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Nevada Rancher and Right Wing Hero Cliven Bundy Says Some Things About 'The Negro'

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I was listening to his radio show during the drive back and Hannity was playing old clips from Hurrican Katrina, and other famous disaster events. His implication is that he's really an American patriot, and its the federal government that is racist.

As one might say, Hannity was laying it on a bit thick. I think this whole Bundy ep scared the shit out of him because he know how bad he screwed up.

I don't think it did. I think he is simply playing it up so he isn't called a supporter of racists. I doubt he thinks he screwed up at all. Even if he continued to support Bundy, do you think he would lose any part of his audience? He might lose some advertisers but that's about it.
Oh wow, I completely forgot about good old Hal Turner.
Yeah Hannity loves to deny that but it's the truth.

I haven't followed this idiot or what he did. But did he really claim that the US is not a recognized nation?

If yes... WOW! How stupid can one person be? And this is on top of his 1814 thinking on slavery!
Rachel Maddow explains it really well.


I wish there was no racism, that we lived in a Star Trek era utopia
Star Trek is pretty fucking racist, they treat entire other species as if they're all the same! The Federation has segregated ships! Humans are in all the powerful positions! Non-humanoids are nowhere to be seen!

The strangest thing about that article is the vast list of comments below it with readers arguing that Bundy isn't racist. I do find this attitude to be really unbelievable. As someone who grew up in the rural south, I can't tell you how many times I heard people say, "I'm not racist. I just don't like n******."
They committed to their side, they can't back down now, that'd be giving in.
When I read something like this I always copy the quote and put it into a text to speech field online. It sound so much more ridiculous when you hear it back and then I'm not as mad.
I haven't followed this idiot or what he did. But did he really claim that the US is not a recognized nation?

If yes... WOW! How stupid can one person be? And this is on top of his 1814 thinking on slavery!

Cliven Bundy is a living fossil that the bureau of land managment dug up on a hunt for some mystical turtle that nobody really gives one fucking damn about. Basically a pork project that a bureaucrat in Washington DC drummed up over a martini and surf-n-turf to line somebody's pockets.
He was living all to himself on a piece of land that belonged to his daddy's daddy and his daddy's daddy before Columbus even put a foot on the Mayflower. The BLM came prodding along and just dusted him off. It was like digging up a piece of history. This guy should be brought to the nearest laboratory and studied. And people were genuinely surprised he held views like he did?

The first comment is great. It provides an excellent example about what the article talks about:
blake4freedom said:
25 Apr 2014 21:05
Guardian Pick
Its a shame no-one really understands what bundy is saying. do i think he should have said the word "negro", hell no! but he is an old man and they have a different mentality. what bundy is trying to say that at least back in the day of plantations and cotton picking the black family was stronger and kept together. Nowadays in new york more African Americans are aborted than born, African Americans have the highest amount of their race in prison etc. all under government programmes like "planned parenthood" which was started by Margret Sanger who's mission was to destroy African Americans. what the video above (posted from government funded media matters, look it up = state run media) doesn't show the second part of the 4 minute clip where bundy praises ethnic minorities for their hardworking spirit and kind attitudes. so please public just don't be so ignorant and look up the full story.

just a note to the letter of the article, you talk about George Zimmerman i see, he was never convicted therefore he is innocent by due process, yeah he could have been a nazi racist but the media frenzy makes no sense as white people are attacked by black people all the time, more than white man attacking black man (look it up). All i want is for everyone to live in peace you run your life, i run mine, anyone who tries to take your freedoms away for no reason whether it be because of the color of your skin, i will stand and fight with you until your freedom is returned,

oh wait, I'm the racist libertarian, i thought the left wing so educated ;)
He thinks he's the smart guy explaining things. Yet he posts a bunch of illogical and factually wrong stuff:
-In the day of plantations and cotton picking the black family was NOT stronger and NOT kept together. Are you really that ignorant?
-Highest amount of race in prison . . . OK, if we assume that is true . . . uh, isn't that still better than 100% in slavery?
-Margret Sanger did not try to destroy African Americans, she just promoted birth control. She then got mixed up with Eugenics people because they were among the few people to support her on easy access to birth control.
-Media matters is not government funded state media! Sheesh
-Bundy praising Mexican families does not magically wipe out what he said about African-Americans.

So yes, you are a racist and ignorant person.


-Highest amount of race in prison . . . OK, if we assume that is true . . . uh, isn't that still better than 100% in slavery?
I don't know, this would be an interesting thing to research. Was it easier to escape slavery than the modern prison cycle?

EDIT: This is not to say that slavery is necessarily a better condition than prison for those in it. Just a query on the relative ease of escaping either institution.


Cliven Bundy is a living fossil that the bureau of land managment dug up on a hunt for some mystical turtle that nobody really gives one fucking damn about. Basically a pork project that a bureaucrat in Washington DC drummed up over a martini and surf-n-turf to line somebody's pockets.

So it was all just a conspiracy to show old xenophobic racists in a bad light? Oh that's despicable.
I support getting some catch-poles and running him off to the Smithsonian like some angry velociraptor though.
I must be part of the few that finds his comments more ignorant than racist. The fact sound like the ramblings of an elderly white southerner - it's not the sort of thing that they would necessarily shock you. But the "slavery" to the welfare state narrative isn't exactly new. It was only last year that Martin Bashir had criticised Sarah Palin for invoking the term to refer to something other than literal slavery.
First Hal Turner and now Bundy, but he'll just shrug it off and lie like he always does.
Don't forget Hannity's favorite Fox News guest The Nuge
Ted Nugent said:
I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago communist raised communist educated communist nurtured subhuman mongrel like the ACORN community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America. I am heartbroken but I am not giving up.


I must be part of the few that finds his comments more ignorant than racist. The fact sound like the ramblings of an elderly white southerner - it's not the sort of thing that they would necessarily shock you. But the "slavery" to the welfare state narrative isn't exactly new. It was only last year that Martin Bashir had criticised Sarah Palin for invoking the term to refer to something other than literal slavery.

The problem is not that he is using the term to say black people are slave to the welfare system. The problem is he is saying wondering if this is worse than actual, literal slavery. Where people were dragged from there homes, put to work, beaten, raped, bred and killed. There is nothing legitimate about this comparison.

Further, I don't see how you're missing the racism in the suggestion that black people are useless porch monkeys because they haven't been taught to pick cotton (the only plausible talent for black people of course). These are not innocent, ignorant, ramblings of someone who happened to be raised in a different era -- nobody is complaining because he said "the negro". This isn't a case of choosing his words poorly


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Cliven Bundy is a living fossil that the bureau of land managment dug up on a hunt for some mystical turtle that nobody really gives one fucking damn about. Basically a pork project that a bureaucrat in Washington DC drummed up over a martini and surf-n-turf to line somebody's pockets.
He was living all to himself on a piece of land that belonged to his daddy's daddy and his daddy's daddy before Columbus even put a foot on the Mayflower. The BLM came prodding along and just dusted him off. It was like digging up a piece of history. This guy should be brought to the nearest laboratory and studied. And people were genuinely surprised he held views like he did?

Actually a breakdown of records, deeds and census data shows that his family didn't own that land before the fifties and further, he was an adult when the Civil Rights act was passed.


I must be part of the few that finds his comments more ignorant than racist. The fact sound like the ramblings of an elderly white southerner - it's not the sort of thing that they would necessarily shock you. But the "slavery" to the welfare state narrative isn't exactly new. It was only last year that Martin Bashir had criticised Sarah Palin for invoking the term to refer to something other than literal slavery.

I don't see that ignorance and racism are mutually exclusive. In practice it's difficult to have racism without ignorance.

This is a significantly more offensive idea than the "slavery to the welfare state" thing. Talk about the "liberal plantation" and whatnot is clearly metaphorical. It's offensive, but it's not outright saying that what Democrats do to black people is just as bad as what slave-owners did to black people. It's like when people make lazy comparisons to Hitler or the Holocaust over trivial crap - nobody interprets this as someone actually trying to communicate that someone is just as bad as Hitler, and it's offensive because nobody really thinks that and so it comes across as minimizing how bad Hitler was.

Bundy really does seem to think that slavery is better for black people than what they've got now. When someone is actually saying that the world would be a better place if black people were enslaved again, and that even black people would be better off than they are when left to their own devices, I hardly think calling that person "racist" is out of line. Really, what could be more racist?


Actually a breakdown of records, deeds and census data shows that his family didn't own that land before the fifties and further, he was an adult when the Civil Rights act was passed.

Just a further clarification -- they never owned that land. It was given to the United States as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Before that it belonged to Mexico. Nevada Constitution explicitly cedes all claims to the land


Junior Member
I would definitely pick prison over slavery. In slavery, I get killed and my wife is raped. My daughter would be raped. One of my boys is definitely killed. Hmm, tough choice.

It would be hard to come up with any modern scenario where slavery is a better outcome.


I must be part of the few that finds his comments more ignorant than racist. The fact sound like the ramblings of an elderly white southerner - it's not the sort of thing that they would necessarily shock you. But the "slavery" to the welfare state narrative isn't exactly new. It was only last year that Martin Bashir had criticised Sarah Palin for invoking the term to refer to something other than literal slavery.
So what exactly would he have to say for you to consider him a racist?
Does he need to be running around in a sheet calling people niggers?

Don't forget Hannity's favorite Fox News guest The Nuge
How could I forget about that shitbird. He's a long time friend of the show according to Hannity.
So what exactly would he have to say for you to consider him a racist?
Does he need to be running around in a sheet calling people niggers?

How could I forget about that shitbird. He's a long time friend of the show according to Hannity.

I was having a discussion with someone today about exactly this. It's really weird, right? This is seriously what people seem to believe. Using stereotypes about black americans to justify offensive rhetoric isn't racist. You have to have a burning cross on the lawn before some people are even willing to go there.

It's really upsetting.


Honestly, people who say shit like this deserve jail time. If holocaust denial is a crime in some countries, being a worthless ignorant redneck should probably be a crime as well. I hope this piece of shit dies a terribly painful death.


So what exactly would he have to say for you to consider him a racist?
Does he need to be running around in a sheet calling people niggers?

Easy now, let's not go calling the Klan racist. They're a legitimate organization of professionals who just wonder if we would all be better off with racial separation.

"We're not racists," Chambers told CNN Monday. "We just want to be with white people. If that's a crime, then I don't know. It's all right to be black and Latino and proud, but you can't be white and proud. I don't understand it."



From what I understand, as long as you say you're not a racist it is okay, even if you hold and spout a number of racist views.


speak truf to powah
Please make viral.

The media distorts information to the point of social division. This is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic, and maybe not so tactful Cliven Bundy. He's a cowboy and a helluva family man, not an orator. One thing he definitely isn't - a racist. I found his comments to not only be NOT racist, but his own view of his experiences. Who the heck are we to determine another man's perspective on the world around him?! Just because Picasso's view of the world was abstract, does it negate the fact that his art was genuine? Furthermore, if you take the time to do your own research, you'll find that his statements about some black Americans actually hold weight. He posed a hypothetical question. He said, "I wonder IF" ... Hell, I'm black and I often wonder about the same about the decline of the black family. Bottom line is that we are all slaves in this waning republic, no matter our skin color. Mr. Bundy could have used any racial demographic as an example: Native Americans on reservations, whites in trailer parks, etc. He noticed the crippling effects of receiving government "assistance" and the long term result of accepting handouts. It's not progress at all. I challenge Sean Hannity, Rand Paul, and others to read my comment and reconsider their position in this matter. Individual liberties are at stake here, yours and mine. THAT is the issue. Don't let the liberal media and ignoramuses like Glenn Beck and that weasel Harry Reid make you lose sight of the real issue here: The federal government is a burgeoning behemoth and a bully on a once constitutional playground.

I sincerely hope you real patriots out there who can see through the smoke.

Semper Fidelis



I must be part of the few that finds his comments more ignorant than racist. The fact sound like the ramblings of an elderly white southerner - it's not the sort of thing that they would necessarily shock you. But the "slavery" to the welfare state narrative isn't exactly new. It was only last year that Martin Bashir had criticised Sarah Palin for invoking the term to refer to something other than literal slavery.

...and he's racist.


Honestly, people who say shit like this deserve jail time. If holocaust denial is a crime in some countries, being a worthless ignorant redneck should probably be a crime as well. I hope this piece of shit dies a terribly painful death.

That's so Cliven.


Wtf is in black Rambos utility belt, is that C4?!

And lol at the continuing cognitive dissonance about government handouts from a guy who wants the government to give him free grazing rights.


Star Trek is pretty fucking racist, they treat entire other species as if they're all the same! The Federation has segregated ships! Humans are in all the powerful positions! Non-humanoids are nowhere to be seen!

That's not racism, though. These are different species and species can be superior/inferior to each other.

And all trek races are inferior to the glorious humans.


If that guy is actually in the Marines (he's wearing marpat, which is a Marine pattern), he's making a political statement in uniform, which is a UCMJ violation.


That's not racism, though. These are different species and species can be superior/inferior to each other.

And all trek races are inferior to the glorious humans.

They sure have some racist episodes though

If that guy is actually in the Marines (he's wearing marpat, which is a Marine pattern), he's making a political statement in uniform, which is a UCMJ violation.

pretty sure he is just some militia nut. I listened to his interview w/ Alex Jones and he describes himself as being a member of Bundy's personal security detail or something


I was having a discussion with someone today about exactly this. It's really weird, right? This is seriously what people seem to believe. Using stereotypes about black americans to justify offensive rhetoric isn't racist. You have to have a burning cross on the lawn before some people are even willing to go there.

It's really upsetting.
It is the same asinine defense used when the Duck Dynasty guy said the exact same thing as Bundy.
It is baffling that people think this way.
Easy now, let's not go calling the Klan racist. They're a legitimate organization of professionals who just wonder if we would all be better off with racial separation.


From what I understand, as long as you say you're not a racist it is okay, even if you hold and spout a number of racist views.
I still don't get why the Klan isn't considered a terrorist organization.

...and he's racist.
No he's not... he is from a different time, you need to respect his beliefs!


Don't let the liberal media and ignoramuses like Glenn Beck and that weasel Harry Reid make you lose sight of the real issue here: The federal government is a burgeoning behemoth and a bully on a once constitutional playground.

Wow. These people are so far to the right, it puts Glenn Beck on the left. Scary.

Thanks for the Maddow clip, I haven't been able to pay much attention to this stuff, but that caught me up pretty good and I'm nice and riled up. I love her, if you don't like Maddow, then you don't like truth.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I must be part of the few that finds his comments more ignorant than racist. The fact sound like the ramblings of an elderly white southerner - it's not the sort of thing that they would necessarily shock you. But the "slavery" to the welfare state narrative isn't exactly new. It was only last year that Martin Bashir had criticised Sarah Palin for invoking the term to refer to something other than literal slavery.

That narrative has always been founded on racism.
Actually a breakdown of records, deeds and census data shows that his family didn't own that land before the fifties and further, he was an adult when the Civil Rights act was passed.
Don't confuse the narrative. I have to say though that his recent social commentary has made a lot of conservatives rethink things.


Wow. These people are so far to the right, it puts Glenn Beck on the left. Scary.

Thanks for the Maddow clip, I haven't been able to pay much attention to this stuff, but that caught me up pretty good and I'm nice and riled up. I love her, if you don't like Maddow, then you don't like truth.

It's true. I hope Maddow keeps doing what she does for a long time. That clip is what I call real journalism.
White people can not see past token negro

I'm not racist as long as I have token

Well in the words of Dear White People

The number has raised to 2
My jaw was on the floor watching this! Oh... MY... GOD! If they send in Seal Team Six I'm not going to complain!

Is Fox News back peddling yet?
Fox News isn't back peddling it, they're just ignoring everything about it now. They're pretending it isn't happening, literally no discussion of it is now on Fox News

It’s dizzying and hot at the camp, and a very friendly man named Roy, wearing an Obama t-shirt with a joker smile painted on, hands me a cold bottle. He's from nearby Mesquite and has been a close friend and supporter of Bundy's these last few years. When I tell him I’m from New Mexico, the former cop says he has a very good buddy who used to work as a sheriff in my area.

“He got in a bit of trouble,” he chuckles. “He pulled over a carload of illegals one night, didn’t have room to haul ‘em all, so he put a chain around their neck and put a padlock through it, went to the next one, then he chained ‘em to a tree!”

He buckles with laughter as the story heats up. “Then he left ‘em and went to town to get his pickup to haul ‘em all back in. So, you might imagine, that didn’t play well — ha! You’re a young’un, but everything wasn’t against the law, way back when.”

He says it's now being proved that the BLM acted on orders from Troy and Harry Reid, who want to build a solar farm on the land — or a wind farm, he says. He recommends that I look up a Fox News segment that explains how the government is trying to put people out of work, “’Enemy of the State’, it’s called.”

The crowd, fresh off their victory at the Battle of Bunkerville, gives Bundy a standing ovation. But he doesn’t seem pleased. He reproaches the crowd for failing to follow the word of God – to the letter – which he says is being delivered through him. They failed, for example, to follow his instructions to tear down the toll booths at Lake Mead and disarm the Park Service.

"The message I gave to you all was a revelation that I received. And yet not one of you can seem to even quote it.”

Cliven continues, sermon-like: "The records of our bible — how long have they been kept? Thousands of years. They’ve been turned over generation after generation, buried, and all kinds of things happen to ‘em. And yet, here, something I felt was inspired [by God] and yet we haven’t even carried it forth for even a couple of days. Shame on us.” Smattering of clapping.

“It come to my mind real plain — the good Lord said, ‘Bundy, it’s not your job, it’s THEIR job.’ So we come back over here and heard that they had brought some cattle back. So I want you to understand,” addressing the crowd, "This is not my job, it’s YOUR job.

"This morning, I said a prayer, and this is what I received. I heard a voice say, 'Sheriff Gillespie, your work is not done. Every sheriff across the United States, take the guns away from the United States bureaucrats.’” Lots of clapping for this.

Steve, from Beaver, Utah, says it’s all down to regulation and changes that happened during Vietnam. “I want it to be like it was growing up in the fifties. I want it to be just like that — for [the kids]. Though it can’t be just like that, because they have the internet.”

"That's what's wrong: the Internet," agrees another.

"Google MKUltra,” he says cryptically, “Then you’ll find what I’m about.”


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