Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda


It's actually kind of funny, because what really happened was they agreed to fund them, but then instead stole all of the talent (including one of the founders) leaving a bunch of people with no jobs.
I don't know how anyone could possibly get Sony saving all the good talent out of a mismanaged studio (which was not their business, btw) that was having general issues in shipping a AAA title as a bad thing.
Sony was 100% responsible fot its closure.
You're trying way too hard.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
It's actually kind of funny, because what really happened was they agreed to fund them, but then instead stole all of the talent (including one of the founders) leaving a bunch of people with no jobs. Sony was 100% responsible fot its closure. But by all means, Sony is definately free of all sin, pure as the white snow.

My guy, you're frothing, also : Sony too®


If all all this shitstorm just makes you continue thinking in this tribalistic way and your only retort is Sony too ® I don't know what to tell you, you're beyond hope.

Keep the corporate boot licking alive I suppose...
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Why would you want to play Hi Fi Rush when you can play “digital costume collector for my virtual Barbie doll, featuring licensed skins from Amazon TV shows” in Call of Duty instead?


An Absolute Desaster
It’s just messed up. Microsoft just made a huge profit, but close some of its studios. I can understand the reason for closing the Arkane studio, seeing the disappointment Redfall was, but Tango Workshop is just sad and is another victim of not satisfying sales expectations although putting out great games.

Makes me wonder if Shinji Mikami really left because it was his plan for a long time or if he anticipated this….


voted poster of the decade by bots
Your first response to this news was #SonyToo and here you are 7 hours later still #SonyToo


I'm only replying to other people's weak attempts at defending what actually happened with Deviation vs a happy spin.

SonyToo is just your recycled "humor" the face of anything that might come close to not towing the company line here.


voted poster of the decade by bots
I don't know how anyone could possibly get Sony saving all the good talent out of a mismanaged studio (which was not their business, btw) that was having general issues in shipping a AAA title as a bad thing.

You're trying way too hard.

Wait, so it's ok to rip talent out of a studio for Sony, but it's not ok for ms? Your really just proving my point. But I will give in soon, no amount of logic or reason will see past your ms hate. I'm not even trying.......its just obvious the hypocracy.


voted poster of the decade by bots
My guy, you're frothing, also : Sony too®


If all all this shitstorm just makes you continue thinking in this tribalistic way and your only retort is Sony too ® I don't know what to tell you, you're beyond hope.

Keep the corporate boot licking alive I suppose...

Well no point I suppose, 20 to 1 posts against ms here at gaf, par for the course. It's why most ms supporters are gone elsewhere, and this thread is alone sided. And for the record, one can be a ms supporter and still like other systems, just not here. I suppose it's time to move on.
this dudes usually have some good insight

yeah...i dont think there is a single mentally sound individual defending/spinning what just happened. There are people trying to blame the industry tho. Of course that's a stupid read; this is solely on Xbox shitty strategy.

I said many times that xbox is fuuuucked ( ZehDon ZehDon :messenger_beaming:). But after listening to that podcast. which ( Jigsaah Jigsaah should take a listen)...The situation is beyond fucked. At this point, people just need to pray they don't fuck up CoD.
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A corporation with a DEI policy is still a corporation. Microsoft is not communist....

And if the Ghostwire belly flop was caused by a mistranslation in the English version, shouldn't the game have sold noticeably better in the non English countries?
Not to get off topic and down too big a political rabbit hole, but yes Microsoft are communist, what we're being pushed towards is a China model of society, Microsoft are supporting this agenda 100%, there's no profit to be made from something like DEI, it's purely a political flex, an excuse to have commissars and control narratives and oust "wrong thinkers"

It's ironic, but the Chinese model of communism allows a lot of political power for big business and their cronies in government, it's why they want it, all the benefits of capitalism with the benefit of a government that gets to control free speech and send political enemies to re-education camps, it's a win-win for elites and a lose-lose for the little guy.

This is why Xbox sucks now, this is all downstream from a corporation who the last thing on their agenda is you having fun.

Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
Well no point I suppose, 20 to 1 posts against ms here at gaf, par for the course. It's why most ms supporters are gone elsewhere, and this thread is alone sided. And for the record, one can be a ms supporter and still like other systems, just not here. I suppose it's time to move on.

Again, like fucking clockwork.

It's ALWAYS about the "boo hoo, people are mean towards MS", it's a fucking persecution complex at this point and the most pathetic thing is, you don't even get it.
What the fuck does it mean "MS supporters have gone elsewhere" - what, you need some backup for the warz® ?
Hasn't this friggin' company done enough shit just these past 3 years ? What's there to defend ? Why are you acting like people are in the wrong here ?

Unless we're in bizarro world, all the shit that's happening right now is actually real and not some behind the scene grand-scheme plotted by evil Sony and/or Nintendo, yes ?

Fucking unbelievable, some of you take shilling to new heights 😁
Not to get off topic and down too big a political rabbit hole, but yes Microsoft are communist, what we're being pushed towards is a China model of society, Microsoft are supporting this agenda 100%, there's no profit to be made from something like DEI, it's purely a political flex, an excuse to have commissars and control narratives and oust "wrong thinkers"

It's ironic, but the Chinese model of communism allows a lot of political power for big business and their cronies in government, it's why they want it, all the benefits of capitalism with the benefit of a government that gets to control free speech and send political enemies to re-education camps, it's a win-win for elites and a lose-lose for the little guy.

This is why Xbox sucks now, this is all downstream from a corporation who the last thing on their agenda is you having fun.
Happy Cracking Up GIF by MOODMAN


Maybe Phil should have taken all that money and instead of buying new studios like a drunken sailor on shore leave and shit, he should have invested and built up the studios he had first. Hindsight is a bitch, ain't it?
If something you build fails its your fault.. if something you bought fails is their fault ... no hindsight ... smart business


Weeb Underling
Just remember, people here CHAMPIONED Microsoft buying these companies and many more. They said this kind of stuff wouldn't happen and MS would be the savior of game development.
This is the key.

Had Microsoft never bought Bethesda, honest analysis would have led one to presume that Arkane and Tango were the weakest of the major links at the company and headed for reduction or closure with more underperformances/flops.

Microsoft buying them was never going to help, particularly with Gamepass in tow, but people pretended it would. Microsoft swore that it would. "Gamepass is why we can do games like Hi-Fi Rush!!" was always bullshit, and now people can see it.


MS is just derailing and instead of selling the studios they want the IPs in limbo just in case they someday want to give it to another of its studios if by that day they have anyone left.
So, it means that the company that has been mismanaging its internal studios and intellectual properties since at least 2010, and doesn't seem to have learned anything or improved its management, ended up buying new studios and managing them so poorly that it had to even close one that basically made its only good exclusive in 2023. And I'm supposed to act like I'm surprised? I said it at the time and I'll say it again: For a moment, I feared the possibility of Microsoft's monopoly, but they mismanage their studios and games so badly that they themselves will do the FTC's job and shrink their own size.

You can expect COD to face the same problems in a few years.


So, it means that the company that has been mismanaging its internal studios and intellectual properties since at least 2010, and doesn't seem to have learned anything or improved its management, ended up buying new studios and managing them so poorly that it had to even close one that basically made its only good exclusive in 2023. And I'm supposed to act like I'm surprised? I said it at the time and I'll say it again: For a moment, I feared the possibility of Microsoft's monopoly, but they mismanage their studios and games so badly that they themselves will do the FTC's job and shrink their own size.

You can expect COD to face the same problems in a few years.
Yeah, COD is screwed! I saw this coming a mike away. Soon it will be as irrelevant as Halo.


The faux outrage here for Arcane Austin is laughable. Many of you weirdos insisted that the devs of Redfall have worse things done to them than a layoff for the state of the game when it shipped. We've been clowning on MS about thier quality control for years. Maybe this is their way of doing so- albeit extreme. Maybe this means everyones on notice and unless quality improves across the board, these sort of things are expected. (insert meme of beatings will continue until morale improves meme lol)

They've had a year since release to make the game some what better and at this point a year later, there's barely anyone playing the game to make it worth it. Redfall going offline does nothing to improve or bring sales/profit. Sucks as hell for the people who bought the DLC packs and stuff but a the end of the day, its business and the people at Arcane Austin were just not good for it. The management there should have been shipped off ages ago clearly, but at this point nobody's making this lemon of a game any better, regardless of the people working there.

I don't agree with Tango being shut down, but it could also just be having a studio presence in a country where literally nobody plays your games or console isn't even worth it. Maybe Tango couldn't afford to buy themselves out and this was the only other option. The IP is still there for use, and who knows maybe another studio will make a better sequel. Maybe MS wasnt happy when the main dude from the studio left.

Not sure why many are blaming gamepass as its the reason for the closures.

If anything when a game comes on gamepass, devs/companies get paid for that to happen. Devs/Companies make money for games to get put on gamepass. If anything as a consumer this is great for me, because i dont have to spend 100 bucks (Canadian here) and then be shit out of luck when the game is ass. If anything, if the game is good, and i know it isnt a first party game, i'll want to play it and will buy it so i wont lose the abiility to play when and if the games goes off gamepass.

If anything the onus is on devs to make a good game so i'll want to play and support the game. This is better quality control for gamers anyways. If a game came out on game pass and was great- awesome, and if i like it enough- i'll buy it to support the dev. If the game is shit, then i dont have to shell out money. This has always been the case with games, if you made a shit game and nobody liked it, chances are the next game or sequel you make will be heavily scrutinized.
Thanks Phil for stopping by….


Writes a lot, says very little
Who would buy a closed studios?


Its not unusual for a studio that closed to have the team form a different team or get picked up by a different publisher or something. I mean, studio closed, MS didn't buy humans like slavery or something lol They are free to get other jobs is what I mean and hopefully those teams just form something better else where.

So maybe Capcom might pick up those Tango members or Sony if they want to do some Siren type thing.

Who knows.



I see the DramaPass just keeps pumping out lovely trash gems month after month.

It's a pity the games aren't held to the same high standards than the madness. 😄


Considering what Microsoft has done to most of it's developers, maybe this is a good thing. The good talent will find new jobs, maybe even start their own studios.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Let's not forget part of why this is happening, the industry backed the wrong side in the Woke vs unWoke divide, Woke gamers don't buy games as much as nonWoke gamers, real gamers don't like that shit, it makes people check out.

Starfield could have been a bigger hit if it hadn't been for the ugly NPCs you take one look and it leaves your wallet closed, in the case of Tango, Ghostwire was sunk by some dipshit translating a line as "all property is theft"

Kick the Woke douches OUT of this industry or face more closures and money lost, gamers don't like that shit, don't want these people here, this is not your audience.

The level of delusion here is insane.
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