I think MS third party has become an expectation, so these rumors and announcements lack clout. Its when, rather than if - drip feeding doesn't build hype when we know its coming anyway.
If MS had come out about 18 months ago and just said "boom, we're going publishing and third party - here's a ton of game announcements on whatever platform you care to buy them on", it would have been a major impact in the news and probably led to big sales; especially of games that came after the announcement.
But this "just the tip" approach hasn't been satisfying for anyone. Xbox console fans sat with their asses clenched and gnawing their fingernails anytime there's an announcement because of what's going multi-plat next.
Meanwhile people on other platforms just shrug when something does come because "yeah, we know its coming, it's been coming for years... just get on with it". The MS game library isn't getting better with age and they're managing to squash what excitement they may have generated under a weight of expectation and tedium.
This is why I used to say that Microsoft needs to choose if they want to be in the gaming space.
Being a hardware maker means you can't really promote your 3P content on other platforms because you would be slowing adoption of your own.
Being a 3P player means that you have to be actually promoting your ports far and wide to get maximum ROI on your marketing spend. Not doing this dinky shit where you primarily promote for the the dying platform and expect people on other platforms (who are now vast majority of non-PC players btw) to find out about it through telepathy.
Take something like Doom the Dark Ages, great-looking game, available on all possible platforms day 1, but they're expecting PS players to tune into an Xbox-branded show broadcasted on an Xbox channel to know more about it? Insanity.
Most players are normies that don't follow the gaming news in psychotic detail like we do, a PS-only player will not even bother to check out an Xbox show, and vice-versa.
The two parts of Microsoft Gaming are clearly at odds with each other, and it's gonna create problems down the line because the ABK boost to their revenue numbers will soon be over, it's gonna become part of the baseline for YOY comparisons starting from next quarter, and we're gonna see whether the MS Gaming team has been sinking or swimming.