The crowd, fresh off their victory at the Battle of Bunkerville, gives Bundy a standing ovation. But he doesnt seem pleased. He reproaches the crowd for failing to follow the word of God to the letter which he says is being delivered through him. They failed, for example, to follow his instructions to tear down the toll booths at Lake Mead and disarm the Park Service.
"The message I gave to you all was a revelation that I received. And yet not one of you can seem to even quote it.
Cliven continues, sermon-like: "The records of our bible how long have they been kept? Thousands of years. Theyve been turned over generation after generation, buried, and all kinds of things happen to em. And yet, here, something I felt was inspired [by God] and yet we havent even carried it forth for even a couple of days. Shame on us. Smattering of clapping.
He goes on to explain that, although they managed to deter the BLM, they failed to do it "within one hour," as the revelation had prophesied. So when an hour passes, he decides to get in his bulldozer and march on the BLM himself. The dozer gets stuck in the mud and he receives another revelation.
It come to my mind real plain the good Lord said, Bundy, its not your job, its THEIR job. So we come back over here and heard that they had brought some cattle back. So I want you to understand, addressing the crowd, "This is not my job, its YOUR job.
"This morning, I said a prayer, and this is what I received. I heard a voice say, 'Sheriff Gillespie, your work is not done. Every sheriff across the United States, take the guns away from the United States bureaucrats. Lots of clapping for this.