screaming pride lady is at Bad MMA: Hawaii
Can't believe I'm going to watch this. Heel's enthusiasm always tricks me into it.
Oh shit, Miletich + Schiavello. Perfect.
Oh shit, Miletich + Schiavello. Perfect.
Why isn't a Penn brother on this card?
Why isn't a Penn brother on this card?
Still trying to catch his breath from ProElite 2.
Fact: the reason why Minowaman isn't fighting in the UFC again was to protect Brock Lesnar
What have I missed, chums?
Coming out to Zapp and Roger= automatically my favorite fighter
Which one?I refuse to believe Joe Silva is considering bringing in this jobber.
Which one?
You gotta replace Christian Morecraft somehowMartinez, guy with the tattoos. During his walk in Schiavello said his management was talking to Joe Silva.