. Because they could still pitch games to other publishers.

Tango would not have been allowed to pitch games to other publishers.

Whether a studio is independent or not, and who the owner is, has a huge impact on their future.


I love when people say moving the goalposts for zero reason, it was a direct reason why it's very similar.
Doesn't matter if a studio is independent or not - if they are funded externally like the Sony one, they pulled the funding. If they are funded internally, they scrap the project or close the company. Same end result, no game, no company.
You're comparing an independent studio that happened to collaborate with Sony on a project that never was, to an internal department of Zenimax Asia, part of the Microsoft corporate umbrella.
Why would you be in a rush to close a company that didn't sell as many games as you had hoped?
Such a different outcome to what we were being told a year ago!
That maybe wasn't doing so well on a new project? (you have no idea whatsoever as to how they were doing) Promote them all and give them a blank cheque?
Surprised at how you're being so quick to consider this (as much of a reaching as it sounds), when this is MS we're talking about. BTW, the idea that less than 1.5 years is enough for them do decide that it all should be shut down instead of, you know, actually intervening into management to smooth out development, is extremely funny.
I don't really see much marketing for video games from any company these days......I can't remember the last time I saw a game ad on TV, youtube, or anywhere for MS, Sony or Nintendo.
I got spammed by fucking Tiny Tina's Wonderland on YouTube for about a month ... why the fuck did they think I would be interested in that?
Why Tango Gameworks though?? You clearly have a very highly talented team. Why destroy that??
Yeah, this is the weird part. Arkane I can understand. They delivered a steaming hot pile of shit, but Tango delivered good games, even if they didn't sell millions ... idk maybe MS have just decided it's all blockbuster AAA or nothing now for one last roll of the dice.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
the fact they are closing the studio that made a breakout hit tells me the xbox division is in a much worst shape than they want to admit.
My thoughts as well. Not only was it a breakout hit, it was also a brand new IP that people were legitimately excited about. Tons of fan art out there, great organic word of mouth on a game that came out of nowhere and was shadow dropped.

Ripe for a sequel, instead Microsoft shutters the whole studio.


Gold Member
One could theoretically posit that Sony saved them from a very different fate if Microsoft was also going for them, judging by what all is going on here.

That isn't to say that Sony is innocent, by any means. Sony themselves are guilty of some studio closures, but they haven't gone trapsing around wallet-waving to then throw literally *thousands* of people into the Unemployed line.

There's some serious mismanagement or disorganization going on at Microsoft and I wouldn't be surprised if Jason Scherier(regardless how you feel about him) has something cooking if people are willing to talk to him about it.

It's really a bad situation and I'm sure morale at Xbox Studios is at an all-time low. I'm sure that some of them may be just praying Microsoft chooses to release their game on PS5/Switch 2/Switch so they aren't feeling like they get chucked on Game Pass, fail to sell enough and get canned.

I know our good friend HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 is excited about the NextBox, but I think even he would concur they've GOT to have some good news soon to turn things around.

Good to have a really powerful, premium system, but when you've consistently been damaging your brand for seemingly the last 2 or 3 months straight...gotta do something.
I think Xbox is in a dire situation and them changing course from traditional consoles for their "nextgen" shows they know they are in trouble.

I am looking very forward to the nextbox IF its what I hear it may be and is clear and away the winner in head to head matchups for future big time console only games
Lol what the fuck is this shit.

Starfield fucking sucks man, you could replace all the NPCs with Stellar Blade skins and the game would still be dogshit.
The NPCs hurt the game more than they otherwise would have, the screenshot of the "all property is theft" sank Ghostwire.

Because Tango isn't a independent studio.

This has nothing to do with woke. Not everything is about a culture war.
It's everything to do with Woke, there's less money to go around, they're not making games people want because they're chasing after a phantom audience of people who don't play games.

Remember what was said almost a decade ago? "gamers don't have to be your audience, gamers are dead", that kind of thinking took too much hold at places like Microsoft, turns out gamers DO have to be your audience and we don't like the watered down feminist, DEI horseshit.

The industry is dying because it started to hate itself, it's been taken over by bad faith actors with an axe to grind and an agenda to push, people who say shit like "all property is theft"


What time is it?
My thoughts as well. Not only was it a breakout hit, it was also a brand new IP that people were legitimately excited about. Tons of fan art out there, great organic word of mouth on a game that came out of nowhere and was shadow dropped.

Ripe for a sequel, instead Microsoft shutters the whole studio.

Worth mentioning that it is a headliner on Humble Bundle this month along with Like a Dragon. It's base version is also on sale on PSN.


Gold Member
for years I have read or heard (even from xbox bosses) that thanks to game pass it was possible to develop smaller products by smaller teams and now they are closing them all to focus on the established and big franchises. yikes

Yup. "GamePass allows smaller indie developers to thrive." Until we take them out back and shoot them.


Gold Member
If this is the direction they’re going then those at Arkane Lyon, Ninja Theory, and Undead Labs probably need to keep their resumes updated.
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