Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, HiFi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda


The NPCs hurt the game more than they otherwise would have, the screenshot of the "all property is theft" sank Ghostwire.

It's everything to do with Woke, there's less money to go around, they're not making games people want because they're chasing after a phantom audience of people who don't play games.

Remember what was said almost a decade ago? "gamers don't have to be your audience, gamers are dead", that kind of thinking took too much hold at places like Microsoft, turns out gamers DO have to be your audience and we don't like the watered down feminist, DEI horseshit.

The industry is dying because it started to hate itself, it's been taken over by bad faith actors with an axe to grind and an agenda to push, people who say shit like "all property is theft"
Well firstly "all property is theft" doesn't have anything to do with DEI.

I highly doubt that the sales number of HFR were significantly affected by one mistranslated line in one of the stufios previous titles. If a perception of woke was to blame, then we wouldn’t be seeing games like Spiderman 2, TLoU2 and Horizon Forbidden West be so successful.
I'll say it again, bad faith carpetbaggers have infested this industry and are bleeding the life out of it.

Clean house, kick the shitheads out, bring back people with passion for games who actually like gamers, everything will get better from that.

Whatever issues with gamepass, the reason they're trying stuff like gamepass could be downstream from the issues that assholes have infested the industry making games no one wants.
Well firstly "all property is theft" doesn't have anything to do with DEI.

I highly doubt that the sales number of HFR were significantly affected by one mistranslated line in one of the stufios previous titles. If a perception of woke was to blame, then we wouldn’t be seeing games like Spiderman 2, TLoU2 and Horizon Forbidden West be so successful.
It's all the same commie bullshit, that line or DEI.

I never said that impacted HFR, but HFR might not even been enough to save them after the failure of Ghostwire, why did Ghostwire belly flop so badly? for the reason I stated.


Think the Activision Blizzard business culture is what Microsoft adopted and is moving to other studios ...basically all are becoming agent smit.
This Will be Microsoft on a few years

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voted poster of the decade by bots
The difference is that if you own a studio where things are going wrong, you can take action to fix them start them on a new project.

When WB cancelled the Damian Wayne game, WB Montreal did not get shut down. They got given a new project.

When Retro Studios went through nearly five years of failed projects, Nintendo didn't shut them down. They gave them Prime 4 and rebuilt.

Publishers cancel projects all the time, without closing the studios making them.

When Microsoft cancelled Scalebound, that didn't mean Platinum was closed. Because they could still pitch games to other publishers.

Tango would not have been allowed to pitch games to other publishers.

Whether a studio is independent or not, and who the owner is, has a huge impact on their future.

Your missing out on all of that, that in a bigger company like ms, you can take talent from a company like that and incorporate it into your other 30 teams. You don't have to keep it open. We really have no idea if this was a poor decision or a good one, without knowing everything that was going on in all of ms.


Your missing out on all of that, that in a bigger company like ms, you can take talent from a company like that and incorporate it into your other 30 teams. You don't have to keep it open. We really have no idea if this was a poor decision or a good one, without knowing everything that was going on in all of ms.

Ahah dude sure, keep dreaming and being so delusional.

Missing out on nothing, they will not retain shit and obviously the talent you are talking about will do their best to stay away from anything MS.


Tango is the only one that is confusing. The rest all make sense and I'm not sure why so many people are in here defending them. Clown on Redfall since release for being the terrible game it is, then pikachuface.jpg when that dev team gets canned.


Gold Member
This shit has blown up in Microsoft’s face. This is the straw that broke the camels back. Seeing hardcore Xbros everywhere throwing up their hands in defeat. There’s no more sugar coating this level of incompetence.

I’d say Xbox needs an emergency “future of Xbox” presentation but no one will trust a damn thing they say. Feels like we’ve reached the point of no return.


voted poster of the decade by bots
You're comparing an independent studio that happened to collaborate with Sony on a project that never was, to an internal department of Zenimax Asia, part of the Microsoft corporate umbrella.

Such a different outcome to what we were being told a year ago!

Surprised at how you're being so quick to consider this (as much of a reaching as it sounds), when this is MS we're talking about. BTW, the idea that less than 1.5 years is enough for them do decide that it all should be shut down instead of, you know, actually intervening into management to smooth out development, is extremely funny.

They didn't just "collaborate" they basically funded the whole thing.

So they blew some marketing bs, it obviously wasn't rosy.

As to ms intervening in a small company that they owned, sure, they could have done that. I'm sorry your all upset that ms didn't protect your pet company. Obviously they had some reasons not to do that.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Ahah dude sure, keep dreaming and being so delusional.

Missing out on nothing, they will not retain shit and obviously the talent you are talking about will do their best to stay away from anything MS.

Ok, in a shrinking video game market where every company is cutting people, your saying they just refuse jobs at ID or Activision, right. Ok, right, I'm the delusional one.


It's all the same commie bullshit, that line or DEI.

I never said that impacted HFR, but HFR might not even been enough to save them after the failure of Ghostwire, why did Ghostwire belly flop so badly? for the reason I stated.
A corporation with a DEI policy is still a corporation. Microsoft is not communist....

And if the Ghostwire belly flop was caused by a mistranslation in the English version, shouldn't the game have sold noticeably better in the non English countries?
The faux outrage here for Arcane Austin is laughable. Many of you weirdos insisted that the devs of Redfall have worse things done to them than a layoff for the state of the game when it shipped. We've been clowning on MS about thier quality control for years. Maybe this is their way of doing so- albeit extreme. Maybe this means everyones on notice and unless quality improves across the board, these sort of things are expected. (insert meme of beatings will continue until morale improves meme lol)

They've had a year since release to make the game some what better and at this point a year later, there's barely anyone playing the game to make it worth it. Redfall going offline does nothing to improve or bring sales/profit. Sucks as hell for the people who bought the DLC packs and stuff but a the end of the day, its business and the people at Arcane Austin were just not good for it. The management there should have been shipped off ages ago clearly, but at this point nobody's making this lemon of a game any better, regardless of the people working there.

I don't agree with Tango being shut down, but it could also just be having a studio presence in a country where literally nobody plays your games or console isn't even worth it. Maybe Tango couldn't afford to buy themselves out and this was the only other option. The IP is still there for use, and who knows maybe another studio will make a better sequel. Maybe MS wasnt happy when the main dude from the studio left.

Not sure why many are blaming gamepass as its the reason for the closures.

If anything when a game comes on gamepass, devs/companies get paid for that to happen. Devs/Companies make money for games to get put on gamepass. If anything as a consumer this is great for me, because i dont have to spend 100 bucks (Canadian here) and then be shit out of luck when the game is ass. If anything, if the game is good, and i know it isnt a first party game, i'll want to play it and will buy it so i wont lose the abiility to play when and if the games goes off gamepass.

If anything the onus is on devs to make a good game so i'll want to play and support the game. This is better quality control for gamers anyways. If a game came out on game pass and was great- awesome, and if i like it enough- i'll buy it to support the dev. If the game is shit, then i dont have to shell out money. This has always been the case with games, if you made a shit game and nobody liked it, chances are the next game or sequel you make will be heavily scrutinized.
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Your missing out on all of that, that in a bigger⁹ company like ms, you can take talent from a company like that and incorporate it into your other 30 teams. You don't have to keep it open. We really have no idea if this was a poor decision or a good one, without knowing everything that was going on in all of ms.
They are doing that for some people, but for a lot of others they are not being taken to different studios. They are losing their jobs.

It is certain possible to do a restructure where you keep all the talent. But that is not what is happening here.


Gold Member
The faux outrage here for Arcane Austin is laughable. Many of you weirdos insisted that the devs of Redfall have worse things done to them than a layoff for the state of the game when it shipped. We've been clowning on MS about thier quality control for years. Maybe this is their way of doing so- albeit extreme. Maybe this means everyones on notice and unless quality improves across the board, these sort of things are expected. (insert meme of beatings will continue until morale improves meme lol)

They've had a year since release to make the game some what better and at this point a year later, there's barely anyone playing the game to make it worth it. Redfall going offline does nothing to improve or bring sales/profit. Sucks as hell for the people who bought the DLC packs and stuff but a the end of the day, its business and the people at Arcane Austin were just not good for it. The management there should have been shipped off ages ago clearly, but at this point nobody's making this lemon of a game any better, regardless of the people working there.

I don't agree with Tango being shut down, but it could also just be having a studio presence in a country where literally nobody plays your games or console isn't even worth it. Maybe Tango couldn't afford to buy themselves out and this was the only other option. The IP is still there for use, and who knows maybe another studio will make a better sequel. Maybe MS wasnt happy when the main dude from the studio left.

Also, i dont agree with this Gamepass being bad for gamers shit. If anything when a game comes on gamepass, they get paid for that to happen. Devs/Companies make money for games to get put on gamepass. If anything as a consumer this is great for me, because i dont have to spend 100 bucks (Canadian here) and then be shit out of luck when the game is ass. If anything, if the game is good, and i know it isnt a first party game, i'll want to play it and will buy it so i wont lose the abiility to play when and if the games goes off gamepass.
If anything the onus is on devs to make a good game so i'll want to play and support the game. This is better quality control for gamers anyways. If a game came out on game pass and was great- awesome, and if i like it enough- i'll buy it to support the dev. If the game is shit, then i dont have to shell out money. This has always been the case with games, if you made a shit game and nobody liked it, chances are the next game or sequel you make will be heavily scrutnized.

Like clockwork.

clown grave GIF


Gold Member
Damn that sucks, 2 of the few MS studios I actually care about.
Tango felt like that breath of fresh air in a very western focused MS, specially with Hi Fi Rush being really praised all around.
And Akrane Austin might have stumbled with Redfall, but Prey was awesome so clearly there was a lot good talent at the studio.
Chill bro.

This is just them cleaning house and making room so they can have another stab at getting Nintendo.
you mean SEGA.

Damn that sucks, 2 of the few MS studios I actually care about.
Tango felt like that breath of fresh air in a very western focused MS, specially with Hi Fi Rush being really praised all around.
And Akrane Austin might have stumbled with Redfall, but Prey was awesome so clearly there was a lot good talent at the studio.

They should have pitched Prey 2 or something as their next game to have maybe staved off the studio closure.
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They didn't just "collaborate" they basically funded the whole thing.
The 'whole thing' as to what? The project? Yes, that's how publisher-developer collaborations work. The studio itself? Lol, sorry, that's not how it works.
Either way, the fact that you're still trying to push your narrative of Sony somehow being responsible of Deviation's closure is so damn funny.
So they blew some marketing bs, it obviously wasn't rosy.
Press releases are not marketing, what the fuck are you even talking about?
As to ms intervening in a small company that they owned, sure, they could have done that.
Glad we agree! Imagine if they actually managed their own fucking studios!
First party games are being ported to other platforms and now studios are getting closed and consolidated.

Timdog brought a PS5…..

Xbox is over and people just don’t want to admit it.

I wonder how many PS5 games they will show at this new showcase in June …..

Cracking Up Lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Not surprised. People don’t buy games anymore. Just the same old rehashed franchises. No point investing in studios like this, they are seen as a waste of money now.

You can be sad about tango, you can think hifi-rush was as dope as you want, at the end of the day…. No one bought the shit.

As a collective, gamers have themselves to blame. We buy the same 8 franchises over and over again. Everything else is sent to die.

We are not as willing to try new things as we think. And then you end up with corporations not willing to/not seeing the point of investing in small games that dont make any money.

Also.. Gamepass.


I saw this thread this morning and coudnt read until now... but I thought...After all the talk and warnings in both acquisition threads, after all the history of lying and over promising by Phil and co. ... I thought to myself... there is no way the shills will try to defend or spin this, after closing more studios, including Tango ? No way... they might not say anything but they will not defend xbox over this mess specially now knowing more definitely is coming...

And I was so wrong ... you shills have no shame ... its just sad.. you are sad. And the industry you pretend to like is worse because of you.

As soon as MS leaves the industry the better. No one who truly likes gaming will care.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
iD software could be shut down next…not saying I have any reason to think they would be except they’re owned by Microsoft


The closure of Tango is even more curious when you consider Japan (and maybe now Korea?) are propping up the enthusiasm of the core gamer while the West sorts its budget and politics shit out.

Massive mistake.

Rat Rage

Microsoft is such an amazing company,
Xbox is such an amazing gaming brand. Gamers™ all over the world are very pleased to have them as the third pillar of home console gaming. They know exactly what Gamers™ want and how to satisfy them.


Identifies as young
Not surprised. People don’t buy games anymore. Just the same old rehashed franchises. No point investing in studios like this, they are seen as a waste of money now.

You can be sad about tango, you can think hifi-rush was as dope as you want, at the end of the day…. No one bought the shit.

As a collective, gamers have themselves to blame. We buy the same 8 franchises over and over again. Everything else is sent to die.

We are not as willing to try new things as we think. And then you end up with corporations not willing to/not seeing the point of investing in small games that dont make any money.

Also.. Gamepass.

Good thing we ain't a collective. And gamers try new things all the time. Hell, just this year Palworld, Hellidivers 2 and Manor Lord came out of nowhere and did really well. Hades was successful enough there is a Hades 2. Vanillaware continues making their games. How are these games sent to die?

No....this is on Microsoft. Not gamers. Microsoft bought these studios just three years ago. Now they decided to weed out the small time shit. They want blockbusters. Makes no sense to blame gamers because a massive corporation isn't making enough money. That's just absurd.


voted poster of the decade by bots
The 'whole thing' as to what? The project? Yes, that's how publisher-developer collaborations work. The studio itself? Lol, sorry, that's not how it works.
Either way, the fact that you're still trying to push your narrative of Sony somehow being responsible of Deviation's closure is so damn funny.

Press releases are not marketing, what the fuck are you even talking about?

Glad we agree! Imagine if they actually managed their own fucking studios!

It's actually kind of funny, because what really happened was they agreed to fund them, but then instead stole all of the talent (including one of the founders) leaving a bunch of people with no jobs. Sony was 100% responsible fot its closure. But by all means, Sony is definately free of all sin, pure as the white snow.

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It's actually kind of funny, because what really happened was they agreed to fund them, but then instead stole all of the talent (including one of the founders) leaving a bunch of people with no jobs. Sony was 100% responsible fot its closure. But by all means, Sony is definately free of all sin, pure as the white snow.

Your first response to this news was #SonyToo and here you are 7 hours later still #SonyToo

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