Unconfirmed Member
Bad MMA = bad lamp. It's so bad no one even gives a shit to show it.
Bad MMA = bad lamp. It's so bad no one even gives a shit to show it.
Sara McMann is the truth.
Honey Bear is fun as hell so far.
A fucking fight gauge just somehow seems so fucking appropriate for fucking HDNet Fights.
Haha some douche tried to start a USA chant but no one else was joining
time to fap
Ya good luck with that here.Haha some douche tried to start a USA chant but no one else was joining
I think I vaguely recall Akano getting wrecked by Cyborg.
Akano actually weighed in a pound and a half under the designated weight limit, at 143.5 lbs. Cyborg’s first attempt at making weight: a miserable 152 lbs.
It’s really just best if we let Hitomi explain it. She recently gave an interview to MMAWeekly, in which she spilled it all, from her perspective.
Following the initial weigh-in, Cyborg was given until 8pm PST to make the designated weight limit (in this case, 146 lbs., since a 1 lb. differential is allowed in title fights). Akano’s manager, Shu Hirata, says the ream got a call at 6 pm that Santos was ready to weigh. Hirata retrieved the team from their hotel, and proceeded back to the weigh-ins via car to watch Cyborg make weight.
"When she stepped on the scale with a bikini, (Cyborg) clocked 150.1,” details Shu Hirata to, “then she says she wants to take everything off, At that moment the male commission guy got out of the room where the scale was, so the entire team for Akano left, and we decided who to send in to check it. For about 90 seconds or so there was only Cyborg, husband and wife there.”
"So the commission female staff came in, then we send Shannon Hooper, one of (Akano's) cornermen into the room, and they close the door and do the second weigh-in and she's buck naked,” Hirata says. “(Cyborg) clocked actually at 144 (pounds) at that time. Then I started complaining, how can a bikini weigh 6 pounds? But they claimed the bikini was wet, and a wet bikini would weigh 6 pounds."
I had to see it myself. Billy Mays is a big advocate of the “ShamWow!”, and he says that the thing holds up to ten times its’ weight in water. I personally ran my faucet on this thing for about ten seconds, carried it over to a scale dripping wet, and weighed the damn thing… it wouldn’t even register. So I weighed myself, both holding it, and not holding it. The differential between me holding a soaking wet ShamWow!, and me not?
1.4 pounds.
Akano’s team immediately (and wisely) called foul, rejecting any possibility that a wet bikini would weigh as much, and another weigh-in took place.
"I didn't buy that, so I made the commission re-calibrate the scale, and I left Hitomi, Megumi (Fuji), and Shannon Hooper in the room with her, and the commission female staff, and she took everything off, buck naked, and stepped on and it was still 150.1," Hirata revealed.
"I don't know how the 144 came in there, but obviously the whole strategy it seems like for the Chute Boxe team is they try to claim six pounds is the bikini. There's no way a bikini weighs six pounds, wet or not wet."
Again, Akano’s team gave Santos time to cut weight. She was given until the originally specified 8pm PST to melt the additional pounds off, in order for the fight to take place as agreed. However, the commission would not let Santos cut anymore weight, for safety and precautionary reasons, deeming that she’d already cut too much in such a short time span, and could no longer safely force herself to lose the weight.
You should have Googled the terms "Six-pound Bikini" and "Cyborg Santos is a cheating piece of shit" to be honest...
McMahon's got some booty. That's the only redeeming thing about this fight though.
Miesha has her beat.
omg@that Shane Carwin commercial. Jesus fuck. What the hell.
With K-1 now dead are we going to have change the term to "It's Showtime level striking"?
God damn It's Showtime 55 is FUCKING STACKED:
Main card
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout: Badr Hari vs. Gökhan Saki
It's Showtime Heavyweight Championship (+95kg) bout: Hesdy Gerges (c) vs. Daniel Ghiţă
70MAX bout: Murat Direkçi vs. Robin van Roosmalen
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout: Rico Verhoeven vs. Errol Zimmerman
70MAX bout: Harut Grigorian vs.Chris Ngimbi
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout: Michael Duut vs. Anderson "Braddock" Silva
Under card
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout: Melvin Manhoef vs. Tyrone
It's Showtime 73MAX Championship bout: Yohan Lidon (c) vs. L'houcine Ouzgni
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout: Ricardo van den Bos vs. Ben Edwards
70MAX bout: Andy Ristie vs. Hinata Watanabe
70MAX bout: Hafid el Boustati vs. Henri van Opstal
He caught something from Mir.
With K-1 now dead are we going to have change the term to "It's Showtime level striking"?
God damn It's Showtime 55 is FUCKING STACKED:
Main card
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout:Badr Hari vs. Gökhan Saki
It's Showtime Heavyweight Championship (+95kg) bout: Hesdy Gerges (c) vs. Daniel Ghiţă
70MAX bout: Murat Direkçi vs. Robin van Roosmalen
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout: Rico Verhoeven vs. Errol Zimmerman
70MAX bout: Harut Grigorian vs.Chris Ngimbi
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout: Michael Duut vs. Anderson "Braddock" Silva
Under card
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout: Melvin Manhoef vs. Tyrone *****
It's Showtime 73MAX Championship bout: Yohan Lidon (c) vs. L'houcine Ouzgni
Heavyweight (+95kg) bout: Ricardo van den Bos vs. Ben Edwards
70MAX bout: Andy Ristie vs. Hinata Watanabe
70MAX bout: Hafid el Boustati vs. Henri van Opstal
Yeah I remember being shocked when he beat Artur Kyshenko since Kyshenko himself looked amazing in that tournament and was having a resurgence from joining Mike's Gym.I cannot wait for this.
Robin van Roosmalen was amazing in their last tournament. He was a late replacement, was the biggest underdog on the books, and ran through everyone. It was awesome.
I will be impressed if Minowaman doesn't go to sleep in the next 15 minutes.