"@mattapuzzo: Buddy on @CNN: "If I can't say negro or slave or black boy without those people being offended, then Martin Luther King hasn't does his job""
Jeez, MLK jr. Do your job.
"@mattapuzzo: Buddy on @CNN: "If I can't say negro or slave or black boy without those people being offended, then Martin Luther King hasn't does his job""
Jeez, MLK jr. Do your job.
Jeez, MLK jr. Do your job.
"@mattapuzzo: Buddy on @CNN: "If I can't say negro or slave or black boy without those people being offended, then Martin Luther King hasn't does his job"
Jeez, MLK jr. Do your job.
Jeez, MLK jr. Do your job.
"Those people"
"MLK isn't doing his job"
I think we should lay off guys. He's clearly not racist.
Glad we could settle thatChris Cuomo: Are you a racist?
Cliven Bundy: No, I'm not a racist. But I did wonder that. Let me tell you something. I thought about this this morning quite a bit.
That Calf is dead BTW
I couldn't watch this from work but I just saw it at home on the replay. Fucking AMAZING.
Love Rachel.
CB: I thought about what Reverend Martin Luther King said. I thought about Rosa Park taking her seat at the front of the bus. Reverend Martin Luther King did not want her to take her seat in the front of the bus. That wasn't what he was talking about. He did not say go to the front of the bus and that's where your seat was. What Reverend King wanted was that she could sit anywhere in the bus and nobody would say anything about it. You and I can sit anywhere in the bus. That's what he wanted. That's what I want. I want her to be able to sit anywhere in the bus and I want to be able to sit by her any where in that bus. That's what he wanted. He didn't want this prejudice thing like the media tried to put on me yesterday. I'm not going to put up with that because that's not what he wanted. that's not what I want. I want to set by her anywhere on that bus and I want anybody to be able to do the same thing. That's what he was after, it's not a prejudice thing, but make us equal.
I took this boot off so I wouldn't put my foot in my mouth with the boot on. Let me see if I can say something. Maybe I sinned and maybe I need to ask forgiveness and maybe I don't know what I actually said. But you know when you talk about prejudice, we're talking about not being able to exercise what we think and our feelings. We're not freedom we don't have freedom to say what we want. If I call if I say 'negro' or 'black boy' or 'slave,' I'm If those people cannot take those kind of words and not be offensive, then Martin Luther King hasn't got his job done yet. They should be able to I should be able to say those things and they shouldn't offend anybody. I didn't mean to offend them.
Rachel Maddow went HAM on the right-wing press for not understanding the racial politics history behind the Rancher's "I don't believe in the Federal Government" views and thus being completely blind-sided by the fact that he was racist.
It should be pretty clear what he's doing here, or what he was told to do. Harry Reid got in some trouble a few years ago for saying Obama didn't use a "Negro dialect" and didn't receive much of any pushback from the media or democrats. The GOP has decided attacking Reid is an allegedly good way to build base momentum. The inevitable denouncements that occur now will spur Bundy, Fox, and republicans to point out no such outrage occurred on the left when Reid used the same word.
Nevermind that Bundy went overboard into blatant racial rhetoric; the problem isn't saying "Negro" it's what comes afterwards. If we had a decent media it would be very easy to step over this trap and simply ask Bundey supporters if they believe blacks are better off now than they were as slaves. Yes or no question.
I guarantee you Fox, right wing media, and certain GAF posters will bring up Reid today.
Rachel Maddow went HAM on the right-wing press for not understanding the racial politics history behind the Rancher's "I don't believe in the Federal Government" views and thus being completely blind-sided by the fact that he was racist.
tl;didn't watch: The origin of the movement he followed was from white southerners that wanted the Federal government troops out of the south so they could go back to treating black people poorly.
You missed my point, and my following posts. The initial outrage over Reid focused on him using the word negro. That word in of itself shouldn't be the issue, it should be what follows: dialect, specifically "negro dialect." Reid basically said Obama doesn't talk or act black, which is the problem. What does talking black, or acting black mean? If both are distasteful doesn't that mean talking and acting white is ideal/proper?...wait, what? I'm pretty sure the guy's just a racist jerk and is opening his mouth.
Listen, Political-GAF, the Other Side (no matter which one you belong to) generally doesn't send out memos to their radio, TV, etc. supporters on what to say. There's no conspiracy or hive mind at work. What DOES happen is that both groups have spin doctors who'll start sending people out to try and sway or change the discussion, both online and on shows (think MS' XBOne shenaningans on here, etc.)
However, I do want to comment on your mention Reid. You say the term "Negro" isn't a problem, but what comes afterwards. Are you saying that there wasn't anything wrong with Reid claiming that Obama only has a "Negro dialect" when he so chooses?
I'm not bring this up to attack Reid or defend this Bundy guy. I'm just surprised you're basically saying that being racist is okay as long as the person either meant it as a compliment or because they belong to the political party you like. Either one is outrageous.
Fox already did damage by legitimizing him. With respect to slavery, how many times has Fox hosted conservatives who make the same general argument about blacks being on the "liberal plantation," blacks being enslaved to an ideology, comparing the struggles of black conservatives to escaped slaves, etc. Sarah Palin has often argued the debt of the US government is like slavery for all citizens. This rhetoric isn't regulated to the fringe, it's on the right in multiple corners.
The problem now is that this has become a race issue, and will only make Bundy supporters even more mad. His cattle are going to be taken eventually, and there might be bloodshed. And those extremists who were getting incited daily by Fox have simply moved to Info Wars and fringe right wing sites that are now accusing Fox of bowing to the PC police. A showdown is inevitable.
Also Harry Reid needs to shut the fuck up. His comments seem like instigation and have no place in this. This should not be a political issue.
You missed my point, and my following posts. The initial outrage over Reid focused on him using the word negro. That word in of itself shouldn't be the issue, it should be what follows: dialect, specifically "negro dialect." Reid basically said Obama doesn't talk or act black, which is the problem. What does talking black, or acting black mean? If both are distasteful doesn't that mean talking and acting white is ideal/proper?
It's a long standing stereotype and was indeed ugly, as I have said before in this very thread. I don't care that Reid said negro. My problem is his stereotypes which are pretty ugly. Go hang around a trailer park in the south. Do those white people " talk white?"
Because the militia idiots aren't very discerning when it comes to picking a person to rally around.This man just might be senile. Which brings into question how a senile man was able to start a crazy ass movement.
This man just might be senile. Which brings into question how a senile man was able to start a crazy ass movement.
Why did this guy even start talking about black people? Seriously, what the hell do black people have to do with his cows or him owing taxes or whatever the hell else?
Why did this guy even start talking about black people? Seriously, what the hell do black people have to do with his cows or him owing taxes or whatever the hell else?
It's fascinating how the political ideology for one side in this country can come from one borderline (or completely) senile man AND have it appeal to millions of fucking people...
It's fascinating how the political ideology for one side in this country can come from one borderline (or completely) senile man AND have it appeal to millions of fucking people...
You missed my point, and my following posts. The initial outrage over Reid focused on him using the word negro. That word in of itself shouldn't be the issue, it should be what follows: dialect, specifically "negro dialect." Reid basically said Obama doesn't talk or act black, which is the problem. What does talking black, or acting black mean? If both are distasteful doesn't that mean talking and acting white is ideal/proper?
It's a long standing stereotype and was indeed ugly, as I have said before in this very thread. I don't care that Reid said negro. My problem is his stereotypes which are pretty ugly. Go hang around a trailer park in the south. Do those white people " talk white?"
Why did this guy even start talking about black people? Seriously, what the hell do black people have to do with his cows or him owing taxes or whatever the hell else?
It's telling that anyone on the right took up Bundy's "cause" in the first place. This is just a guy who's been herding his cattle on property that isn't his, but since the property in question belongs to the Federal Govt., well that's a cause establishment conservatives can get behind because the only thing they truly seem to believe in is tearing down our democracy and framing the govt. for all the woes of the nation, at the behest of their corporate financiers.
It's telling that anyone on the right took up Bundy's "cause" in the first place. This is just a guy who's been herding his cattle on property that isn't his, but since the property in question belongs to the Federal Govt., well that's a cause establishment conservatives can get behind because the only thing they truly seem to believe in is tearing down our democracy and framing the govt. for all the woes of the nation, at the behest of their corporate financiers.
So if you are a conservative talk radio host, for example, might you not look at Bundy through the prism of Ruby Ridge? In the beginning, it might have been easy to assume Bundy would also go out in a blaze of glory, becoming a sort of martyr. And in this scenario, it would have been important to have staked out a pro-Bundy position before the government turned him into a real folk hero.
Most nuts who don't believe in the Federal government at all (not the limited fed folks but the no fed folks) likely form those beliefs from reading white supremacy pamphlets. So his tax policy and racist policy is all part of a single political policy.
It's telling that anyone on the right took up Bundy's "cause" in the first place. This is just a guy who's been herding his cattle on property that isn't his, but since the property in question belongs to the Federal Govt., well that's a cause establishment conservatives can get behind because the only thing they truly seem to believe in is tearing down our democracy and framing the govt. for all the woes of the nation, at the behest of their corporate financiers.
The strangest thing about that article is the vast list of comments below it with readers arguing that Bundy isn't racist. I do find this attitude to be really unbelievable. As someone who grew up in the rural south, I can't tell you how many times I heard people say, "I'm not racist. I just don't like n******."This is from a Right Wing author. That's what their thinking is. Its really morbid
Because arguments for lower taxes and less federal interference in state affairs have been intrinsically linked with arguments for white supremacy in America for hundreds of years.Why did this guy even start talking about black people? Seriously, what the hell do black people have to do with his cows or him owing taxes or whatever the hell else?
I used to be huge into politics, and the outrage had little to do with the use of the word "Negro." It was the term "Negro Dialect" and calling him "Light skinned" as a compliment. It's the same reason Biden caught so much flak over saying Obama was "first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
I don't even understand why you brought it up in this thread. Yeah, there's going to be people who point out what Reid said before, now that he's criticizing the guy, but that's because people generally dislike hypocrites. A lot on the Right will pick it up because it's an easy way for one side to not have to think too deeply about their own side doing crappy things. ("BUT YOUR GUY DID IT TOO!") Both sides love to deflect negative attention this way.
My point, which you seemed to have missed (= P) is that neither party operates as a hive mind. You created the distraction by trying to premptively counter what you figured would be the Right's counter-attack.
Dude is insane. But his ramblings is the id of millions in this country. Hannity shouldn't be able to walk away from this man.
Because arguments for lower taxes and less federal interference in state affairs have been intrinsically linked with arguments for white supremacy in America for hundreds of years.